Female Orgasm Techniques: How To Give Her First Orgasm

There’s an old saying that goes, “If you keep doing what you’ve done, you’re going to keep getting what you got…” If what you’ve been doing hasn’t worked in the past, chances are, do it more, more. hard or longer won’t work either.

For many women who have difficulty reaching orgasm, their first success comes with a vibrator. And, once they get the hang of it, they eventually learn to orgasm without mechanical assistance and, if all goes well, eventually with their lover. There are women who never go from needing a vibrator, and some women who were once able to come without them, may even become dependent on them…

I would like to address the issue of women who are completely anorgasmic, that is, even with the help of a vibrator, they have not yet experienced their first orgasm… and I am going to tell you how you can give them their first orgasm.

Now, the simple fact is that there are a million reasons why a woman can’t orgasm, and I can’t know for sure what happens to any particular woman… But basically it’s a good bet that if she can’t cumming using a vibrator, then the problem is NOT physical. In other words, if a vibrator can’t do it, then there is no position, no device, no amount of resistance, and no special G-spot technique that is going to work to bring her to orgasm.

So if it’s not a physical problem, what does that leave?


If you said “emotional,” then you can go to the head of the class (and soon you’ll be able to give your woman an orgasm if you’re willing to learn a few things and be patient). And YES these emotional Female orgasm techniques work like crazy.

The first thing you have to do (and her friends too, women talk about this kind of thing all the time) is stop pushing the poor girl. Feeling pressure to have an orgasm is, for women, pretty much the same as putting pressure on a man when he’s having trouble getting it. Imagine you’ve been stressed at work and it takes a while to get your nerves up, and your wife or girlfriend pulls out a timer and says, “Come on! I don’t have all night! Get ready now!” That’s pretty much what’s happening to your wife right now if her inability to orgasm is a problem in her relationship.

So the first thing you’ll need to do is tell him that, at least for a while, both of you will stop trying to make him come and focus on enjoying the pleasure he already has from sex. . (After all, sex feels great even when you don’t orgasm.) This will be the first step towards building the “Sexual Confidence” that will be necessary for her to be emotionally capable of coming.

Next, you’ll need to start making him feel good about his sexuality. (Like, the opposite of inappropriate, which is what the “pressure” is making her feel right now.)

Eventually, she will give herself to you sexually, and that will allow you to “give her permission” to experience an orgasm…something that, for one reason or another, some women just can’t do on their own.

Ok, let’s get into the serious stuff…

Orgasms don’t come from stimulating the vagina the right way, they come from the brain (and when it’s really good, you could say they come from the heart). Building a connection with her, making her feel safe to experience these feelings, and turning her on more by creating masculine energy is what will ultimately give her orgasms from sex.

Teasing is a great way to build sexual tension that I think you should experiment with. It’s a powerful female orgasm technique that is too often neglected just out of impatience.

For example… if you touch her slowly and move in circles around her nipples or clit, but don’t really touch those super sensitive areas… until she literally begs you to go further… while driving her crazy. joking this way, 2 things are happening:

THE OBVIOUS: She gets horny and aroused by the rising sexual tension

THE Elusive One: Because you are taking control of how and when she gets sexual pleasure, you are assuming the masculine role of DIRECTING the interaction and controlling her body.

As you try less and become more in control of sexual interaction, and more in control of HER sexual feelings and responses, she will become much more deeply sexually aroused than she may have been in the past.

And most importantly, she will feel more Sexual Confidence towards you, which will cause her to finally GIVE UP to you… this will ultimately make it possible for you to orgasm at will.

This does not happen quickly. it is a process

The first step is to do the things that make her feel your masculine power.

As I mentioned earlier, TEASING is a great way to start this process.

Biting her on the back of the neck (you don’t have to do it hard enough to leave a mark!) is another powerful turn-on for women because it’s a primal, instinctive sign of your dominance.

Even before you get into bed, just picking her up and throwing her over your shoulder and spinning her around until she’s cracking up is the kind of display of masculinity that will make her that much more receptive to you in the bedroom.

And when you’re in bed, the sure, strong yet gentle way you place your hands on his body can communicate a whole world of male sexual confidence to him. And that’s better than all the sex advice I can give you.

Earn your sexual confidence

So is it about eye contact and creating intimacy… or is it about being masculine and dominant?

In reality, they are two sides of the same coin.

