Discover the Benefits of Reiki Seichem Healing

What are Reiki and Seichem?

Both Reiki and Seichem are healing processes that work by channeling energy into the body through the practitioner’s hands. Although they are more often associated with emotional and mental healing, rather than physical ailments, the common train of thought is that in order to be healthy on the outside, one must be in good health on the inside, and according to that theory, both Reiki and Seichem They can cure physical illnesses. food more than those on an emotional level.

Where does Reiki come from?

Reiki is an ancient tradition within Asian communities both to cure existing ailments and to prevent future illnesses. Thought to have originated in Japan, Reiki has also been linked to some branches of traditional Chinese medicine.

The actual history of Reiki has been somewhat shrouded in legend and the truth will probably never be fully known. The information currently available says that Dr. Mikao Usui developed Reiki during a 21-day fasting and meditation exercise in solitude on Mount Kuruama, one of Japan’s many sacred mountains. This information has only recently become available outside of Japan and it is unclear how true this story is.

What is certain is that the Usui system of natural healing was initially introduced to the West by Mrs. Hawayo Takata of Hawaii. While visiting relatives in Japan, Ms. Takata was successfully treated for a chronic illness by Dr. Hayashi at his Reiki clinic in Tokyo. She later received reiki attunements from Dr. Hayashi and was able to practice Reiki and initiate new practitioners herself.

How does Reiki work?

Reiki is one of several holistic therapies based on various points on the body, much like reflexology and acupuncture. All of these energy-based holistic treatments are based on the body’s natural “chakras” and energy fields, or auras, and are all based on ancient Asian theories and are very similar to each other. The main difference is that while reflexology works by massaging or putting pressure on different energy points, and acupuncture involves inserting needles into the various points, Reiki does not necessarily involve the practitioner touching the patient at all.

Instead, the energy is directed to points on the body by placing the hands lightly over a series of places on the recipient’s body. The energy flows through the practitioner and directly into the recipient’s body through the points, but it is not generated by the practitioner and does not deplete the Reiki practitioner’s own energy supplies. Advanced practitioners can even administer the treatment remotely, although this is an extremely advanced practice and should not be attempted by new practitioners.

Who can give and/or receive Reiki treatment?

Practicing Reiki does not require special skills and does not require years of study to learn. You can learn to give Reiki treatments to yourself, family and friends, animals and plants. Some people even use Reiki on household appliances. Everything in the world works through the use of some form of energy, so it stands to reason that a healing process that uses pure energy will heal or cure inefficiencies in the functioning of said organisms and items.

The ability to channel specific healing energy is present in everyone, but remains dormant until one has awakened this ability through an initiation process called attunement. Anyone can tune in, regardless of age or any other factor, and learn to channel Reiki successfully. The attunement is administered by an experienced Reiki Master, and once you’ve been attuned, you’ll be able to practice Reiki and share the benefits with others, as well as treat yourself. In fact, Reiki can treat, energize and heal a practitioner even while treating a patient.

What are the specific benefits of Reiki?

Reiki can help alleviate suffering associated with pain and illness, whether physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual in nature. Essentially this means that Reiki can heal. Illness occurs when the mind, body, and spirit become unbalanced. Both emotional problems and physical illnesses come from disturbances in the personal energy field, and true well-being can only be achieved by restoring harmony and balance to the whole being, not only with oneself but also with the Earth and the Universe. Reiki is one of the most effective ways to help restore that balance and harmony.

Unlike more traditional Western medicine, which is only used to cure specific ailments at the time of suffering and under the guidance of a physician, Reiki can be used on a day-to-day basis. Of course, Reiki helps the recovery of patients who are under medical treatment, but it can also be used to prevent diseases. As disease is caused by imbalance, it can only be a good practice to keep yourself well balanced at all times, thus reducing the risk of getting sick.

Many people find Reiki treatment such a pleasurable experience that they participate in regular sessions as a refreshing and relaxing treat to themselves, in the same way that they might receive a massage or facial, a guided imagery session, or a bath. earthen.

What exactly does Reiki do?

Reiki releases blocked energy from the body and mind, promoting relaxation and reducing stress. Natural energy has an innate intelligence, no matter where in the body the treatment is directed, it will naturally redirect itself and go where it is needed, helping to cleanse the body of toxins. Reiki also works on plants, animals, and even some machines and other inanimate objects.

