The benefits of staying in a motel

We’ve all heard about all the bad publicity motels are getting these days. In addition to complaints that they are dirty, sometimes smelly, and often infested with pests, guest safety has always been a concern. With some motel rooms being turned into methamphetamine labs and highly publicized incidents of break-ins, robberies and other criminal activity in motel rooms in various parts of the country, travelers are often apprehensive when faced with the prospect of checking into a motel. .

However, these incidents, while true, do not reflect the general condition of staying in a motel. Primarily produced by suspense thrillers and Hollywood horror movies, these urban legends are mostly just that, urban legends, and they don’t really outweigh the perks of staying in a motel. Below are some of the benefits of choosing a motel over any other accommodation while on vacation:

Motel room rates are generally cheaper compared to hotel room rates. If you are a budget traveler and all you need for accommodation is a place to sleep, then motels are the perfect place for you. You can stretch your money for other worthwhile activities while you’re on vacation.

Motels are smaller, more comfortable establishments. With smaller rooms compared to hotels, they are generally quieter places to stay. And since the guests are fewer, the staff can provide more personalized service to each guest.

A motel is generally very affordable compared to hotels where you have to enter a lobby, walk down endless corridors, and ride an elevator before you can finally get to your room. Some motel rooms even open up to your own garage, allowing you to easily access and search for your vehicle from your bedroom window.

While you can’t find expensive shampoos and other “fancy” things, most motels have a coffee and tea maker and a refrigerator, which you are welcome to use during your stay. This allows you to save on food expenses during the holidays.

While not all motels allow pets in the house, most do. This allows you to bring your pet-friend along on your vacation.

With all these benefits, there’s no reason you should think twice about staying in a motel on vacation. As long as you are careful and select the right motel, you can enjoy all the benefits mentioned above without all the drawbacks.

Krav Maga Instructor – Which one will you choose?

When looking for a Krav Maga (KM) instructor, who should you listen to? Moni Azik with Commando Krav Maga or David Kahn with Israel Krav Maga? Or should you follow the Krav Maga style of Alain Cohen or Darren Levine?

Each is a master in this field, but each has a different method of instruction. Let’s take a closer look at the best instructors so you can decide which one is right for you.

1.) Moni Azik with Commando KM is undoubtedly one of the most famous experts. He has a very polished website and has been featured on the Discovery Channel, History Channel, Fox News and a host of nationally syndicated magazines.

Commando Krav Maga (CKM) is unique in that it provides training via traveling classes in most major American cities, as well as locations in Canada and Europe. These bootcamps are for certified instructors as well as the general public. You can even schedule some private lessons with Moni Azik the day before or after one of her CKM boot camps.

2.) Another expert and instructor is David Kahn with Israel KM, a school in New Jersey. David Kahn trained with Grandmaster Haim Gidon, who is the highest ranked KM black belt ever promoted by founder Imi Lichtenfeld. It has been said that “David is quite possibly the most connected to honest Israeli special ops guys out of anyone in North America.”

David Kahn has written one of the essential books for the method called Krav Maga: An Essential Guide to the Renowned Method – For Fitness and Self Defense.

3.) There is also Alain Cohen, who heads the KM Federation. His specialty is security and escort. He is a security consultant for large companies and has written several books, including Krav Maga Israeli Defense System.

Alain Cohen also has a DVD course and seminar that travels across the United States.

4.) Darren Levine is probably the best known instructor in the United States and has a center in Los Angeles, California. He has one of the largest studios in the world called KM Worldwide Training Center. He also has the world’s largest reality-based self-defense organization with over 240 chartered schools and claims to have trained over 500 law enforcement and government agencies.

Darren Levine is a prosecutor with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office and was awarded a Founder’s Diploma for Special Excellence in KM by Imi Lichtenfeld. Imi awarded this diploma to only 2 people in the world: Darren Levine and Eyal Yanilov. These diplomas were given to the people Imi wanted to be the future leaders in the field.

5.) Eyal Yanilov of the International KM Federation is another Master and holds the unique “Founder’s Diploma of Excellence” which was awarded to only one other instructor, Darren Levine.