For many pre-orgasmic women, the problem is simply that they can’t let it go…they can’t give themselves permission to come. They are often unaware of this fact, but to other women…she knows she is about to cum…and she can tell there is a great deal of pleasure just on the other side of where she is… IT MAKES YOU SCARED.

It’s like that feeling you get when you reach the top of the roller coaster and are about to fall down that first steep drop…

It’s scary, but you have no choice by then, you go overboard…

And when you do, you SCREAM… and you have a



Imagine if there was a button on roller coasters that people could press, just as they crest the first hill, allowing them to stop the ride so they could get off.

Now everyone who got on that roller coaster got on it because they expected to have a lot of fun… But I’m willing to bet that if there was a button like that… A LOT OF PEOPLE WOULD PRESS IT AND GET OUT OF THE RIDE.

That is EXACTLY what happens with many women who haven’t had their first orgasm. So what can you do about it? You need to gain her SEXUAL CONFIDENCE so that she can SURRENDER completely to you. Once you do that, instead of giving yourself permission to come, you’re giving that permission to YOU…allowing YOU to make the decision to let go.

Sexual trust, as I define it, is not the same as trust in a relationship or the kind of trust issues you talk about when it comes to marital problems. It’s not about honesty or knowing that you won’t cheat on her or hurt her. It’s about her trusting your ability to safely take her to a place where she will lose control and bring her back safely without her experiencing any kind of weirdness or shame.

I sometimes use the analogy of an airline pilot.

Would you rather have a pilot who is honest and of the highest integrity… who you could leave alone in a room with a bag full of money and know he would never be tempted?

Or would you rather get on a plane with a guy who can be a bit of a jerk, but has flown thousands of hours in the worst weather conditions and landed planes at the most technically challenging airports during hurricanes without ever having a security incident?

Who would you trust to drive you home on your next vacation?

Sexual confidence works the same way.

And winning requires competence, trust and determination… as well as tenderness, intimacy and communication.

8 Weird Things About Surgical Nurses You Never Know

1. If you’re not in uniform, we don’t want to see you go into the operating room. We don’t like strangers; they scare us We are extremely protective of our environment because sterile procedures are performed in every operating room and your presence brings new foreign germs that we don’t care about, so go back to your own apartment and let us be happy with our own familiar germs. If you feel like you’ve entered Appalachian mountain people territory when you walk into the operating room and all eyes are on you, you’re probably right!

2. Many of us sleep in our scrubs. No, they’re not the same ones we work in, but we enjoy the comfort our scrubs offer us, and we don’t really care if they’re sexy or cute, we feel right at home in them.

3. We practice sterile technique at home. When we open a 2-liter coke, we turn the lid upside down. We rub our hands together before cooking as if we were about to attend surgery. Our countertops are spotless and our dishes are nearly sterile.

4. We’ll hate you for life if you dare reach for our food while we’re eating (it’s the germ thing again). That’s why we have trouble eating out. Waitresses love to touch food, and all we can think about is all the germs she’s transferring to our food. If you want to call us phobes, then the shoe fits you. The restaurant-style buffet will blow us away. There’s no way you’re dragging an OR nurse into one of these petri dishes. People grab the same spoons over and over again, cough on the food, and there is the problem of reaching the food again. Yuck, just yuck!

5. I guess you could say we’re pretty weird with our shoes, too. We don’t want our shoes around the house, and I usually leave mine at work. If we take them home, they stay in the garage. There are so many nasty germs on shoes that we can’t see, and you have no idea what kind of horrible filth we get into during a shift. If you knew, you probably wouldn’t even want to touch us again.

6. OR nurses probably have the cleanest belly buttons in the world. Because? Well, part of our job is to clean the belly buttons before surgery. Many surgical procedures are performed laparoscopically, and the device used to inflate the abdomen is inserted through the belly button. So if the belly button isn’t clean, all those nasty germs go right into the abdomen creating a great environment for infection.

You wouldn’t believe the stuff I’ve found in patients’ belly buttons. People can shower and bathe, but they lost the memo on cleaning this area. Please, friends, wipe your navels already.

7. We speak with our eyes. This may seem a bit strange to you, but we spend most of our shift wearing a mask that covers our faces, so our eyes are the only way we can express ourselves. Most operating room nurses learn to use their eyes to convey messages to other members of the surgical team. This practice extends to our daily lives. Even when we don’t have masks on, we express our feelings and opinions with our eyes (and our eyebrows).

