Top 10 Tips for Health and Fitness

The following ten tips should improve your health and fitness.

1. Get up early: The most important thing is to get up early in the morning. In the morning, the air is fresh and full of oxygen that enters the lungs and gives us energy. The workouts performed at that time are the most fruitful and favorable for muscle growth. The first thing we should do when we wake up is stretch and warm up. Next up is strength and aerobic exercises. No other work like shaving or cooking should be done without completing your workouts because energy levels at this time are at their peak and the same should be used in workouts.

2. Daily workouts: Select a training program that is suitable for you and do it daily for at least 25 minutes to an hour depending on your previous exercise record. If you have been living a sedentary life, 25 minutes is enough initially and in case you are not new to exercise, you can continue beyond 25 minutes. If you are a smoker, consult your doctor or start with due caution. Include aerobic exercises in your exercise program. Workouts made up of aerobic exercises provide lasting freshness to our face and body. After workouts, rest for 15 minutes and go take a shower.

3. Diets and Nutrition: Avoid dieting. You should eat as much as you want and you should not overeat any food. It is not a diet that causes obesity but the excess that is made when using that food. Eat a diet rich in protein as this is the best diet for muscle building. When starting the workouts, your muscle weight would increase but fat would decrease. So don’t be confused by weight fluctuations for the first few days. Drink fresh juices after workouts.

4. Keep your mind relaxed: Don’t worry about any embarrassing situation. Avoid the stress of your daily life problems. Stop thinking about any imaginary obstacle or failure that lies ahead.

5. Think well: Always be positive. Think positive and prevent negative thoughts from entering your mind. Don’t be afraid of being sick. Don’t be afraid of failure. Always think of your good health.

6. Good weekends: Enjoy the weekends with your loved ones. Take recreational outings and walks and do the pleasant things you like.

7. Try to rest in the afternoon for just a few minutes. It would give you energy to carry on with the remaining tasks of the day without any sign of exhaustion. Even a 10-minute light sleep would suffice for this purpose. If you can’t sleep, just rest with your eyes closed.

8. Stop smoking, avoid drugs and limit alcohol consumption. Smoking loses energy from your body without benefit and the smoker finds it difficult to perform aerobic and strength exercises. Fresh looks cannot be achieved with smoking workouts and continuous drug use. Health and fitness cannot be achieved without quitting smoking.

9. Correct posture: Always stand in the correct posture.

10. Take walks: If you work sitting down, walk around after meals, especially after dinner.

If you follow the simple tips above, you will find a noticeable change in your health and fitness within a few days.

The best tips to stay healthy this year

A simple and very effective way to improve your health is by changing your diet and not overeating. Studies have shown that people who generally consume fewer calories live longer. The way we eat also has an impact on our health. Eating in a hurry or “on the go” can lead to indigestion and heartburn. The following 5 tips can be used as a basic good start for your health.

1. Regular exercise: this has so many health benefits both physically and emotionally. People who exercise regularly have a lower risk of developing depression. If you are new to exercise, start by walking. Even a 20-minute walk a day will make you feel healthier. Exercise has the added benefits of keeping your heart muscles strong, helping you lose weight, keeping your cholesterol level low, and making you feel more energetic. Incorporating some form of weight-bearing exercise, such as weight training, will help you burn more calories and keep your bones and joints healthy. If you have not weight trained before, train under the supervision of a qualified personal trainer.

2. De-stress: Stress is one of the main culprits for poor health in the western world. With all the talk about recessions and a lack of job security, it’s no wonder we’re more stressed now than ever. Stress has been linked to numerous illnesses, including heart disease, insomnia, migraines, stomach ulcers, and depression. Stress can be managed in many ways. Some people find that exercise is a good stress reliever. Others may find that yoga, meditation, or just taking time out helps them de-stress. There are also certain herbal remedies that can help in the short term. Passiflora and Avena Sativa are two such herbs that can be taken twice a day for a month.

3. Diet: Eating the right foods in the right amounts is paramount in your quest for a healthy start. Let’s first look at the foods that should be eliminated or at least reduced. Red meat, fried foods, junk food, prepared foods, take-out meals, and processed foods will prevent you from reaching your health goals. Junk food, convenience foods, and take-out meals are generally always high in salt and saturated fat. Red meat and fried foods are linked to heart disease and high cholesterol levels.

