Interview techniques for radio

Your website shouldn’t just be a portal for reading information; you need to post quick and easy insight videos and audios that are interesting and communicate creatively. So don’t write it, record it. Here’s how to do it effectively.

How do you get a really good interview?
The goal is to provide, in the interviewee’s own words, facts, reasons, and opinions so that the listener can reach a conclusion. The questions and answers are for the benefit of the eavesdropping audience. the interview is:

  • It’s not a discussion – don’t compare their opinions with yours, don’t comment on answers and never use the word ‘I’
  • a spontaneous event– Evidence of rehearsal damages the credibility of the interviewee. Don’t tell the interviewer the question in advance, just general questions.
  • for the audience– Ask what you would like to ask the listener, so get to know the listener and keep that in mind.

3 types of interview questions

  • acts – Check that they are right before the interview starts
  • Reasons/explanations – question reasoning; make sure the explanation is clear to the audience. Investigate reaction to events, asking for examples to illustrate points where appropriate.
  • emotional interview – a perception of the interviewee’s state of mind – the strength of feelings is more important than rationality.
  • The way you ask is as important as the content of the question. Be sensitive but not overly affectionate, impartial but not indifferent.

best journalism tips

  • Be balanced and impartial
  • Know the audience and keep it in mind
  • Know the topic you are interviewing about
  • Think about the schedule of the interviewee
  • Take an alternative approach: what are the opposing points of view?
  • Beware of assumptions: would the audience assume that?
  • Treat people with respect – make the most of who they are
  • Challenge people to think more acutely

Interview Preparation

  • Know what you want to achieve and the main point to cover. Facts, reasons, emotional insight?
  • Establish the facts for the questions: names, dates, figures, and facts.
  • Know the counterarguments of the topic.
  • Write questions but don’t ask them independently of the answer.
  • Establish a relationship with your interviewee

interview recording

Take a pre-recording before the interview and listen to the results on headphones. You can use this time to make sure you have the correct name and title of the person on the tape, but you can also ask an unrelated question so you can hear a natural sentence.

  • Use nonverbal communication, such as eye contact and facial expressions; avoid verbal acknowledgment.
  • Monitor the recording: Listen to the recording. Be aware of changes in sound and change the position of the microphone when necessary.
  • Keep the goals of the interview in mind and keep it on track.
  • Listen to the follow-up question: it is important that you are not so preoccupied with the next question; you don’t focus on the answer.
  • Keep to the times: When you need a 3-minute interview, don’t record 20 minutes.
  • Ask for action and explanation when possible and be prepared to change positions for the best recording.

technical questions

7 basic questions: who/when/where/what/how/which/why

The best is why – it reveals the interviewee, asks for an explanation and a value judgment. For example, why did you decide to…? Why do you think…?

  • Only ask a reverse verb question if you want a yes or know answer. Are you? It is? You do?
  • Do not confuse with long, incoherent or multiple questions
  • listen to the answer
  1. clarify where necessary
  2. ask for examples of what they mean
  3. drive from your train of thought to where you want to go
  4. Play ‘devil’s advocate’ to challenge assumptions


  • Thank the interviewee.
  • Check the recording.
  • Register where appropriate.

Good luck, let me know how it goes, or better yet post the results.