Offering one of the first classes for American citizens, Eyal Yanilov has been running instructor courses around the world, under the auspices of the Israel Ministry of Education and the International Krav Maga Federation (IKMF). Eyal Yanilov is the key force in spreading the method throughout the world.

Hopefully, you can now identify the main players in the Israeli self-defense method. Each expert has their own personal style of instruction, and each instructor appeals to a different demographic.

Whichever you choose to follow, please note that Krav Maga is a “no holds barred” method of real world self defense on the street.

How can lawyers defend criminals?

The most common question I am faced with as a Washington State criminal defense attorney is: “How do you defend criminals?” This question is generally based on two assumptions: 1. the defendant is obviously guilty; and 2. by defending him, you are trying to let this obviously guilty person get away with it. As you will see, these assumptions turn out to be incorrect.

arrest does not equal guilt

It is tempting to think that a Defendant must be guilty because the police arrested him for something. However, the law has a very different standard for judging when an arrest is valid and when a conviction is required.

A valid arrest requires probable cause. This term is defined in different ways, but generally exists when the facts and circumstances known to the arresting officer are reliable enough to cause a reasonable person to believe that a crime has been committed. If you think about that definition for a while, it becomes apparent that it’s actually a very low standard; and should be

The rule is designed to ensure that there is some evidence before an arrest is made, but balance the requirements of how strong that evidence is with the speed of decision required to catch criminals.

Here’s an example: A woman tells the police that a man stole her bag. The police question the man and he denies knowing anything about the bag. Finally, the wallet cannot be located. Under Probable Cause, there would be enough to warrant the man’s arrest since the woman said she stole his bag. Do we know if she did it or not? No. Should we let the judicial system determine if the man is guilty or not? Of course!

Knowing that an arrest simply starts the judicial process, officers often err in making an arrest in a close decision; as they should. Even the instructions read to jurors emphasize the point, stating that the fact that the defendant has been arrested has no bearing on whether or not he or she is guilty of the crime of which he or she is charged.

Beyond a reasonable doubt

We’ve all heard it on TV, but the standard in a criminal case is “Beyond a reasonable doubt.” But what does that mean? The term “reasonable doubt” can be defined differently, but generally it is:

One for which there is a reason and can come from evidence or lack of evidence. It is a doubt such as would exist in the mind of a reasonable person after fully, fairly, and carefully considering all the evidence or lack of evidence.

If we needed to convince a police officer beyond a reasonable doubt before he could arrest someone, all the “bad guys” would get away before the officer concluded his investigation.

What do you do if someone is guilty?

If someone is guilty, there is nothing a lawyer can do about it. keep that in mind

A jury is made up of normal people. No matter how skilled the lawyer is, if the defendant is obviously guilty, the jury will convict. In this case, the attorney’s job is two-part: finding out what charges the defendant is actually guilty of, and making sure the sentence is rational.


People are often accused of more, that is, accused of more than the state can prove. An example of this is when someone is charged with driving under the influence (DUI) and reckless driving. Very few DUI cases also meet the standards required for reckless driving. In this case, if the defendant is guilty of DUI but is not reckless, a good criminal defense attorney should be able to get the reckless driving charge dismissed even if the defendant is ultimately convicted of DUI.

rational judgment

Once a defendant is found guilty, the court’s next job is to impose sentence. The lawyer’s job becomes to make sure that the sentence is appropriate for the crime charged and the criminal history of the defendant. As a general rule, the more criminal convictions someone has, the more severely they will be sentenced for any new charges. Sometimes, however, the prosecution will seek to punish someone with little or no history in the same way that they would a career criminal. By sentencing first-time criminals and professional criminals alike, we do not reward people who have basically lived a good life or sufficiently punish those who choose a life of crime.

What to do if the State cannot prove the charge?

There are two main categories of cases where the prosecution fails to prove its case, either at the outset or at trial.

at first

There are often times when the prosecution simply does not have any proof that the defendant is guilty of a crime. In this case, you can file a Motion to Dismiss and ask a judge to review the evidence to see if a dismissal is required. This motion may require witnesses to appear and testify or it may be based on the police reports themselves.

at trial

If the prosecution has evidence that someone is guilty, that is not the end of the matter. How strong is that evidence? Are the witnesses credible? Do they have a grudge against the defendant? The heart of our judicial system is trial by jury. A trial is literally the first time someone hears ALL the evidence. Evidence can be stressful, but in a closed case it can be a life saver.