You should also try to stay away from hydrogenated fats. They are present in fried foods, margarines, cookies and cakes. These fats are dangerous as they increase the risk of heart disease. Cutting back on coffee and alcohol can have a big impact on your energy levels. Excessive alcohol consumption is linked to a number of health conditions such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and weight-related conditions.

Foods that can give you energy and help your circulation include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and essential oils such as olive oil, flaxseed, fish oils, and coconut oil. Incorporating more vegetables and lentils into your diet will also help you lose some extra weight and will benefit your immune system.

Red meat and fat from fried foods and junk food also produce free radicals in our body. These free radicals have been linked to the cause of a number of diseases including diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer. Reducing the consumption of soft drinks is also essential in your new health plan. These drinks are full of sugar and regular intake can be detrimental to overall health. The sugar-free versions of these drinks are actually more harmful, as artificial sweeteners have been linked to a number of diseases including osteoporosis and digestive problems. Water has many health benefits. You should aim for 8 glasses a day (1-1.5 litres). It is important to remember that water is also present in fruit juices, salads, and certain fruits.

4. Health Supplements. You can easily include some health supplements as part of your daily routine to boost your immunity and overall health. The number one supplement that I would recommend is a good quality probiotic. This will provide you with essential good bacteria, which are required for a healthy digestive system. Probiotics also help support and boost the immune system. You can take the probiotics during the winter months to aid digestion and help fight winter bugs. Essential fatty acids from fish oils or flax seed oil are another food supplement that will help your overall health. These essential oils are necessary for a healthy cardiovascular system, brain function, and are great for reducing inflammation in the body. These fatty acids also help keep joints healthy. Antioxidants are necessary to “scavenge” free radicals that we are exposed to through diet, our environment, and pollution. Antioxidants come are available in many different forms. Some examples are vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, Acai berry, beta-carotene, alpha lipoic acid, and coenzyme Q10. This is by no means a complete list. Antioxidants are also available in certain foods such as berries and colored fruits and vegetables. These supplements must be taken in combination for maximum benefit. You can change the combinations from month to month.

5. Sleep. Good quality sleep is vital to your health. Lack of sleep is linked to many conditions, including anxiety, panic attacks, depression, headaches, and weight gain. Many people who have trouble sleeping find it difficult to switch off. This can be treated by including some type of exercise in your daily routine or by finding a “time out” before going to bed. Yoga and breathing exercises can also help you relax before bed. There are also some good herbal and homeopathic remedies that can be taken to help you get healthy and natural sleep. These remedies do not work in the same way as conventional sleeping pills. Homeopathic and herbal remedies work in harmony with the body to provide natural sleep. The following homeopathic remedies are commonly prescribed for insomnia: Coffea, Nux Vomica, Passiflora, and Cocculus. Herbal remedies used for sleep problems are: Valerian, Avena Sativa, Passiflora and Skullcap. Consult a qualified homeopath, herbalist or specialist homeopathic pharmacy about the specific remedies you may need. Other simple measures that will help you fall asleep are leaving a gap of at least 2 hours between eating and sleeping and avoiding caffeine in the afternoon.

Stationary bikes vs. Treadmills

You have decided that you want to exercise at home. There are hundreds of home cardio equipment available. The most popular are treadmills and stationary bikes. When deciding between the two, you should compare long-term sustainability, workout efficacy, and safety.

overcoming boredom

The biggest obstacle to a home exercise routine is sticking with it. You don’t have to drive to a gym, so your home exercise equipment is more convenient. The problem is that other distractions are just as convenient at home. The key is to make your routine fun. You want to look forward to your daily workout. You have to be realistic. Fiddling with the heart rate monitor or watching the calorie counter go up will only be fun the first few times you exercise.

or Treadmill vs. boredom

On a treadmill, you walk. Walking is not so much fun. You can walk at different speeds, but that’s not much more fun. If you get a treadmill that offers an incline, that keeps it a little more interesting. Walking uphill isn’t exactly fun, but it’s different. Present a challenge.