We ourselves begin the healing process by acting on our desire to be well and whole. Without the motivation to be well we cannot be well. Reiki is a means to empower ourselves and allow us to be whole in every way. When Reiki is administered, it increases the flow of energy through your aura and into your physical body. Reiki energy works to harmonize, or balance, all the different parts of you that make up you as a whole, including the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Reiki releases emotional blockages and trauma, as well as energy blockages within the other areas of ‘you’, ensuring that you remain a healthy and balanced person, both inside and out, physically and emotionally.

Is there any proof that Reiki works?

Scientists and doctors are somewhat reluctant to accept the validity of energy healing practices. However, studies have often shown a significant and accelerated improvement in health after energy treatments in many different ways. Aura photographs have also shown significant changes before and after Reiki treatments.

This is not a guarantee that someone will be relieved of any ailment by one or more Reiki treatments, and Reiki should never be used as a substitute for professional medical treatment, especially if you are suffering from a serious illness. However, in most cases, Reiki seems to enhance the effects of medical treatment when used in conjunction with it, as well as the body’s natural ability to heal itself, and patients appear to make a faster and more complete recovery when receiving treatments. doctors and Reiki together. . The underlying principle of Reiki is that it cannot harm and cannot be used for any harmful purpose, therefore there can be no harm in trying something that may well aid recovery.

While the use of Reiki to treat illness and injury can be controversial, the use of Reiki as a stress reduction and relaxation technique is becoming more widely accepted and widespread. Reiki improves other body and healing techniques, and sports performance, as well as helping with spiritual development.

Introduction to Seichem

Seichem is so similar to Reiki that there isn’t much else to tell. It’s a kind of… ‘Reiki plus +’ To explain; There are four elements, Earth, Fire, Air and Water, all of which are brimming with energy of different kinds. Reiki is simply Earth energy, while Seichem is an initiation into the four elements, all of which produce different feelings and experiences during treatments and initiations, and all have different healing properties.

Earth healing energy (Reiki) is experienced as very different sensations of hot and cold, just like on the surface of the Earth.

Fire is clearly and immediately distinguishable as low-voltage pulses of electricity that are felt as a hot, stinging sensation.

The water feels like waves of fresh energy and brings deep emotional issues to the surface for healing.

Air/Ether is a dual energy made up of air and spirit and is good for mental healing. Enhance the power of the third eye and the spoken word. When this energy is channeled during treatment, both the healer and the patient often experience the presence of angels.

The energy that can be felt during a Seichem attunement process is much stronger than that felt during Reiki sessions. The room is filled with energy and a warmth that can be felt physically. It is vitally important for a newly attuned Seichem practitioner to drink plenty of water for a few days after their initiation, to clear blockages and bad energies from the body.

During the Reiki attunement process, the person being initiated will see their vibrational energy level raised, giving them clearer access to healing energies. Seichem’s attunement process opens a person even more, giving him a much stronger healing ability. Like Reiki, anyone can become a Seichem practitioner if they start with the attunement process. The only requirement is a desire to help yourself and others heal both physically and emotionally.

Once a new Seichem practitioner has been initiated, they will have unlimited access to the healing frequencies and can continue to use the energies to help themselves and others for as long as they like. The initiation process seems to change people for the better, and they are never the same again. Practitioners reported feeling calmer and more positive, gaining new levels of confidence, and suddenly finding the incentive and ability to change things in their lives that they had previously been avoiding.

Like Reiki practitioners, those who practice Seichem do not profess to be able to personally cure all ills on their own. They are simply a facilitator through which universal energies can be directed to help the recipient regain and maintain the best possible physical and emotional health.

Lesson from a Firefighter Part 1 – Surrender and the Sweat Lodge

“Will we see you at Sundance this year?”

The words took me by surprise. I had not foreseen or sought them. As I stuttered “Uh, well, uh… sure” in response, I had a surge of fear as I knew this wasn’t a question or a request, it was a directive. And the directive was not from this man called Godfrey; it was of the Spirit.

About a month and a half earlier, in 1990, after participating for ten years in various Twelve Step programs based on Alcoholics Anonymous, I noticed something unusual. For the first time in my life, I found myself expressing a desire to have a Teacher who would help ease my spiritual path.

I was never one to follow anyone in my life. I knew “following” wasn’t what it was all about. I had no idea what a Master like that would be like. I just longed to be able to sit at the feet of someone real for a change, who could maybe model what a full relationship with Spirit was like, maybe just talk to me about those things… who knows? The gist of it was that I was tired of having my spirituality so deep within me that it had no form.