Technicalities and the Law

I often hear people say that a defendant got away due to some technicality. There are no “technicalities” in the Law, there is only The Law. Should it apply to everyone or should we allow the government to be immune from law enforcement? If the police violate the law, the remedy can range from the suppression of evidence to the dismissal of the case altogether.

The judicial system is our best attempt to create a process that is fair. However, like any system, it is only as good as the people who work on it. Defending people accused of crimes is not about “helping them get away with murder” but about ensuring that everyone is treated fairly. At The Cahoon Law Office, we still focus on one client at a time and ensure that all of our clients’ legal defenses and rights are utilized and protected.

Copyright (c) 2007 – The Law Office of Cahoon – All Rights Reserved.

Stop domain name hijacking and domain name theft

Domain hijacking, or domain theft, occurs when a person improperly changes a domain name registration without the permission of the original registrant. A domain can be hijacked for various reasons: to generate money through click traffic, to resell it to the right owner or a third party, to add value to an existing business, for malicious reasons, or to gain publicity.

The costs of domain hijacking are significant. According to Symantec, a security software company, in 2012, the economy lost $400 billion as a result of domain hijacking incidents and related crimes. A variety of domain names have been hijacked in recent years, including US Marines, The New York Times, Twitter, Google, The Huffington Post,, and Craigslist.

Once a domain is hijacked, it’s hard to get it back. If you suspect your domain has been hijacked, contact the company you registered the domain with immediately. To the extent that the registrar can confirm that your domain has been hijacked, the registrar should work to help you transfer the domain name to you. However, it is rare to recover damages suffered during the period in which the domain was improperly in the hands of a third party.

There are few alternative actions if the registrar does not or cannot act. Both ICANN litigation and proceedings can be costly and time consuming. Neither option can adequately protect your online business and reputation during the procedure. In some cases, it may be cheaper to just create a new website and register a new domain.

Due to the risks associated with domain hijacking, it is important that companies take steps to make any hijacking attempts more difficult. First, make sure that the registrar you register your domain with is reputable. There are hundreds of registrars, so it’s important to do your research. You can also consolidate all of your domain names with one registrar, simplifying your ability to monitor all of your domains.

Second, make sure your contact information is up to date. Registrars tend to use email as their primary means of communication and to reset their account passwords. If that email expires for some reason, someone else can change your domain registration more easily. Consider using an administrative email, so you don’t have to update your email every time the person responsible for the domain name changes.

Third, secure your usernames and passwords. As with other passwords, make your password hard to guess. Limit access to only those who absolutely need it.

Fourth, consider using the Whois Privacy Service, which makes your contact information private. However, this option may have drawbacks. For example, it may be difficult to prove that you are the real registrant of the domain if this feature is enabled. It can also cause additional delays if you have to use legal process to recover a hijacked domain.

Fifth, monitor your domain for unauthorized changes. Be sure to regularly check your information and contact your registrar if you find anything unusual.

Sixth, consider a registrar lock. Many registrars offer the ability to lock a domain, which prevents a third party from transferring, modifying, or deleting the domain.

Finally, be sure to carefully monitor the expiration of your domain name registrations. Once a domain has expired, someone else can easily register it. In fact, some people use automated programs that allow them to monitor expired domains, buy them, and then try to sell them back to the original registrant or to third parties. For those domains that are critical, it is worth considering renewing registrations early and for longer periods of time.

Follow these simple steps now and help avoid the hassle and expense of trying to get your domain back in the future. If you need additional help with domain name hijacking or domain name theft, please visit our website for additional domain name recovery techniques and domain name litigation.

EFT, NLP and Success with the Law of Attraction

I’m sure you’ve all heard of the Law of Attraction, as it’s become rampant in the media and on top booksellers lists in recent years. After years of personally trying to master the Law of Attraction without success, I finally realized what was going wrong, and unsurprisingly, it was due to a number of factors.