8. Ask us for a screwdriver or a pair of scissors and expect them to be placed in your hand in an optimal position for immediate use without readjustment. We have learned to pass the instruments that way and it carries over into everyday life.

Here’s a “weird things you never knew about surgical nurses” bonus, though this one is pretty much guessable even to a layperson. We love blood and for the life of us, we really can’t understand why anyone would swoon at the sight of it. The bloodier the case, the better. A nice sleeve of deep abs that we can stick our hands in is our idea of ​​fun.

When my blood is drawn, I watch the needle go in instead of turning my head, and I love watching the blood pour into the vial. I wonder what Freud would say about this. Maybe we were all vampires in past lives. There is no place for people who “don’t like to see blood” in the operating room. Go away and let us roll in our weirdness.

Love us or hate us, we only want the best for our patients and the quirks we have can always be explained. They say once an OR nurse, always an OR nurse, and I can certainly say that this is true. You can call us weird, but I guarantee the moment you need emergency surgery, you’ll be glad weirdo surgical nurses exist!

Proven Stress Busters During the Holidays!

Does your stomach clench when you think about the holidays? Stressed? Are you worried about getting into arguments, not meeting the expectations of others, not choosing the right gifts? The American Psychological Association says that anxiety increases during the holidays. Although the holidays should be a fun time, they bring a lot of stress and sometimes get us down, which weakens our relationships.

Wondering why this season brings stress and heartache instead of a glow of excitement?

Think about how most of us prepare. We spend too much energy and money on gifts and meals, argue over misunderstandings, and pack “fun” events into every minute, every day, every night. No wonder it’s not fun anymore!

Look inside the word “vacation”. It means “holy day,” but holy days should be about building stronger relationships, sharing, and loving. Many times, they end up being a nuisance.

All those flashy ads: the best gifts, the best prices, the best deals! It’s about body and mind, not the soul-to-soul connections we need most now. “The hype and commercialism of the season lead to increased stress,” says a recent psychological report. Holy days should be about strengthening relationships, sharing and loving.

Sure, there are problems: the cousin who hosts everyone, later gets upset because no one invites her back. Friends who share nasty gossip. The relative who drinks too much and fights, leaving everyone wondering if they should bother coming next year.

Why bother?

If that’s how you feel, just adjust your own perspective. Make this season different so that you can finally enjoy yourself and even have fun! Enjoy it like a kid again, with all the blessings of family and love.

Make the holidays a time of soul-to-soul connection. Meet others with no expectations (“I picked her a great gift and all she got me was this cheesy gift card!”) and the holidays will exceed your dreams. Open your heart and exchange the gifts of love, sharing and caring with these nine easy tips to renew your holiday spirit today!

1. Find out who needs help. If you are comfortable and well fed, visit the elderly, visit hospitals, or deliver socks to the homeless. Don’t forget your cousin in the army, or that neighbor down the street who lost his wife last year!

2. Reconnect with friends. Think of someone you haven’t seen in a long time and have tea together. If you live too far away, Skype them up and say hi.

3. Avoid hot topics. Try not to bring up sensitive topics… keep it light and fun.

4. Remember the children. Many organizations organize visits from Santa Claus, plays or concerts to make Christmas in the hospital a happy time for children.

5. Plan an excursion. Buy treats that your own children can give to a nursing home or to adults with disabilities. Tell them that people who seem different deserve wonderful vacations too.

6. Discover your own style. Just because her sister-in-law hosts a fancy New Years buffet brunch doesn’t mean it’s her thing. No IMITATING what works for others! Your style may be a shared lunch instead. Just make it yours!

7. Take care and relax. Her body will not thank you for the rich indulgent party food. Too rushed to cook and eat properly? Find simple foods that are easy to prepare and that really nourish your spirit. Go for a walk, practice yoga if you feel like it. Sit quietly and relax, without distractions: put away your phone, mp3 player, remote control, notepad…

8. Make that call. There’s a person out there you feel like you can’t call. She maybe she lost contact because her husband was sick. She maybe she’s fighting with a friend of yours and you didn’t want to take sides. Fix those fences and you’ll heal yourself too.

9. Do your best, then let it go. Despite your best intentions, life will throw you a curveball. Unexpected health surprise? Cash crunch? Don’t let them undermine all the work you’ve done. Take a deep breath, refocus, and keep trying.