Two weeks after expressing that intention in my prayers, I was in a local coffee shop and saw a makeshift sign announcing a “Cannunpa (Cha-nupa) Ceremony,” a Sacred Pipe ceremony by a Lakota family, who was in the city. . With no particular investment, I went to the address, only to find it was at a friend’s house.

I found myself in a circle with about twenty people and quietly watched the proceedings. Curious. The family was called Chips; a mother and her three children, with a couple of assistants. It was all very simple. Older brother Charles led the ceremony after talking a bit about his life on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. He didn’t say anything startling or shocking, and I guess what I appreciated most was that he seemed so aware and happy to be alive.

He said they were there doing healing ceremonies for the sick, who had been invited or “sponsored” by a local family, with whom they would stay for a month or so. She talked about the Yuwipi ceremony where the Spirit comes through his younger brother, Godfrey, and directs people seeking healing. Through Yuwipi, Spirit tells them what they need to do to get their health back.

Having been involved in conventional medicine for sixteen years and having had my own deeply spiritual experiences with life and death, I was more than just curious; I was determined to be a part of what they had to offer. In my typical way, after we had all prayed and shared the Pipe and most of the attendees had left, I stayed and asked what it would take to be a part of a ceremony. Of course I thought I could jump in right away, and of course what I found out was that such sacred things are not spectator sports.

After a couple of weeks of keeping in touch with my friends and, ashamed as I am about it, pushing to be a part, they told me they would ask the family if I could attend a inipi, better known as a purification or sweat lodge. They told me that there, Godfrey would “know my heart” and only then would they invite me to become more involved. But not.

The Twelve Steps had taught me about surrender, and even with all my enthusiasm, I knew that the best thing to do was to fully open up to what was happening and leave the rest to powers greater than myself. So that’s what I did. After a while they invited me to an Inipi, and then another and another, until I spent four nights in a row. My world was rocked.

I went through what I felt to be the successive stages of the spiritual development of a human being. There was little thought during the ceremony itself. Amidst the ancient songs and drums and prayers and heat and fear and relief and sweat and pain and expansion and contraction and deaths and rebirths, I felt as if my insides were rearranging, every part of me. He had gone from the visceral experience of the first person looking up and perceiving the moon in awe to the expression of humanity he was on that fourth day of ceremony in 1990.

Next: Intention in action.

Why does my skin look younger when I regularly use a CyroTherapy Full Body Sauna?

Well, thanks for this question, and to answer it quickly, there are a couple of reasons.

First, Whole Body CyroTherapy helps your body make collagen. As we age, our collagen levels decline, so it’s a good idea to increase this level. Collagen is the protein that keeps our skin young.

Second, when you’re in a CyroTherapy sauna, the blood vessels near the surface constrict from the cold. When you go outside, your blood rushes back to warm your body, this exercises close to the superficial blood vessels, allowing your body to deliver nutrients. As these blood vessels strengthen, they are there to help keep your skin in a rich flow of nutrients.

Does Whole Body Cryo also help with hair and nails?

Yes, it certainly does. And rightly so, you have deduced that since the protein collagen is also responsible for the health of hair and nails, Whole Body Cryo (WBC) revitalizes here as well. WBC inhibits anti-collagen enzymes (collagenase) that break peptide bonds in collagen.

Since collagen is found in bones, tendons, cartilage, joints, blood vessels, and the digestive system, you can understand why it is so important in our bodies. With the skin, it replaces dead skin cells and strengthens the elasticity of the skin.

Now, I would like to introduce you to some real research on this topic, a very interesting research study that I found on Research Gate titled; “Thermography Study of Skin Response Due to Whole Body Cryotherapy,” published in Skin Research and Technology (18(2):180-7 Apr 2011) or DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0846.2011. 00550.x – by Armand Cholewka, Agata Stanek, Alexander Sieron and Zofia Drazazga – This article is worth reading.

Would cryotherapy work better than collagen supplements? Perhaps because it’s hard to tell if your body will absorb swallowed tablets, especially as you get older, which is when something like this would really matter to you. What about collagen injections in the specific areas that need attention? Sure, that would probably be just as good or better, still, that requires a visit to the doctor or a visit to a skin specialist, whereas cryotherapy doesn’t.