It’s just not as simple as some sources would have you believe. It implies a synchronicity between the unconscious and conscious minds and also depends on whether there is congruence with your life journey so far; and where it is headed in the future. It also has to be realistic and achievable like all goals in life.

There is no use, for example, in wishing to attract something into our lives that simply does not match our life story or belief system. So if a person has a deep fear and aversion to hospitals and just isn’t comfortable with the smells, the sights and the idea of ​​relying 100% on allopathic medicine; then the desire for a job as a hospital receptionist will probably not materialize.

Why would a person want such a job? Perhaps due to geographic location (they may live within walking distance of the hospital), having close friends working there, the salary may be higher than other jobs in the area, etc. But in the back of their minds (their unconscious) will be the understanding that this is not the right type of job for them and that they will not ‘feel’ completely happy and content if they get it, so in all probability they will not do it. . .

The first and most important factor is that you must believe 100% that the Law of Attraction works, any doubt and you are doomed from the start.

The other important factor is that you must actively do whatever it takes to help the Law of Attraction work. There is no use relying solely on your thinking, you need to behave as if you have already achieved or reached the desired result. So, for example, if you’re looking for the perfect job, you need to make sure you have the necessary skills, qualifications, and experience to be offered it; otherwise, that job will never be yours.

The most important factor of all (and mentioned in the first paragraph) is that your unconscious mind must also believe that it is capable of attracting into your life what your conscious mind believes is possible. Since childhood, we have been conditioned to think about ourselves and our world in a way that our caregivers and peers have instilled in us. Beliefs such as ‘people like us have always underachieved, will always be poor, etc.’ they can be ingrained in our unconscious mind and reproduce over and over again every day in a way that keeps us humble and poor etc.

We need to find a way to break free of old patterns and find a congruence between our unconscious and conscious minds. How can we do this? There are many ways, but the two ways that are perhaps the easiest for most people (and don’t conflict with any religious beliefs) are Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

The first is a meridian therapy and works with the body’s energy system in a similar way to acupuncture (but without the needles). It involves gentle tapping or pressure on certain meridian points while verbalizing aspects of the problem to finally change and eliminate the problem.

The second NLP involves retraining our mind to perceive the world in a more positive and helpful way by changing certain neural pathways. NLP works by studying the structure of our subjectivity, i.e. how we ‘imagine’ things in our mind’s eye, where we place our ‘inner voices’, our feelings, etc., and then change them so that they become positively effective. for us. Our language structures are hardwired into our minds and are developed every day through persistent negative thoughts and expectations like “I will never succeed”, I know I won’t get promoted etc. NLP helps us to reprogram ourselves in the same way that we reprogram computers.

In other words, NLP works by getting us to do things on a neurological and subjective level, using all of our 5 senses and carefully manipulating and altering the relevant submodalities, in order to shift our neurological functioning to our advantage.

See my website

Children and Divorce: What to Consider When Deciding Your Family Time: Plan for Sharing and Parenting

In Florida we no longer use terms like “custody,” “visitation,” and “principally residing parent,” which suggest that a child is a contentious possession. These terms mislead parents into thinking that one parent may ultimately win and the other may lose their children.

It is critical that divorcing parents understand that only their marriage is ending. In fact, your family bond will last long after the legal divorce is completed. As the old adage goes, blood is thicker than water. And kids have a way of keeping people connected.

Every child needs and deserves two parents. Therefore, divorcing parents should avoid the illusion of winning/losing and instead focus on how they will spend time with their children and what each parent will be responsible for.

Here are ten things to consider before deciding on your family’s parenting and time-sharing plan.

1. Your family is unique. And your family is in the process of restructuring. Be open to a variety of possibilities. Allow yourself to see the big picture and focus on the needs of your children.

2. The time to work on feelings of betrayal and abandonment is not while you are making decisions related to spending time with your children. Put these problems aside and deal with them later.

3. Consider which parent is best able to assume, manage, and complete daily parenting responsibilities such as shopping, homework, sick trips to the doctor, routine checkups, playtime visits with friends, chauffeuring, daily hygiene, and discipline . However, just as important as a parent’s ability to meet parenting responsibilities is his or her commitment to (a) encourage the child’s relationship with the other parent, (b) consult with the other parent, and (c) support the other parent. Informed parent on all child-related issues such as report cards, illnesses, and extracurricular activities.