You can’t really read on a treadmill because you’re bouncing up and down. You can’t keep your eyes on the same sentence and usually end up with a headache. Basically the only fun thing to do on a treadmill is watch TV or movies. If you really like TV or movies and can put your treadmill in front of a TV, you can probably keep your treadmill workout from getting too boring. The problems consist of commercials, the noise coming from the machine, and again, the bouncing.

o Stationary bikes vs. boredom

Stationary bikes are unique in that many of them come programmed with various cycling routines. You simulate different rides that require you to run, ride uphill, and perform at different levels within a workout without having to keep pushing buttons and changing everything. You can even select random shows so you don’t know what’s coming up, which really keeps you on your toes. Some stationary bikes can even be connected to TVs and video games to allow you to interactively pedal through visual courses.

On upright stationary bikes, you run into some of the same problems as treadmills when it comes to reading. Recumbent bikes, however, allow you to keep your hands free to hold a book or magazine, video game controller, or phone. Multitasking during a stationary bike workout keeps it from getting boring and allows your workout to fit more easily into a busy schedule.

Beating boredom to successfully maintain a long-term exercise routine is much easier with an exercise bike than with a treadmill.

The caloric factor

In a study conducted by Nordic Track, healthy young people used various exercise machines and performed cardiovascular exercises. Although they felt they used the same intensity on all the machines, they burned the most calories on treadmills and ski machines.

On average, most people burn about 750 calories per hour on a treadmill. The same people are likely to burn around 550 calories per hour on a stationary bike. So it’s a no-brainer, right? You should get a treadmill because they burn more calories.

Well not exactly. He can’t get so caught up in which machine burns more calories. Many other factors must be taken into account. How likely are you to stick to a treadmill routine rather than a stationary bike routine?

Because stationary bikes are usually more fun than treadmills, you’re much more likely to stick with them for the long haul. This means that while you may burn more calories on a treadmill, you’re also more likely to stop using it altogether.

You may also find it difficult to use it long enough per training session to reap the full benefits. Most people find it easier to exercise for 20 minutes on a stationary bike than 20 minutes on a treadmill. You have to think about it. If you’re likely to only do 10 minutes on a treadmill but can easily do 20 minutes on a stationary bike, you’ll burn more calories per session on a stationary bike.

So by strictly sticking to the numbers, treadmills burn more calories. If you get bored easily or have tried and failed to stick to exercise routines in the past, you may want to consider burning fewer calories per hour in favor of a sustainable long-term stationary bike regimen.

your safety

The biggest difference between stationary bikes and treadmills is the overall safety for your body.

The first security case is the most basic. You can fall off a treadmill. However, it is very difficult to fall off a stationary bike. In fact, you would probably have to try to fall while riding an exercise bike. While you might be thinking that you would have to be pretty clumsy to fall while walking, it happens more than you think. People get involved watching television or to the rhythm of music. One wrong move and you can seriously insult yourself. It is also possible to spill water or sweat on the track of the treadmill, which can cause a safety hazard that you may not notice until after you slip.

Another safety hazard is injury from the activity itself. A treadmill puts some stress on the joints, especially the knees and ankles. Even if she invests in a treadmill with some degree of shock absorption, when she finally reaches a jogging or running point, she can place severe orthopedic stress on her body, even up to three times her body weight. People with existing conditions such as arthritis will sometimes find a treadmill painful due to this stress. Failure to do so can result in injury to healthy people and possible long-term damage over time.

Stationary bikes put much less stress on your joints. A properly positioned exercise bike supports your weight and still allows you to receive the benefits of a higher impact cardiovascular workout. Upright bikes can sometimes stress your back because of the way you have to bend over to reach the handlebars. However, recumbent stationary bikes can improve existing back pain by forcing proper posture and providing support while you exercise. On any exercise bike used correctly, the knees and ankles are not subjected to the same stress as on a treadmill.

The less stress you put on your joints, the less likely you are to sustain an injury during your workout. You are also less likely to feel pain afterward. Most importantly, a non-exercise related injury doesn’t always have to disrupt your exercise routine on a stationary bike. If you hurt your back or neck, you’ll find that the support of a recumbent exercise bike will prevent you from having to completely discontinue your exercise regimen. Let’s face it: if you have to stop, you’re less likely to start over.

An exercise bike is better for your health than a treadmill

As you can see, both home gym equipment have advantages. While the treadmill remains the most popular piece of home fitness equipment, an exercise bike is more likely to be used faithfully by most people. This means you’re more likely to have to dust off a treadmill until you get the garage sale sticker.