Finally, a word about forgiveness. Hearts are tender at this time of year; we are ready, willing and able to forgive. Forgive yourself first, and let go of grudges. Apologize to others. What an amazing gift: “I think I hurt your feelings; I’m sorry.” Only a grinch would say no to the chance to reconnect on a soul-to-soul level.

Always thank God for the blessings before you, release your burdens, and offer the world the gift of your renewed spirit, with love, laughter, and lightness to last through 2014 and beyond. Let us pray together for this upcoming festive season:

Let’s go beyond ourselves.

Let’s bring light to the world

Being light in the world.

Let us serve others with joy

let us approach with joy

surrender expectations

And I feel only wonder

surround us with love

Spreading love in the world.

Changing only ourselves

We can change the world.

“Love and Light for All”

Do Your Best And Let It Be Enough – Countering Your Perfectionist Self-Talk

Preparation and focus are key skills to develop and implement when it comes to finding the time to do your best. And here’s something that may surprise you: doing your best also means knowing when to let go. That’s because your time and energy are too precious (and too limited) to waste tying yourself up in perfectionist knots!

As psychologist Harriet B. Braiker noted, “The pursuit of excellence motivates you; the pursuit of perfection is demoralizing.”

So how often have you experienced that discouraging frustration? How often have you chased the ideal of getting something ‘right’, only to keep failing a bit? And how often has she watched her day go by as she adjusted and adjusted and reached for that ideal over and over again?

Sounds familiar? It’s not an unusual experience, especially for energetic, motivated, high achievers. And the good news is that there is another way to do it! You can keep perfectionism from tying you down, taking over your life, and stopping your productivity.

The way to outwit your perfectionism is to learn to recognize the 3 key perfectionist messages that can help you recognize the telltale signs of perfectionism. You can then respond to those undermining messages in direct and powerful ways, getting your time back by making different decisions!

Untying the knots of perfectionism doesn’t just help you find time. It also builds your confidence and expands your sense of what is possible. Talk about life-enhancing changes! So, let’s explore those revealing messages:

Perfectionist Message #1: ‘I’m waiting for the right time to start.’ This raises the question of what exactly is the “right time”? And how do you recognize it when it arrives? Ask yourself a few questions about this and see what you find out. Do you know that the “right time” has come when:

  • Do you have more free time?

  • Do you feel inspired?

  • Your friend returns the books she lent you, the ones you need to read before starting your project?

  • No distractions?

  • Aren’t there other demands on your time?

  • Do you have enough time?

What all of these examples have in common is that, in each one, you give yourself the message that something extra is needed before you can get started. This takes power from you and keeps you stuck.

Intelligent response in time: ‘The right time is now’. You untie the perfectionist knot by letting yourself know that NOW it’s the time you have to work with. Whatever task you have to do, schedule a specific start time for you, and when the time comes, get started. Do not think it; just begin. Once you take the first step, the next one will follow.

Perfectionist Message #2: ‘It’s still not perfect.’ If you often tell yourself any version of this, follow up with these questions:

  • How would it be perfect?

  • It’s possible?

  • Are you anticipating how?

  • If so, from whom?

  • Are your expectations realistic or inflated?

  • Through whose eyes are you seeing this?

Smart answer in time: ‘Strive for excellence instead of perfection.’ Really coming to terms with this is one of the most important steps you can take to untie perfectionist knots. Striving for excellence becomes a great relief, and very energizing! When you let go of perfectionism, you can begin to experience the joy of achievement. As your self-confidence and sense of satisfaction in your job grow, the illusion of perfection becomes less and less attractive.

Perfectionist Message #3: ‘I know I can do better.’ This is a place where endless time can be wasted. How often have you found yourself modifying something until you couldn’t see it clearly anymore? As William Shakespeare wrote (in King Lear) “In striving to improve, we often mess up what’s right.”

Timing response: ‘I’ll ask for feedback.’ This answer powerfully unties perfectionist knots in 3 important ways:

  1. Others come to your work with fresh eyes, so if there really is something to ‘improve’, they’ll probably see it.

  2. Letting this slide and choosing to delegate frees up your time so you can move on to your next task.

  3. By opening yourself up to feedback from others, you are inviting their responses. This decreases the fear of criticism and is a very powerful antidote to perfectionism.