4. Consider your children’s connections to their communities and extended family members. Do all you can to keep these relationships consistent.

5. Your child’s primary residence and timeshare arrangements are not permanent. As your children mature, the arrangements you make should change to accommodate their lifestyles, needs, and desires.

6. Consider the distance between your homes and the children’s school(s). How will this affect morning and afternoon commutes, participation in school activities, playing with school friends after school?

7. What is the best way to set your schedules for consistency in bedtime, homework, bathroom, meals, activities, etc. of their children? during school hours?

8. In an ideal world, each parent would have some play time, some work time (carpool, homework, etc.), and some one-on-one time with each of their children.

9. Children should be expected to follow the rules of the home they are in. Be consistent in your own house, with your own rules. If the other parent has different rules, that’s okay.

10. Babies and younger children may be better served by shorter times with each parent.

The African American Connection to the Black Dahlia

Race, skin color, with all its complex layers of dissent and entanglements, is embedded in the social fabric of America. For more than two centuries we have struggled between embracing him unscrupulously and condemning his inhumanity. We have used it for profit; ugly guilt of our misfortunes; they sacrificed each other for the right to enslave, and passed their prejudices from generation to generation. It is so ingrained in our spirit that the breed has become synonymous with the word “America.” Even now, at the dawn of the 21st century, we cannot let go of our racial ties.

This true story, One Day She’ll Darken, is not about America seen from the outside, but America from the inside, from the inside of a kid who saw things differently.

It begins in the early 1950s in San Francisco, before Fauna Hodel was born. The 16-year-old daughter of a prominent white California family became pregnant and insisted her father was “black.” Outraged by her daughter’s boldness and the stigma attached to a mixed-race child in their midst, the family quickly arranged for the baby to be adopted by someone so far removed from her social footprints that even the shadows vanished.

Jimmie Lee Stokes, a simple black maid working in a Nevada casino, and her common-law husband, Chris Greenwade, reluctantly agree to become the recipients of this new life as “all the arrangements have been made.” They fast travel to San Francisco to retrieve the baby from the hospital and discover that the unwanted mulatto girl is pinkish-white with blue eyes, not what they expected as the offspring of an African-American father and Caucasian mother. However, the birth certificate clearly states that the father is “black.”

Chris convinces Jimmie to accept this “angel of God”. She soon, however, is filled with resentment and overwhelmed by the problems of raising a white-skinned baby in her black community. Jimmie starts drinking heavily and her husband quickly leaves him. Alone, poor and black, she is forced to cheat to keep her baby. The black woman and her white son spend the next twenty years fighting extreme poverty, alcoholism, sexual abuse, pregnancy, marriage and death, all bound and bound by unrelenting prejudice.

The only world Fauna knew growing up was one she didn’t belong to. She was a white-skinned girl in a black world with only her birth certificate to confirm her authenticity. Racism on both sides dominated her life, but not her spirit. Her only salvation was finding out the truth about her mixed race from the only person who knew for sure: her birth mother, Tamar, the woman of her dreams.

Fauna set out to discover the story that created this strange life and the reason it was given away. The search for her ends abruptly with a phone call from Tamar informing Fauna that her real father was not “black” at all. Having spent her life defending her African-American roots, Fauna is traumatized. Her life has been a lie and now she needs to know why.

Her journey takes her from the Reno ebb to the island of Oahu, where she finally meets Tamar, who explains her decision to have her first child raised by blacks. “In my little world, I believed that black people were made of far superior stuff than the white people I knew. I was ashamed of being white.”

Dissatisfied with such a simple answer, Fauna investigates further. Tamar reveals the secrets of his rich, powerful and darkly mysterious family and a story so incredible it makes Fauna’s own story pale in comparison. She discovers that her grandfather was involved in a sensational incest trial that may have resulted in her own birth and the murder and maiming of numerous young women, including the now infamous case of The Black Dahlia.