Here’s What You Should Know About Weight Loss and Fitness Training Sites

Weight loss, fitness, and healthy living are everyone’s concerns, and now more than ever, workout services are springing up daily online claiming to provide fitness and weight loss services through fitness websites. training and associated services.

Most of these training services are created by fitness experts to be easy to follow and ready for you to use to achieve weight loss, get in shape, and improve your athleticism in your chosen field of sport.

If a training program will help you shed fat from your body because it employs new advanced training methods that ensure complete stability that improves your strength, then it’s worth it, on the other hand, if all a training site does is show traditional training methods, so what is their value to you?

Therefore, you should be careful when choosing a workout site or program that will help you lose weight and stay fit, because there are many workout sites that will not help you achieve your goal, even when they claim they can.

Finally, depending on your need; Whether it is weight loss or sports fitness, keep in mind that it is you who will achieve your goal by religiously following a particular program. No matter how good a workout site or program is, if you don’t follow the instructions, you won’t achieve fitness weight loss. As the name implies, training means working through the different exercises that a program uses to help you lose weight or stay in shape.

Solo Female Travel in Latin America – Safety Tips for Women

A common question seen on many travel forums is “how safe is it to travel to X (one of the Latin American countries) as a solo female traveler?” It’s completely understandable why traveling to Latin America alone can seem like an intimidating prospect, especially if you’re a woman. However, women who have already been to this region of the world know that it is not necessary to post these types of questions. All Central and South American countries are generally safe to visit as a solo female traveler. However, there are some areas that pose a risk and should be avoided.

Many of the large cities in Latin America have areas that are not particularly desirable and you should stick to the main tourist or modern areas of these cities if you visit them. This includes all major cities in Central America (ie Belize City, Guatemala City, Managua, Mexico City, Panama City, San José, San Salvador, and Tegucigalpa). There are also certain parts of South American cities that should be avoided, such as Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and Sao Paulo in Brazil and Caracas in Venezuela. As with the big cities in Central America, stick to the touristy areas and you’ll be fine. You should also be careful when visiting particular areas of certain countries, such as Colombia and Venezuela. For example, it is not a good idea to wander through the border regions of Colombia or to travel to destinations that are obscure and off the beaten path. Although Colombia and Venezuela get a bad press, both are relatively safe to visit if you stick to the top tourist destinations listed in reputable travel guides. If somewhere is mentioned in a reputable guidebook, it’s almost certainly safe to visit.

This leads to an important point in the discussion. It is very easy to become paranoid when visiting certain countries and cities, but this is totally unjustified. Remember, it is best to avoid certain parts of these countries and cities, just as it is best to avoid certain parts of cities in Europe or North America. In fact, traveling through most of Latin America is much safer and more pleasant than traveling through many parts of Europe or North America. Furthermore, as Susan Griffith rightly points out in ‘Traveling Solo as a Woman in Asia’, “There is a pernicious mythology surrounding the solo female traveler, whether hitchhiking across Britain or traveling through South-East Asia. Many people instantly exaggerate the dangers and dwells on the vulnerability of a single woman. Often this damning response is just an excuse for her own shyness of spirit.” Don’t get paranoid: Latin American countries are no more dangerous than many other countries in the world, and you are actually more likely to encounter problems in some European countries or North American states.

Going back to the classic question seen on travel forums (ie how safe is it to travel to X as a solo female traveler), it is worth mentioning the responsibilities and skills of the individual. Security is inherently tied to knowledge and experience. Whenever you plan a trip to Latin America or anywhere else in the world, it is absolutely essential that you do your research. Try to get as much information as you can about the country or countries you want to visit. Travel guides like those produced by Lonely Planet and Footprint will help you decide which places you want to visit and which ones you want or should avoid. The Internet is also an invaluable source of information and there are many websites dedicated to the concerns of solo female travelers. We often hear people described as ‘wise’; if the definition were applied to travel rather than the urban environment, some travelers could easily be labeled “savvy travelers” (i.e., having the necessary acumen, experience, and resourcefulness to survive in a harsh, often dangerous foreign environment). ). The travel experience (particularly in the third world) goes a long way towards ensuring safety. This is because people with extensive travel experience assess risk more effectively and assess situations more successfully. So it’s fair to say that overall security depends in part on the qualifications (age, knowledge, and experience) of the person asking the question.

