Helpful tips on caring for older cats

Sooner or later, your beloved cat will begin to age and experience physical changes. This typically occurs between the ages of seven and ten. However, some are lucky enough to avoid major changes until about age 12. However, when the time finally comes, he will need to make some changes in the way he cares for his pet. Read on for helpful tips on caring for older cats.

Most owners take their cats to the vet for an annual exam. Older cats should be seen by the vet more often than younger ones, as the risk of problems has increased. It’s best to schedule a wellness exam every six months.

You’ll also need to change what you feed your senior cat a bit. Older people who become less active but still get the same number of calories are likely to be overweight. Obesity is particularly a problem for the elderly, so a vet-approved diet would definitely be necessary.

When caring for older cats, always make sure they always have access to fresh drinking water. Dehydration sets in more easily as cats get older. Your organs won’t respond very well to chronic dehydration either. The kidneys usually give older people the biggest problem, and frequent dehydration certainly won’t do these vital organs any good.

As with humans, arthritis becomes a problem for older cats. Once arthritis sets in, your cat won’t be as physically active as it used to be. Don’t be surprised if he stops climbing the stairs or jumping onto the windowsill. Arthritic cats may even have trouble getting into their litter boxes. If you notice that yours has a problem with this, you can accommodate it by buying a shorter box or even putting some stairs next to it.

Dental care is important for cats of all ages. For older cats, it becomes increasingly important. The risk of developing dental disease only increases with age. This disease can cause enough pain to prevent your cat from eating.

Your cat may also lose the energy to keep itself properly groomed. You don’t want him to develop a dry or excessively dirty coat. Mats can also become a problem if you have a long-haired breed. You can help your senior cat by brushing her yourself every day, or at least a few times a week.

The changes that occur in your senior cat are not just physical. He can also display mental issues like older humans. He may wander from time to time or even appear disoriented. Some cats become much more vocal and meow too much for their owners’ liking. When caring for older cats, also keep in mind that they may not respond well to changes. Try to keep everything in the home the same as they do best with family routines.

There are quite a few diseases that are common in older cats. Hypertension, kidney problems, hyperthyroidism, and diabetes mellitus are among some of the most common. The different types of cancer are also more common in older cats.

With the increased risk of these diseases, it’s important to closely monitor your cat for changes. If you notice something out of the ordinary, you may want to let a vet give their opinion on it. Hopefully tests done twice a year will catch any disease early, which will hopefully make treatment easier.