Yes, some skin specialists now use localized cryotherapy for such things in addition to collagen injections, therefore you get the best of both worlds, still whole body cryotherapy is great for many things, and now you can add to that list; Skin care and condition. Please consider all this and think about it.

Simple skin care that will make you love your skin

Skin care is a matter of technique, product and dedication. If you can find the right product and technique, and can take the time to put it to good use, you’ll find that the complexion you want is in no time. This article is full of tips to help you make that happen.

If you suffer from dry skin, there are things to keep in mind. Make sure the temperature of your bath water is not too hot because it will remove moisture from your body. Avoid bubble baths, as they can strip the skin of oils needed for hydration. When you’re done in the bathroom, blot instead of scrubbing and never skip your moisturizer.

If you have sensitive skin, don’t use a harsh scrub on your face. A scrub that contains granules or beads is too harsh for sensitive skin. Prepare a gentle scrub that contains a natural ingredient like oats. Just mix the oats with some water and apply to the skin for 20 minutes. After rinsing with lukewarm water, your skin will be soft and have a radiant glow. People with sensitive skin should only exfoliate once a week.

When you put on hand cream, don’t forget to put some lotion on your elbows. This simple step can help keep your elbows looking better and feeling smoother. A little lotion goes a long way on elbows. Don’t overlook this part of your body, because elbows need love too.

Having a clean pillow to sleep on each night is a good way to keep your skin clean. The oils from your face accumulate on your pillow, and sleeping like this night after night will leave you with a case of acne that is very easy to prevent by simply using clean sheets.

If you’re looking for products to reduce redness, avoid items with too many ingredients. The fewer components, the better when it comes to anti-redness products. Look for products that contain aloe vera juice, as it is very effective in protecting the skin and reducing redness.

Smoking can significantly damage your skin in many ways. Excessive smoking can contribute to premature wrinkling of the skin due to lack of oxygen and nutrient flow to blood vessels. When you smoke, you are causing your blood vessels to narrow. Collagen and elastin are two fibers that contribute to the elasticity and resistance of the skin that are also severely damaged by smoking.

Keep your skin free of dead cells by exfoliating. As time goes by, dead skin can build up, making your skin look dull and dry. A gentle exfoliator will remove dead cells and reveal the radiant skin that lies beneath. Additionally, exfoliation is a great way to cleanse pores and minimize their appearance.

To keep your face looking its best, refrain from scratching blackheads in the T-zone. The skin in this area is especially delicate and prone to scarring. Instead, visit a dermatologist or esthetician, who can administer an in-office or lunchtime chemical peel. These quick and effective treatments enhance cell regeneration and remove oil and debris from the pores.

For exceptional skin care, it is best to moisturize the skin immediately after shaving. Shaving irritates and erodes the outermost layers of the skin, which can dry out the underlying layers and make them vulnerable to infection. A light treatment with a suitable moisturizing product will nip this potential problem at the root.

An important tip to keep in mind when dealing with acne is to make sure you drink enough water. This is important because it is a healthy way to prevent your skin from drying out. If you don’t have enough water in your body to keep your skin moist, then your body will produce more oil, increasing your chances of acne.

To pamper your skin and care for it properly, avoid wearing tight clothing for long periods of time. Tight clothing rubs and irritates the skin, irritating it. In hot weather, clothing that is tied traps sweat on the skin, causing further irritation and encouraging the growth of bacteria. For healthier skin, wear loose clothing, especially in the hottest summer months.

You have to be very careful when shaving. A good blade is exceptionally sharp, but it can damage or irritate your skin if you don’t take the proper precautions. Plus, add a layer of protection and lubrication with shaving cream, lotion, or gel. Keep your blades clean and oiled for a close shave. Save with the natural direction of your hair and not against it. This will help protect your skin.

If you get cold sores frequently, try not to touch them. Picking will only delay its healing time, which could cause bacteria buildup. This can cause an infection. If it gets infected or takes a long time to heal, you risk an ugly scar.

Know when you have a problem. Everyone has small skin blemishes. However, if your skin does not improve despite your best efforts, you should contact your dermatologist. Your skin is a vital organ. You should contact your doctor if you have a serious problem with your skin.

The above article was written to help those who want to get a healthy and youthful complexion. Your skin will cooperate with you as long as you take the time to give it the care it needs to stay healthy and glowing. Follow the above tips on a routine basis and you will be very pleased with the results.

