7 days for more powerful audio information products

When I look at the numbers for my own information products that get the most listeners, I am lucky to know how to get into Panel C of my website. Panel C is when you enter the back control panel of your website, and there is an icon called “Statistics”, and you can click on the statistics. It gives you all the statistics of how many people have clicked on a page.

It tells you how many unique visitors have come to your site. It tells you where your traffic is coming from, and then there is a top ten. It will classify your interviews by month, which are the ten most listened to interviews.

So, it’s really eye-opening. It’s exciting to come in and see what people are hearing. You can actually go to a section of that Panel C and you can click on this thing. It will show you, if you had 300 visitors to your site, you can see exactly the path someone has taken on your website.

They can get to the home page. They may listen to an interview with Ben Settle and you will be able to see his traffic patterns. This really gives you a good idea of ​​what your market is listening to on your website.

An interesting story, I just did an interview, it’s probably been two months. I did an interview with a lady named Elizabeth Hagen, and she is an expert in organization. She teaches women how to organize their life and how to get rid of clutter.

I was looking at the statistics in January 2009 and couldn’t believe the traffic. In that mp3 file from January, it was right, I can’t say that all these people listened to it, but the interview in mp3 had 4,304 views. They are many successes.

It is interesting that the second part is included in more than the first. Anyway, I called Elizabeth and said, “Elizabeth, did you mail to your list and promote that interview? The traffic on this interview is incredible.” She said no, and I will tell you that it is getting more and more difficult for me to determine where all these people are listening to this interview.

I’m still scratching my head with the Elizabeth Hagen interview. There is still a lot of traffic, but we don’t know where. The reason is that recently I have been taking my interviews, and we will talk more about this, I have all my interviews on iTunes. I have ten minute clips of all my interviews on YouTube. I have featured them on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many of the social networking sites.

You may have someone who took some of the content from an ezine article about the organizational interview and put it on their blog that has a large subscription base.

There is an interesting point in this. As long as you start posting your interviews and posting them on the internet, they will eventually go viral. If you do it right and provide good exciting and valuable content, these things will spread. So you will never know sometimes where all this traffic is coming from, but I do remember that apprenticeship interview I did with the gentleman. That was very popular.

I’m just looking here since Jan 2009, the organization interview was number one. An interview with Ben Settle was number two for January. There was one called The Obvious Expert with Elsom Eldridge, and this is how to publish a book and become the obvious expert. That was number three.

This was not that surprising. It was an interview I did with a LinkedIn expert. It was a training on how to use LinkedIn, which is a business social media site, and how to maximize that and get to know people and the network better. That was very popular in January.

These are just the top ten. Nick Gilbert, he’s the one hosting my web server. We did an interview about Internet safety. That was one of the most popular. Then there is one more. A guy named Mark Imperial, was into creating information products. That was also very popular.

It’s great. Once you have a website, and once you start doing interviews, you’ll be able to track what’s hot and what’s not, and you can use that to your advantage when you’re marketing.