To a large extent, security is simply a case of being sensible and staying vigilant. For example, flaunting items like expensive cameras, jewelry, or cell phones is likely to attract opportunistic thieves. Similarly, putting your backpack on the luggage rack of a public bus instead of keeping it on your lap or by your feet is a problem. The key message here is don’t take unnecessary risks. You may feel like paddling late at Copacabana Beach (Rio de Janeiro), but any guidebook will tell you not to visit this area after dark. You may want to hit the bars and clubs in Quito, but leave your valuables at your hotel. You may want to get drunk at the nearest nightclub, but don’t try to walk back to your hotel late at night. It’s all a matter of common sense really.

The main problem for female solo travelers is the threat of sexual harassment from local men and even male travelers. While male travelers can be a problem at times, you should be aware of the cultural differences between Latin American men and those from your own country. Machismo attitudes are quite widespread among Latin American men and it is advisable to follow local practice and follow directions (ie how local women deal with prolonged eye contact, etc.) from local women if you do not want to be targeted. curiosity. . Appropriate dress and conduct will attract less unwanted attention from local men. It is a sad fact that many local men view western women as promiscuous. This impression is largely due to how some women dress. Acting drunk and a little wild will also create the kind of interest you’re trying to avoid. You need to balance your sense of adventure with an awareness of cultural differences. It is also important that you listen and trust your instincts. If you find yourself in a situation that makes you uncomfortable as a woman, you should follow your instincts and walk away.

Most of the countries in Latin America are well established in the ‘gringo way’, therefore there will always be opportunities to connect with other travelers. This will greatly reduce any discomfort you may have. This should not deter any woman from traveling solo, as it can be a rewarding and enriching experience. There is probably nothing more satisfying for a woman traveling alone than knowing that she forged her own path.

While there are certainly specific concerns for female travelers, the risks that exist shouldn’t stop you from hitting the road. There are thousands of female solo travelers currently exploring Latin America and you could be one of them.

Quick Weight Loss Methods: 7 Super Quick and Easy Weight Loss Tips

Weight loss isn’t always easy, but it is always possible, especially when you learn some of the quick weight loss methods used by personal trainers. Here are some tips that can really help you burn fat and tone his body to get the shape he really wants.

Here are seven super quick and easy tips for losing weight.

1. Don’t look at that scale for 7 days. Seriously, constantly weighing yourself is only going to put you off at first because the weight isn’t going to leave you for the first few hours. Do your first weigh-in at the end of the first week.

2. Start an exercise program that you can do every morning. By doing cardio for 15 minutes, your heart rate should be in the ideal target zone. Cardio is walking, running, jumping, anything that gets your heart rate up. After the first 15 minutes of cardio, your body will start burning FAT cells only for the next 60-90 minutes.

3. Lose weight fast by adding raw blueberries, grapefruit and apples to your diet. These are great fat burning foods, they taste wonderful and they are so good for you.

4. The best methods of rapid weight loss involve exercises. There are 2 types of exercise that you should do every day. These are cardiovascular and abdominal exercises. Both are good for you and great for your body.

5. Be sure to drink 8 to 12 ounces of water with each meal. Don’t save the water for last. The water will tell your tummy that it is full. You should always drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day.

6. Eliminate 2 things from your diet that are processed sugars and white bread.

7. For salads, use a dash of hot sauce for a nice dietary flavor. You can also sprinkle vinegar and celery seeds on a salad and enjoy a healthy treat for the body.

There are many diet programs and books that promise to show you quick methods to lose weight. Many of these are starvation or very low calorie diets. Others are restrictive diets that only allow you to eat a few foods and are hard to live with. These are not healthy for you. You need to eat frequent small meals and include some snacks. When you go long periods without eating, your body goes into starvation mode.

This is a genetic survival trait that is stronger in some people. Your body thinks it’s hungry. It doesn’t realize that the food is in the fridge and your body goes into a panic. It tries to help by immediately stockpiling all the food it can grab with its paws. So after 8 hours of a starvation diet, when you finally eat an apple, your body takes that apple and stores those calories in fat cells. Don’t blame your body, diet is to blame. Now you know why you gain weight easily while trying one of those starvation plans.