Fascinating Facts About Baseball Caps

Baseball caps are one of the most well known caps and millions of people choose to wear them. They are worn by athletes, rock stars, and the general public, and some cost as little as a few dollars, while others cost over a thousand dollars or more. If you are a fan of these types of caps, you may be interested in our fascinating facts.

truckers baseball cap

Truckers love to wear baseball caps as the brim helps protect their eyes when driving. But did you know that they wear caps made of mesh and foam?

First team to wear a cap

Did you know that in baseball they used to wear a straw hat or no hat at all? The baseball cap as we know it and is worn by all players today was first introduced by the Brooklyn Excelsiors in 1860.

Official New Era Major League Baseball Caps

New Era supplies the official caps of Major League Baseball and, for the first time, the design of the 59FIFTY cap has changed. It is now made entirely of polyester to ensure the wearer’s head stays dry. It also features a black sweatband to hide blemishes and a black under visor to help reduce glare.

A show of solidarity

The baseball cap was used to show solidarity after the 9/11 attacks. People around the world, not just the US, wore a Mets or Yankees cap to show solidarity with those who had lost their lives, along with the people of New York.

Babe Ruth’s Keep Calm Trick

Babe Ruth was undoubtedly one of the most famous of all players. Ruth used to keep a wet cabbage leaf under his cap and this helped keep him cool when he played. It was said that Ruth would change the sheet every 2 innings.

A symbol of American culture

The baseball cap symbolizes American culture, but it didn’t always resemble the hat we know today. It was originally designed without the peak and one of the first athletes to wear a cap with a peak was Babe Ruth.

Baseball players become national heroes

During the 1920s and 1930s, baseball players found the status of national heroes and fans didn’t just wear their caps to support the team during a game, they began wearing them every day.

Will wearing a baseball cap make you bald?

Some people believe the saying that wearing a baseball cap can make you bald. However, this is a myth, even if you wear a cap most of the day and most days of the week. To affect hair loss, the cap would have to be so tight on your head that it would actually pull your hair out and be so tight that you would not be able to wear it.

Buying Clothes Online: 5 Great Advantages

Nowadays, shopping for clothes online has become more of a daily activity for modern women. Despite its few flaws, buying clothes from an e-retailer is very popular. The GSI Commerce survey on online shopping shows that half of consumers prefer to buy clothing and fashion accessories online than offline. Online clothing shopping has deservedly earned its place and you have to admit it.

Buy clothes online 24/7

One of the most important advantages of shopping for clothes online is that you can buy your clothes no matter what time it is. If you usually work late at the office, take care of your children during the day, have classes at the university and don’t seem to have enough time for shopping, buying your clothes online is the perfect solution. You can look for an electronic store and buy fashion clothes at 22:00.


Another benefit of online clothing shopping is the great opportunity to explore an international market at the click of a button. You can find so many online stores that offer different styles: casual wear, formal wear, you name it. You like vintage style, but you don’t have a store with vintage fashion near you, well, you can find an e-store that offers great pieces of vintage clothing.


Online clothing shopping gives you the freedom to shop not only in the early morning or late at night, but you can also shop for clothes online no matter where you are: at the cafe with friends, during your holidays, or in the office during your break. As we live in the age of smartphones and Google, we have internet access almost everywhere, shopping for clothes online is a great entertainment.

During the holidays and the seasonal sales, the malls are very crowded. It’s quite a ‘mission impossible’ to reach the cute t-shirt at the end of the store. No more waiting in queues to pay for what you have managed to get. However, shopping for clothes online is easy and saves a lot of time. You can even make a gift and surprise your friend who is far from your location. Just buy an item you like and provide the address for it for delivery.

Price Comparison & Reviews

Shopping for your clothes online gives you the great advantage of comparing the price of the particular item that different retailers offer. Also, there are so many independent third-party websites to rate and review products. It’s a good idea to check what people are saying about the product you’re about to buy.


Last but not least, the great benefit of shopping for clothes online is the great bargaining opportunities. Online clothing stores do huge sales and discounts, especially around the holidays. The perfect way to save money when shopping for clothes online is to take advantage of coupons offered by many electronic stores. Shopping for clothes online and saving a few bucks – you can’t miss that opportunity.

Next time you’re shopping for fashion clothes and accessories, why not try shopping for clothes online? You can find a great deal.