When you think about it, perfectionism sounds a lot like an internal bully that ties you down and robs you of initiative, energy, and productivity. When you stand up to that bully and untie those perfectionist knots, you are breaking free and changing your life in a very fundamental and exciting way.

So, celebrate each step as you stop placing impossible demands on yourself and start finding time for more success and fulfillment in your life!

Burmese Khow Suey with an Indian twist

Ingredients for Marinade

1/2 kg boneless chicken (1-inch pieces) or 1/2 kg medium shrimp

2-3 teaspoons of cold red powder

2 teaspoons coriander powder

1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder

2 teaspoons all spice powder (2 green and 1 black dry roasted cardamom, 1 1-inch cinnamon stick, 5 cloves, 1 star anise and ground to a fine powder)

2 tablespoons ginger-garlic paste

2 teaspoons of salt

ingredients for cooking

2 onions

3 tomatoes

1 tablespoon chickpea powder: fry in a dry pan until a pleasant aroma is obtained.

500 ml coconut milk – you can use canned but it tastes better with freshly squeezed coconut milk.

1 lemon

finely chopped coriander leaves

omelette recipe

1 egg

1 teaspoon of chopped onions.

1/2 green chili

1 teaspoon coriander leaves

Salt to taste

1 pinch of turmeric powder

Beat all the ingredients for the tortilla and make a thin tortilla and cut it into strips.


Fried Onions (made with 2 onions)

1 onion finely sliced ​​lengthwise

1 small bunch of coriander leaves


Wash and dry the chicken. And marinate the chicken and book for 1 hour.

In a deep frying pan we put oil and add 2 finely chopped onions, once it is transparent we add the chicken and let it cook over low heat until it softens. Add the finely chopped tomatoes and allow them to cook for another 5 to 8 minutes. Turn off the heat and let cool for 5 minutes and then add the coconut milk, the power of the chickpeas and stir well.


This goes well with rice and noodles. We like it with noodles.

Take a bowl, add some rice or noodles to the bottom. Then for the chicken sauce, freshly chopped onions, tortilla strips, fried onions, and cilantro leaves. Enjoy it while it’s hot!


For those who enjoy spicy food, there’s another twist.

Heat 2 tablespoons of oil and add the finely chopped garlic. Once it releases its aroma, remove it from the heat and add a teaspoon of red chili powder.

A drizzle of this will give the extra heat to your Khow suey!

**Note: If the coconut milk is added when the flame is on, it will curdle, so it is best to add it once the flame is out.

The top five ways to get over a breakup

It can be difficult when a relationship ends, especially if it has been long-standing or ends on bad terms. Your emotions are all over the place and it might even seem like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, if they suggested the breakup. But wait, let’s take a look at the top five ways to get over a breakup and you too can move on and be happy again with or without a partner.

Do You – The first thing you want to do is, “Do You.” In case you don’t know what that means, it’s just recomposing. Get a long overdue makeover (a new hair color/cut, try some new makeup, maybe eyelash extensions), go shopping and pick out some new outfits, join a gym and start looking great. great again. We call this “revenge corps.” .” Yeah, so the next time you see them, they’ll be like, “Wow, you look fantastic!” No, we don’t want their attention, but we want them to know that life goes on, not to mention that you’ll feel great and look amazing. .

Simply taking some time to put your personal life in perspective will do wonders for your mind, body, and soul. Get rid of all those negative feelings and start thinking about a brighter and happier future. Remember, it all starts from the inside, so clean yourself up and get rid of all the bad clothes.

Clean House – Cleaning the house has always worked for me, and you don’t have to wait for spring to do a spring cleaning. If any of your ex’s items were left in your house, get rid of them. Rearrange your furniture, change the paint color in your bedroom, redo the bathroom (changing the color scheme with towels and some new fixtures is a cheap but great way to spruce things up). Just make a few kinds of changes. You’ll be surprised how much happier you’ll be when you come home to your new and improved living space.

Going Out: Sometimes while in a relationship, we stop hanging out with our friends, don’t do hangouts, or heck, we don’t even talk to our friends that often. Well, now that the dead weight is gone, hang out with your friends, socialize and have fun. Yes, you may have to apologize for not being around, but we all know what it’s like when your partner really doesn’t want you to hang out with your single friends and we’ve all tried to accommodate them at some point. If they are true friends, they will understand and accept your apology.

