MySore University Result Nov – Dec 2021

MySore University Result Nov – Dec

MySore University, which is also referred to as MSU, was once known as University of Southern India. The reason for the name change was due to the large number of students from the smaller regions of India that were in attendance at the university. With this large influx of people and changing demographics, the focus turned to education as a way to broaden opportunities and attract a new pool of students to the university. Although, like most other universities, there are many subjects that are taught in any educational institution across the world, one would be hard-pressed to find that MySore University is different from its peers. There are two main reasons why the University of Southern India has garnered a reputation for its excellence in education.

mysore university result

In the past, the University of Southern India was able to maintain and gain a strong reputation due to the excellent results that its students achieved. This started a trend of positive feedback that continues to this day. This positive feedback gained from past students also resulted in the University being able to establish an academic center called the School of Engineering and Computer Science.

Another positive aspect of the School of Engineering and Computer Science at MySore University is the outstanding job placement assistance that it provides to its students who wish to pursue engineering as a career. This is a major factor in the overwhelming success rate of engineering students at MySore University. In fact, nearly all of the engineering students that start out at this university are placed in jobs within a year of their enrollment.

MySore University Result Nov – Dec 2021

Despite the positive reputation of the university, there are a few negative aspects that have been brought forth by the general public. These negative remarks are mostly a result of the failure of the university to hold up its end of the bargain. The first negative remark that many people brought up was the university’s failure to compete with the other top universities like University of Delhi and IIM Ahmadabad. Though this was not true to the extreme, the competition level was quite low and hence, the results of studies at MySore were below par.

Another major issue revolves around the fees that MySore University is charging its engineering students. Though MySore follows the recognized syllabus for engineering, yet the fees it charges are much higher than that of the other schools. Many of the fees that the university is charging are in excess of 600% of the rates that other colleges in West Bengal offer. This, however, does not reflect on the quality of education that one can expect at MySore. The fees at MySore result in a package deal for a student seeking admission into its faculty. This means that a person gets a full ride scholarship and a handsome salary while studying here.

Last but not least, the infrastructure of the engineering campus at MySore is below the international standards. Though the main campus lies near the Choanbaekshore National Park, the overall infrastructure is far from being what it needs to be. Though there are modern classrooms and laboratories, the parking lots are bare and there is no provision for a lab. Thus, the result of this entire affair is that people who want to pursue engineering from MySore University have to look elsewhere.