Vision Enhancing Eye Food for Better Sight – The Cantaloupe

Considering the fact that vision disorders and conditions are increasing significantly, you are probably concerned about what you can do to protect and maintain healthy vision. From a nutritional point of view, choosing the right foods to improve eyesight, in terms of increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables, is an ideal way to achieve this goal. An example of a fruit that improves eye health is melon. Cantaloupe is an eye-enhancing food that comes from the cucumber family of vegetables. This vision food is packed with powerful vitamins and antioxidants, such as vitamins A and C. So, here are some vision-supporting benefits of this tasty vision-enhancing fruit, including its general health benefits.

Eye Health Benefits: Cantaloupe is a rich source of vitamin A; an important antioxidant vital for protecting the eyes from the damaging effects of free radicals. From this point of view, it is useful to reduce the risks of eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration. Vitamin A improves night vision and also protects the health of the retina. In addition, cantaloupe contains the eye-health-promoting nutrients called lutein and zeaxanthin, which according to the Linus Pauling Institute, may help reduce the risks of macular degeneration. A deficiency of these nutrients can lead to the development of this eye disease.

Improves Heart Health: Due to its Potassium content, it is useful for reducing blood pressure. Additionally, its cardiovascular benefits extend to improving cholesterol health. Lowers bad cholesterol while increasing the good form of cholesterol, thus improving heart health.

Benefits for weight loss: Melon due to its fiber content helps curb appetite. Its fiber content leaves you with a feeling of satiety. Plus, it’s very low in calories, and because it tastes sweet, it reduces sugar cravings.

Helps Quit Smoking: The nutrients contained in melon help alleviate withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting smoking. This is because this eye-enhancing food helps detoxify the nicotine system. You can get the most nutritional benefit from the antioxidant properties of melons if you eat them when they are ripe.

Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that protect the health of your eyes, melon is an eye-health-boosting food that provides a variety of health benefits. These range from heart health to weight loss, and even help smokers quit. This vision food provides this health benefit by reducing the craving for this addiction by helping to detoxify the nicotine system. Ultimately, these are just a few of the health benefits of this nutritious fruit that are reason enough to make it an integral part of your diet.

Hotels on the beach in Mauritius

Mauritius, the tropical island paradise, floating in the sparkling blue waters of the Indian Ocean, has long been the perfect dream destination for tourists from all over the world. Located in the vicinity of the Tropic of Capricorn, the nation is actually a group of islands/archipelago off the African continent and is indeed a Garden of Eden, rich in flora and fauna and golden sands lapped by the warm aquamarine ocean. Mauritius’ air is reputed to be the second purest in the world as measured by the World Health Organization.

With so many attractions to entice the visitor, Mauritius is also famous for its variety of accommodation, especially in the luxury sector. Tourism is in fact one of the most important industries in this country and Mauritius has been receiving the World’s Leading Island Destination Award for the last three consecutive years and recently won Best Beaches at the World Travel Awards. With a warm and welcoming atmosphere, sunny days and starry nights, plenty of natural features to explore such as caves, coastal landscapes, mountains, forests, lagoons and valleys, a variety of water sports, golf, spas, delicious cuisine that is a delight. Mixture of Indian, African, Creole, Dutch, Portuguese and Chinese, with fresh seafood, exotic fruits, vegetables and spices, excellent wines and desserts, this is certainly a fantasy destination.

Beach hotels here range from golf and spa resorts to luxury beach properties with exclusive beaches and lush tropical gardens. Some of the unique beach hotels include:

Piazza Style: Located along a tropical beach, this type of beach hotel includes high-end shops, restaurants and cafes, exclusive bars and cafes, with architecture that reflects casual elegance and open floor plans, with the sun, the sky and the sea forming an enchanting natural setting.

Resorts: Many properties here are in the typical resort style, situated on smaller islands outside of the archipelago. Some of them are located near Turtle Bay National Park and offer visitors a glimpse of the rich marine life of the islands. Snorkeling, scuba diving, deep-sea fishing, dolphin watching and coral reef, schools of brightly colored tropical fish are part of the activities offered at these resorts. For golf enthusiasts, there are world-class courses with free lessons for beginners as well. A variety of spa and salon treatments, yoga, traditional healing, massage, detox diets and wellness treatments are available.