The good news is that you and I will be the last ones standing if a famine ever strikes. Those slender models of celery stalks will wilt and consume within the first 24 hours. My body is so good at storing food that I’ll probably gain weight on a desert island with nothing but a coconut and some grass to eat.

How To Lose Weight Fast – The Weight Loss Triangle

If you are reading this, chances are you are wondering how to lose weight fast. If you’re trying to achieve that goal, you need to understand the weight loss triangle. There are 3 aspects of weight loss that are intertwined and without focusing on all 3 you may not get the end results you want.

The fat loss triangle consists of psychology, nutrition, and exercise!

Some of the people who lose weight quickly are contestants on the reality show Biggest Loser. The main reason why they lose kilos so fast? These people put the weight loss triangle into action. I will use the biggest loser for the illustrations as I further describe the triangle.

The starting point in the triangle is the mindset. The psychology of weight reduction is something that is often overlooked. There are emotional factors that come into play when trying to achieve fat loss. Before you can start losing weight, you need to make sure your head is clear. You need to establish what mental triggers you may have for your excessive weight gain. You should also ensure that you are in a positive frame of mind. You must ensure that you believe deep within yourself that you are going to succeed in your endeavors. If you don’t, you may find yourself sabotaging yourself.

When you watch the Biggest Loser, you’ll see that along with the weight loss, the contestants undergo major emotional transformations. Their attitudes towards themselves change, and in fact, these people see themselves as skinny people. They change from a can’t do attitude to a can do attitude throughout the program. Sometimes they even repair relationships with their families, not initially realizing that these bad relationships add to their weight problems.

The second point of the triangle is diet. Without proper nutrition, losing weight quickly will be practically impossible. Part of the diet is knowing how to determine your body type in order to design a plan that suits you. You need to understand how many calories you should be eating each day, and then adjust your intake to reduce weight, making sure you don’t go too low and trigger the starvation response in your body. You need to better understand the mix of carbohydrates, proteins and fats that best suits your body to achieve rapid weight loss.

Contestants are taught this about the biggest loser from the first week. They meet with their trainers and nutritionists to ensure they are getting the correct total amount of calories for their bodies and the right mix of macronutrients.

The third point of the fat loss triangle is exercise. In addition to creating a calorie deficit through diet, the most necessary thing is to burn energy through physical exercise. Cardiovascular exercise will allow you to burn calories directly, while lifting resistance weights will help you build more lean body mass. Much more lean body mass means more muscle tissue to burn more energy. The combination of cardiovascular and resistance routines will give an optimal fat burning effect.

In The Biggest Loser you will discover that this is precisely what the coaches expect of the contestants. They get them on the treadmill, stationary bike and cross trainer or even running outside for their cardio workouts and then additionally have them lift weights and heavy lifting for their resistance training. Even the females do this. Women still need resistance exercise routines to build more lean body mass. Not huge muscles like a bodybuilder, but lean toned muscles like a model.

As you can see, the way to lose weight fast is to make sure that each point of the fat loss triangle is linked together to achieve optimal fat loss. A missing link can easily thwart your efforts to lose weight fast!

Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Review – Does It Work?

My search for an effective weight loss program began four months ago. I read review after review of various weight loss programs and none of them really satisfied me.

Eventually a friend of mine told me about the new Jillian Michaels show called Body Revolution. After reading a ton of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution reviews, I realized this might be the right program for me.

So I decided to try this program. It seemed that many of the people who used this system had great results, and besides, the host of the show is obviously a famous personal trainer.

What follows is my detailed review of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. I’ll discuss how it works (structure, diet plan, etc.), outline some pros and cons, and assess how successful it has been for me overall. By the end of my review, you should have a good idea of ​​whether this system is right for you.

What is Body Revolution?

Body Revolution is basically a complete three month weight loss program. Includes a 78-page diet guide, 15 workout DVDs, and (if purchased online) bonuses like resistance bands and Jillian’s club membership.

Like other popular programs like P90X, the program is divided into three phases. Each phase will challenge you in a different way so your results don’t stagnate throughout the program.