Meanwhile, Jimmie’s health is failing; she cannot let Fauna go, neither because of her real mother, nor because of Fauna’s new husband. Forced to choose, Fauna returns to Jimmie. In the final hours, before the old woman dies, both discover that the ties that united them grew in their hearts and could not be undone by ignorance, prejudice or hatred.

One Day She’ll Darken is a story about conquering fanaticism with unconditional love: a love that knows no bounds, a love that knows no color.

thin and shady

Written by Eminem and produced by Dr. Dre and Mel Man, Real Slim Shady is a hip hop song written by Eminem for his second album, The Marshall Mathers. It was released as the lead single a week before the album’s release. This song was later released in 2005 on the greatest hits album Curtain Call: The Hits. The Real Slim Shady was Eminem’s first song to reach no. 1 on the UK Singles Chart and also peaked at no. 4 on the Billboard Hot 100, giving her her biggest hit to that point.

Well, it was one of my friends who started gossiping about the slimmest cell phones on the market. Soon everyone was starting to arrive. This was the moment I realized that obviously everyone wants to be a true slim shady. Certainly not those copulous conky gluttons feeding your body’s engine half a dozen times a day. Eating beyond the elastic limit of your belly is pure injustice and disobedience to Hook’s law. At first it may seem harmless but believe me it’s time to run ignominiously. You will often be a laughing stock. So remember my words, obey the Qur’an which asks you to eat in modest amounts that mitigate the sufferings of your body and soul.

You know that eating the right foods will keep your figure slim and elegant, but it’s also proven that consuming the right ingredients can also make your skin glow, hair shine, nails stronger and achieve a flawless body. Of course, the most important water for your health is the water that allows your kidneys to work better, which in turn helps your skin avoid a sallow and tired look. Fish and chicken have to be the main foods in your healthy diet. Both contain fatty acid compounds that help reduce inflammation in the body. These foods will help you with problems like puffy eyes, pronounced fine lines, and sagging skin. Fruits, especially berries and melons, are low in sugar and help to make the skin firm and smooth. Try to avoid foods that are high in sugar like pineapple and grapes. Looking for a fast weight loss diet plan that doesn’t include eating 300 calories with no flavor. diet? People believe that one has to drastically cut calories to lose weight. This is just an illusion. In fact, you need calories for your metabolism, anabolism, and metamorphosis to run smoothly. Keep reading and listening, you won’t believe how easy it is. There are some very effective diet plans to lose weight effectively online. So go ahead. But to my utter dismay, young people are taking refuge in diet pills and those organizations that guarantee a slim and sexy body in about a month. Beauty has become such a craving nowadays that people blindly consume those harmful pills and those organizations harbor a pack of stupid at any cost. According to doctors, these reputed institutes and pills are not at all safe and can become a harbinger of life-threatening complex diseases such as PCOD (Polycystic Ovarians), less fertile eggs, irregular ovulation, hypermenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, etc.

Obesity is another disease in most of the girls and young women due to the fact that this revolution and fashion of making a size zero has arisen. It is such a disease or a precursor to all other diseases that can be a terrible threat to humanity. The question that arises now is what does Obese mean? It is nothing like a taboo, but simply the accumulation of unsaturated fats (cholesterol) in various parts of the body which leads to various serious diseases such as PCOD, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and even congestive heart failure (stroke). . Therefore, obesity must be raised to the base as soon as possible and it must be controlled by consulting an appropriate dietician, practicing yoga, aerobics, and not starving but eating a healthy diet rich in fiber, protein and vitamins and avoiding la most beloved junk food (hamburgers, pizzas, carbonated drinks, etc.)

The fair sexes are generally more concerned with possessing a slim and shiny figure. You see slim, fit women who were once overweight. You will see the before and after of the success stories. So you know there is a way, but in a market full of gimmicks, how do you know who to trust? Have you ever seen what a fitness or figure competitor looks like? Understand, I’m not talking about a “figure model” like you’d see in a bikini catalog or a lingerie model on the runway or the latest SRK six pack (someone told me about a ten pack!) I wonder how a person looks like!) Sure many of them have very nice figures but only at first glance. Take a much closer look and analyze your body composition and metabolism and you will find that they are not in such great shape after all. Most of them aren’t really that athletic. Some of them are hideously skinny!