Luxury Hotels: These can be in the capital city, Port Louis, or on one of the many beautiful beaches. The facilities, in addition to luxury rooms equipped with modern amenities, jacuzzi, air conditioning, balconies with sea views and a wide variety of restaurants, clubs and bars, can also offer adventure, beach or water sports, facilities for children and people greater. , mini-bar, WiFi, TV, diving or tennis classes, bike rides and on foot. Small boutique hotels and estates offer privacy and solitude for honeymooners, couples, and those who want to enjoy peace and solitude.

For an unforgettable beach vacation, Mauritius is the perfect choice.

Akashic Field Therapy

The Akashic Records (Akasha means “sky”, “space” or “ether” in Sanskrit) are a collection of mystical knowledge stored on the etheric plane (a non-physical plane of existence ‘above’ the physical that is related to the animating plane ). life force energy). The Akashic Records are said to have been around since the beginning of time and act as a library, recording everything in creation. Clairvoyants such as Edgar Cayce and Rudolf Steiner accessed these records: Cayce used them for his readings on individuals, and Steiner more specifically for his esoteric investigation of human karma and evolution, and the mystical teachings of the world’s religions. Cayce believed that the Akashic Records contain the story of every soul since the dawn of creation, and the stimulus of every symbol, archetype, or mythical story that has ever touched the patterns of human behavior. When asked where the records reside, he replied “in the skein of space and time” and that “records are everywhere.” 1 Steiner described these libraries as containing the living records of each person’s incarnation, so that the “reader” can experience life and interact with it.

The ‘portion’ of the Akashic Records connected to an individual, known as their Akashic Field, contains all thoughts, feelings, actions from past lives, present lives, and future potentials that they have access to at any time. It can be considered as a configuration of thoughts and beliefs that determines the person’s point of consciousness in time. Cayce emphasized that a person’s individual Akashic records are continually updated and rewritten by their own will and choices made in the present. Each choice, whether rooted in love or fear, causes both the past and the future to be actualized with that energy of intention. The past exists as a perception within our mind, which can be repressive or uplifting for us; By making decisions in the present that transcend our fixed or negative perceptions of the past, we effectively change the past in our minds. Likewise, the future is also a thought that can act to suppress or expand our consciousness. Within each choice of the present moment, we either bury or discover and use hidden potentials, and this is how we choose the future that will unfold among all the possibilities contained in our Akashic Field. The important point is that these records live and change according to our changing consciousness expressed through choice, and therefore our life is not predetermined in any way.

CJ Tuesday, the developer of Akashic Field Therapy (AFT), explains that Cayce’s theories on the Akashic Field are strikingly similar to the views that have emerged from Quantum Physics. The recently discovered area of ​​time and space called the quantum vacuum or zero-point field is described as a sea of ​​zero-point electromagnetic energy that underlies everything, and that the very stability of matter depends on its presence. This void is thought to be a “frictionless super-dense cosmic medium that carries light and all the universal forces of nature.”1 In Science and the Akashic Field, László postulates that it is also a sea of ​​information that conveys historical experience. . of matter”1 This last observation may explain the similar view held by areas of thought as different as Edgar Cayce and Quantum Physics, namely that our thoughts create our reality and that it is our perceptions that drive what is real. for each one of us, how the thought is imprinted in this sea of ​​information.

The above understandings form the basis of Akashic Field Therapy. By clearing traumas, blockages and other dense energy impressions in the Field, we can have an immediate impact on a person’s perception in the present and, consequently, on the life that takes place within the Field. AFT is a process of finding and removing limiting or negative ‘life programs’ (LP) within a person’s psyche. Each LP comprised a set of about 5 or 6 ‘patterns’ that present an obstacle to a person’s growth. A pattern is something like an emotional block, a ‘mask’ worn by a person, a routine behavior, an ingrained emotional state or negative belief, an energy drain like a ‘cord’ of attachment to a loved one, etc. These patterns can be thought of as dense energy thought forms in a person’s field, blocking ‘light’ and therefore consciousness. When these are ‘triggered’, the person reacts according to those patterns, which are unconscious in him. The patterns are interconnected, so when one is activated, the whole comes into play.

Each LP has a root or exacerbating trauma that is also identified and released. These are very important, as the psyche develops many defensive patterns to prevent access to the root of the trauma. So when root trauma is reduced or released, the impact is felt throughout the Field. While the change may be subtle at first, it gains momentum over time.