Also an integral part of the program is the nutrition guide. It gives you a strict guide on what to eat and how many calories to consume per day. It also has a number of recipes, so you can eat delicious meals according to the schedule.

So on paper the program sounds great, but how well did it work for me?

My Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Review: Did It Work For Me?

My first week on the show was really hard! I hadn’t been involved in serious physical activity since college, so embarking on something this strenuous certainly required some adjustments. However, I did like how Jillian outlined each move with clarity and ease, and she kept the workout fun and entertaining.

Although it was hard work keeping up with Body Revolution, it was nice to have a trainer like Jillian by my side.

Every day you cycle to a different part of your body. On the first day, you do an intense “front of the body” workout. On the last day of the week you do a full body workout, which exploits almost every muscle in your body.

But just when you start to master the movements after about a month, the program changes and you move on to the second phase. Although this change may be uncomfortable for some, it actually ensures that your results don’t stagnate. Consequently, the workouts in phase two are different from those in phase one.

Sticking to the diet was the next biggest challenge. The diet guide describes how many calories you should eat per day. And while you don’t have to keep track of every calorie, you do need to keep up with the servings outlined in the dietary guide.

Since it is a weight loss program, you will need to eat at a calorie deficit. This means that you will feel a little hungrier than usual. However, the recipes for some of the meals are so nutrient-dense that feeling hungry won’t be much of a problem once you get used to the program.

My Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Results

I managed to stick with the program for three full months. I only missed a handful of workouts and (almost) followed the nutrition guide perfectly. By the time I finished, I had lost about 20 pounds and looked in pretty good shape. I still have work to do (maybe another three months of the program?), but so far I’m delighted with my results.

Program Weaknesses

Although I found the program to be very successful in helping me lose weight, it did not help build or tone muscle like I thought it would. This is a bit of a contrast to their marketing campaigns, suggesting that it will help you tone your muscles and make you look ripped.

From my experience, this is not the case. If you’re looking to build muscle, you’ll want to look elsewhere.

Is this program right for you?

In the end, I would highly recommend this program to anyone looking to lose weight fast. Enter both nutrition and and the fitness aspects of weight loss, making it a very comprehensive program. If you follow the program to the letter, you will start to see very promising results.

Lose Weight With Clubbells – Ancient Exercise Tool For Everlasting Fat Loss Results

It seems that with each passing day a new method of fat loss is discovered. But there’s very little that’s really new under the sun. And many of these new fat-loss solutions are nothing more than clever packaging at best, or sheer snake oil salesmanship at worst.

But there are simple tools that have endured for centuries and work just as well today as they did generations ago. Fortunately, these ancient tools are making a comeback as people search for simple and elegant solutions to their fitness needs.

The Clubbell stands head and shoulders above the rest of these simple tools for its versatility and effectiveness. Over the centuries, the humble club has been a ubiquitous means of self-preservation, warfare, and then fitness.

For anyone looking to lose fat, as a stand alone training tool the Clubbell is second to none. Optimal fat loss requires several elements that are subject to an order of importance.


The first requirement for losing fat is, of course, proper nutrition. That’s beyond the scope of this discussion, but suffice it to say that eating a diet that promotes muscle maintenance while tapping into fat stores for energy is a prerequisite. And here’s a hint, anything our prehistoric ancestors used to hunt with their clubs or pull out of the ground would probably be a good place to start.

preserve muscle

Aside from knocking the game down, Clubbells can’t help you with your nutrition. But once you get into the other pieces of the fat loss hierarchy, the Clubbell comes into play. The most important exercise consideration for fat loss is the preservation of lean mass. This is what will allow you to use the energy released from fat as fuel. If you lose lean mass while dieting, you greatly reduce your chances of success.

There are many Clubbell exercises of a “grinding” nature that are perfect for building or maintaining muscle on a fat loss diet. Good options are the Clubbell Flag Press and the Clubbell Barbarian Squat. A YouTube search will return results for both examples. I recommend sets that are 45-75 seconds long for optimal muscle growth potential. Choose four to five exercises that cover your entire body and major movement patterns and do them for 2-3 sets. Do this workout three times a week.