The world is surely getting thin and nano, from your i-pod through your mobile phone and finally to your laptop. Not forgetting your beloved plasma TV. To say candidly that there is a definite elite in being thin: a nice elite that invigorates vigor. For me, it’s stabilizing my moment of inertia. I hope you feel the same too… Write.

Examples of Law School Personal Statements: Why You Should Never Read Them

Okay, I understand that applying to law school can be a scary proposition and you’re looking for all the help you can get, and that’s why you’re scouring the internet and bookstores for sample law school personal statements.

Well stop.

You don’t need samples to show you how to write your law school personal statement. Each and every application you are completing tells you exactly what you need to know. The school has defined the rules, including the length of the law school personal statement, what topics to address, and often what topics to avoid.

But, many ask, shouldn’t I look at what others have done to give me an idea of ​​how to do it? While this is usually good advice, and is something I frequently do in my legal practice, I strongly believe that it is something to be avoided when dealing with the law school personal statement.

The main reason you should avoid reading personal statement samples from law school is that they all look the same, and you run the real risk of looking the same if you follow those samples. In every area of ​​life, the great reward goes to the outstanding people, not the good, or even the great. To stand out, you need to do things differently from everyone else.

The problem is, everyone is afraid they’ll ruin their law school application by not giving the admissions committee what they expect. This kind of thinking probably won’t hurt you, because 99% of the personal statements law schools review are exactly the same. However, such a thought will definitely not help you because you cannot stand out if you look like others.

Let’s face it, if you’re shooting for the moon and trying to get into a law school that won’t accept you based on your grades and LSAT scores alone, then turning in a bland personal statement isn’t going to do anything for you. You have to do something to set yourself apart, and the personal statement is one of the few areas where you have the opportunity to do that.

I’m not recommending you go crazy and violate the rules set by the school, but I do recommend that you use those rules as your boundaries and create something truly personal and different. By avoiding the same samples everyone else is reading, you have a better chance of falling for the sheep you’re competing with.

Your goal is to get into a good law school and it is my job to help you achieve that goal. One of the most important tips I can give you is to encourage yourself to stand out, so make that personal statement yours and not someone else’s.

This article may be freely reprinted or redistributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog, or website. The author’s name, bio, and website links must remain intact and must be included with each reproduction.

Patent Processing Outsourcing in India – Emerging Trends

Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO), a strong sector within the Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) space, is attracting international law firms outsourcing legal work to India. Within the LPO industry, there is patent outsourcing, which is catching up faster than the rest of the LPO jobs. While top US companies quote up to $15,000 to prepare and file a patent application, India-based companies deliver the same job for $2,500-3,500 in India. This allows companies to file additional patents within the same budgets.

India’s share of the outsourcing market has been exceptional in the past decade. Both overseas clients and Indian businessmen are constantly looking for new areas to provide professional and business support at reasonable costs with quick response. India’s share of the patent-related market is still in its infancy. In my opinion, it will take off soon, especially as India has a lot of lawyers and even more people in science and engineering streams. A marriage between them will surely support the patent market.

Patent outsourcing includes literature searches, prior art searches, technology and patentability evaluation, infringement, FTO, ideation, intellectual property valuation, patent proof reading, patent claim mapping, writing responses to objections US Examiners, Trademark Application Preparation/Filing/Processing, Infringement Studies, Other IP Litigation, IP Asset Management, Mining, and Patent Administration.

Dozens of Indian outsourcing service companies have sprung up in recent years and most of them are doing good business. These companies offer a variety of patent related research.

Technology changes rapidly, and it’s often hard to keep track of all the trends spinning on the internet, all the ideas emerging in academia, and the range of innovations you and your competitors are working on. Outsourcing companies provide a sophisticated service for tracking technology trends, juxtaposing academic research, market data, and patent application information from around the world. Greetings, with one exception that will help you build your technology roadmap and identify innovation partners around the world, along with other IP services. IP Landscape reports are detailed “as is” analyzes of an existing technology. These reports cover a broad landscape of research and development areas, including an entire category of products, that are critical to customers. These reports are based on analysis of several hundred or even thousands of patents and other unstructured information.