The process is very flexible and specific issues can be focused on (overweight, depression, relationship, disease, etc.). It also works very quickly on children because their programs and patterns are not as tangled or embedded as they often are with adults.

The Akashic Field and the Eight Extraordinary Vessels of Acupuncture

My interest in Akashic fields arose from a fascination with the eight extraordinary meridians or vessels (also called strange flows by Donna Eden). The vision from esoteric acupuncture is that, more than qi paths, the meridians are road maps that lead us to our destination, and that the extraordinary vessels, as precursors of the ordinary meridians, move the essence instead of the qi. The essence moves in cycles of time (life cycles) and controls our growth and development according to the potential within it. Depending on how our potential is realized or suppressed, these vessels will either flow freely or become blocked. Esoterically, these vessels keep a record of everything we have been and done and all our latent potentials, which is what is kept in the Akashic field. These vessels act as repositories of karma and synchronicity, fueling our lives accordingly. They also act as reservoirs for the overflow of ‘stuff’ that we cannot reconcile in our daily lives through the 12 ordinary meridians. The eight extraordinary vessels can then be considered as the etheric infrastructure that contains the Akashic information. And so cleaning the Field would be equivalent to cleaning and sustaining the eight foreign flows of acupuncture.

And because these vessels are precursors to the quality and flow of qi in our meridians, which in turn are precursors to our physical manifestation, the effects of this cleansing work are far-reaching and life-changing.

If you would like to experience a cleansing session, please visit the Inner Mastery website and read about the sessions I offer by selecting the “Sessions with Anita” button on the left hand side.

How To Increase Testosterone – Low Test Levels – Increase Hormones Naturally

Can testosterone levels be increased naturally and if so, what are the benefits? What is testosterone?

Quite simply, testosterone is the main male sex hormone.

It is important for the sexual well-being of women and its presence in low amounts is necessary for the female libido.

In men it is also responsible for muscle growth, hair and bone density.

It regulates sperm, erection frequency and quality along with mental and physical energy.

Levels can decrease with age or due to alcohol or drug abuse. Even medication can play a part.

We all reach a point where levels are low and we want to increase sexual desire. This is where increasing the levels can really help a lot.

At this point, you must be wondering, how can I increase testosterone levels naturally to achieve a high libido? Below are some high-quality supplements that may be helpful to you.

1. T-bomb

Combining a supplement like this with your intense workouts will increase the stimulant effects of great supplements like T Bomb.

Good bodybuilders only go for natural testosterone boosting supplements like this one. In addition to helping you burn fat, increase energy, and build muscle, the effect is a huge boost to your sex drive.

The high levels of zinc, selenium and magnesium ensure that your health is intact and increase sexual desire.

Ginkgo biloba, tongkat ali, and l-arginine raise free testosterone levels and enhance muscle growth and enhance sexual energy.

As a great added bonus, T Bomb also lowers estrogen levels.

2. Natural sterol complex

This supplement has been around for several years helping many men build muscle mass and increase their energy.

Natural Sterol Complex is not sold as a sexual enhancement product, but it nonetheless increases male libido substantially.

High levels of guarana, ginseng, kola nut, and nettle root limit estrogen production and increase testosterone.

Since your body can convert free testosterone into estrogen, this help is important to channel your sex drive and energy in the best way.

3. Tongkat Ali

The main ingredients of many supplements are Tongkat Ali extract, which is very effective in increasing testosterone levels and improving male sexual desire.

An all-natural herb (everything I review is natural), Tongkat Ali can increase your sexual energy, stamina, and should give you harder erections. You should also be able to improve your ejaculation control better if you follow all my advice.

The zinc, magnesium and B vitamin content should be beneficial for deeper sleep, which is when testosterone is produced at its highest levels.

Increase testosterone naturally using other techniques

You shouldn’t expect to wave a magic wand once you take these nutritional supplements a few times and see your sex drive skyrocket forever.

It does not work like that. For starters, you should avoid taking the same supplement every day.

Many users report that the effects may wear off after a period of the same booster time. Instead, take a few different ones and cut them up and switch them up.

Use in conjunction with other herbal libido supplements.

Exercise and Diet

If you are out of shape, have a soft body, drink too much or eat the wrong food, you will also need to improve your diet and lose weight to get back in shape.

Don’t skip this part and don’t assume you won’t need to.

If you want to increase testosterone and achieve long-term permanent results, the best way for serious libido kings is to exercise to improve libido and also eat more libido-boosting foods.