Cutting ties – One of the worst things about a breakup is when your ex wants to stay friends. Even if it wasn’t a bad breakup, there’s no need to call each other and be friends. After all, if things were going so well, you wouldn’t have finished, would you? It is best to have a final discussion to tie up any loose ends and then cut ties.

If there are kids involved (who aren’t together), let them know that even though you’re breaking up, you still care about them and will still be there for them, if that’s the case. If there are family members you’ve bonded with, let them know you’re still around, but you won’t be at every family function or “hanging out” with the family. There’s nothing worse than seeing your ex with his new girl. Even if you don’t want them back, deep down it’s a little awkward, so opt out of showing up at all family functions.

That does not mean cutting off the family. Sometimes we form strong bonds with family members and we don’t want to end them; after all, we broke up with the man/woman and not the family. The flip side of this is that you don’t want to be showing up all the time like you’re starving for their attention. I mean, attend things like birthday parties or potlucks, but avoid more intimate gatherings like Christmas and Thanksgiving.

Starting over: One of the worst things we can do after a breakup is to hold on to the negatives and use them to prevent someone new from getting too close. First, never judge the next person by the last person’s actions, it’s not cool. Second, take your time re-dating, ask questions, and listen to what the person is talking about. Sometimes if we just listen we can learn a lot about a person, even things they don’t want us to know seem to slip away if it’s not the right person.

Lastly, if you meet someone, there’s no need to rush into anything. Whether your last relationship ended peacefully or you had to get a restraining order to keep them away, don’t judge others based on their previous experiences. Take your time and never let anyone coerce you or make you feel guilty for not moving faster than you are. If a person is not willing to take it easy, he is not the person for you.

You may have to go to several bad apples before you find the right one, or you may be happy alone, but trust and believe, the ball is in your court and you call the shots. Using the top five ways to get over a breakup will lessen heartbreak and ease tension and make dating fun and not stressful.

acne tab acne treatment

Acne Tab is a very effective treatment to reduce mild to severe and persistent acne. The tab includes all natural ingredients. It gives fast and amazing results. It is available in pill form. Body Acne The main types of acne are treated with this treatment. The sebaceous glands are the target of the eyelash. Tab pills are easy for the human body to digest.

The patient should take the dose of Acne Tab pills daily to eliminate the symptoms. The course of treatment with this takes about 4 to 8 weeks to eliminate acne signs such as blackheads, inflammation, and whiteheads.

Best of all, you can fight your symptoms by using sebaceous glands that produce sebum on the skin’s surface. There is no need for a high level of sebum which is produced by the sebaceous glands.

The large amount of oil that is obtained blocks the microscopic pores on the surface of the skin. It solves the conditions from the root. The natural antibiotics contained in Acne Tab have the ability to fight against p.acne bacteria.

Also as an anti-inflammatory agent. No inflamed lesions are found around the infected areas. It can be taken with other acne treatments, such as benzoyl peroxide-based lotions and creams, Accutane, and Minocyline. Female patients can easily take Acne Tab during lactation or pregnancy.

Acne Tab Ingredients:

Fumaria Officinalis, Purpurea, Artemisia Vulgaris, Terminalia Chebula, Lycopodium, Berberis Aristata DC. Ext, Swertia Chirata, Tephrosa Purpurea, Zizyphus Vulgaris, Cassia Absus, Melia Azedarach, Sphaeranthus Indicus.


Acne Tab pills are taken orally with a full glass of water. There are two phases of acne treatment. Removing all skin blemishes is in the first phase and keeping skin free from acne problems is in the second phase.

For the first phase, patients should take two tablets three times a day after meals. The doctor recommends the two tablets for the second phase to keep the skin acne free. Take these tablets twice a day after eating.

The course of acne treatment will continue until the surface of the skin is completely free of acne.

Acne Tab Side Effects

There are no harmful side effects of this treatment. However, you should still consult your doctors before consuming anything of this nature.

How do cortisol steroids lead to stretch marks?

Stretch marks are scars formed by stretching of the skin combined with hormonal fluctuations. They are caused by a variety of factors including weight gain or loss, pregnancy, hormonal changes, weight lifting, and the use of cortisol steroid medications. Cortisol is topical and is found in prescription topical creams and ointments. While many cases of those ugly marks occur for natural reasons, those caused by cortisol are a direct result of medication. It is important to note that while most cases of stretch marks are treatable, cortisol steroid stretch marks are often irreversible.