Fuel the Fat Burning Fires

The next rung in our fat loss hierarchy will be high intensity energy system work. Some people call this interval training, others metabolic conditioning. The important thing is to perform high intensity work intervals in the range of 8-10 on a scale of 10 for Rate of Perceived Exertion (this concept is from the Circular Force Training system). Performing such an all-out workout for periods of between 30 seconds and four minutes, taking rest periods of between 10 and 90 seconds, will kick your metabolism into high gear for up to 72 hours post-workout. This type of training can also suppress hunger, which is always a plus when it comes to losing fat.

Putting exercises like the Clubbell Swipe and the Clubbell Clockwork Squat into a circuit will help you reach this high level of intensity. Again, a YouTube search will direct you to demos of these two exercises.

burn extra calories

And last in our hierarchy of fat-loss training priorities, important only if we’re implementing the other two, will be longer, more consistent training, sometimes referred to as cardiovascular or aerobic training. A long time ago, I stopped running. Not only is it hard on the body, but it can get very tedious after a while. But I don’t have to give up cardio. I can get a great steady state workout using my Clubbells.

By doing a one-arm exercise and switching from one arm to the other at regular intervals, I’m able to keep my heart rate up and my fat-burning machines fueled without running into muscle failure. Good options for this are the Clubbell Swing and the Clubbell Mill. Again, a YouTube search should pay off.

A tool for the times

Surprisingly, this simple tool can provide a full spectrum of fat loss benefits. No wonder it has endured through the centuries. And in these uncertain economic times, versatile tools that can replace expensive gym memberships are especially appealing. So if you’re looking to lose some fat, the Clubbell may be the perfect tool for your efforts.

Oh my feet hurt! 8 Tips for Trade Show Exhibitors

Oh my feet hurt!

Concrete. slabs. cheap carpet. Walking, walking. Standing,

state. Talking, talking. Walking, standing, talking – and

walking a little more.

We have become a comfortable people. we don’t walk miles

per day on hard surfaces. We don’t stand for hours in a

relatively confined space. And we get cranky when we’re

required to do so.

Not only do we sulk on the inside, but we show it on the inside.

outside. Our shoulders drop. Our smiles turn forced or

disappear. We started making snide little comments – “Wow,

this is a long show.” Or “I feel like I’ve been here forever.”

We sit on the edge of tables, lean our elbows on the counters, or

just sit down, forcing visitors to lean in to talk to us. Us

it seems boring and people who can stop to talk to us just walk by

by. Who wants to deal with grumpy people?

Trade shows are hard work. And they are harder with you

feet. Here are some tips to make the show more enjoyable,

whether you’re at the booth or walking the aisles.

1. Remember that “your feet are your friends”, so simple foot

care is a priority before subjecting them to long periods of

stress. Get a pedicure. Protect any wounds you may have.

2. Wear comfortable shoes. Not old ugly comfortable shoes.

Nice polished professional comfortable shoes. never new

shoes. Make sure your stockings or stockings fit correctly on the

shoes: lumps and bumps rub blisters.

3. Your shoes must be appropriate to your outfit. you alone

He looks fun in a business suit and big white running shoes.

Note: You will often go directly from one trade show to

seminars or receptions, so plan outfits that can be worn to

a prolonged period.

4. Never ever take off your shoes in the cabin. Tacky, tacky.

5. Women and Men – bring a minimum of 3 pairs of shoes

different heel heights that are comfortable for you. Spent

inside the elevators. Change your shoes at least twice a day.

6. It is important to maintain an upright posture – shoulders

straight, head up. When we are tired, we have a tendency to

snuggle up, letting our heads and shoulders droop. the simple

solution? Bend your knees slightly, that throws your spine

realigns and rebalances your posture.

7. If you have a recent or recurring injury, do not take the

chance to do more damage. Use a cane or wheelchair. Yew

use a wheelchair, add a flag that sticks to the top of the

eye height. I’ve seen too many near misses between

wheelchair and the flow of traffic in the corridors. people walking in the

aisles face up or forward, not below the shoulder


8. When it gets too much, when your dogs are

really barking, here is my favorite remedy. just before

bedtime, soak your feet in warm water. Rinse in cold water.

Massage your feet, ankles and calves with Ben-Gay, Tiger

Balm or other similar product. Put on a pair of old socks that

you’re going to shoot the next day. sleep and you will have

feet refreshed for another day of walking, standing and

talk – and walk some more.