How do cortisol steroids cause stretch marks?
Cortisol steroids are prescribed for many reasons and are extremely beneficial when it comes to treating certain skin conditions. Conditions that are treated with cortisol include psoriasis, ear infections, acne, allergic reactions, and eczema. While cortisol steroids minimize pain, swelling, and irritation, they often cause adverse side effects, especially in sensitive individuals. Side effects include hives and blisters, irritation, itching, and stretch marks. Stretch marks due to topical steroid cortisol occur when the medication is applied too frequently, which first leads to general thinning of the skin. If the skin is thinned and stretched over a long period of time, irreversible and often intractable stretch marks can appear. Stretch marks caused by cortisol steroids often appear on the inner thighs, in the creases of the knees and elbows, and directly under the arms. While these stretch marks are usually irreversible, the good news is that there are natural treatments that help minimize their appearance, and there are also a variety of natural alternatives to topical cortisol steroid creams.

Natural treatments for skin inflammation
Cortisol is naturally produced by the body and plays a key role in regulating bodily functions. Cortisol steroids work by minimizing the inflammation that occurs in eczema, psoriasis, and a variety of skin conditions. While there is absolutely no argument as to how well cortisol steroids work in minimizing pain and inflammation, it is always best to take a more natural approach to skin treatment to avoid side effects including stretch marks. Natural remedies for eczema and psoriasis include lavender, shea butter, aloe vera cream, and retinol. For extremely dry skin, all natural creams that contain high concentrations of vitamin E, cocoa butter, shea butter, and grapeseed oil are extremely beneficial in treating and healing the affected areas. If you must use cortisol steroids for a specific medical condition, alternating your steroid cream with a natural remedy and limiting your use of the ointment may help prevent stretch marks from forming.

Natural Alternatives to Cortisol Steroids
While cortisol steroids often seem like the only option when it comes to inflammatory skin conditions, there are several natural alternatives that are known to have the same anti-inflammatory properties as cortisone creams. Olive oil contains a special compound called olecanthal which is known for its healing properties and has been used for centuries in the Mediterranean as a skin treatment and food additive. White willow bark has been used for over 3,000 years in Egypt for a variety of treatments due to its high concentration of salicin, a natural ingredient that has the same anti-inflammatory properties as aspirin.

In conclusion
Cortisol steroid creams provide effective treatment for a variety of skin conditions, but the downside is that these creams can cause stretch marks if overused. If you have been prescribed a cortisol cream to treat an inflammatory condition, it is important that you also consider the natural alternatives available to you. Natural creams and ointments are extremely beneficial for a variety of skin conditions and inflammation issues, and you don’t have to worry about side effects like skin irritation. By weighing your options before starting a cortisol regimen, you’ll be able to make an informed decision when it comes to your skin treatment needs.

Tragus and Anti-Tragus Piercings

Tragus piercings and anti-tragus piercings are becoming more and more popular; in fact, tragus piercings are now one of the most common ear piercings. Ear piercings are the most familiar form of body piercing and the tragus and anti-tragus are fresh expressions of mundane earlobe piercing.

The tragus is a small thick piece of cartilage that protrudes from the ear canal. To understand the exact location of the tragus, place a finger at the outer corner of your eye. From this point, sweep your finger back in a straight line until it touches your ear. The first part of the ear that you will feel is the tragus. You should be able to grasp this little nub between your fingers; this is where the drilling will go through.

There are all kinds of misconceptions about the drink. Some people may try to tell you that piercing your tragus will affect your balance; that is simply not true. His balance is affected by the fluids in his eardrums, which are deep in his ears and far from any pierceable surface. Drinking has nothing to do with your balance, so don’t be fooled by uneducated people who might try to tell you otherwise. In fact, the sole purpose of a swallow is to hold headphones (like standard iPod headphones) securely in your ears; And once you’re pierced, there are thousands of earbuds to choose from that won’t irritate your piercing. Honestly, swallowing has nothing to do with your hearing, your hearing, or your balance. It’s just a flap of cartilage, maybe if humans developed sonar and echolocation the tragus would be useful (for example, super-developed tragus help bats use sonar), but alas, in our species, it’s just a surface that begs to be drilled. !

It is recommended to pierce the tragus with a captive ring of beads, but a bar will suffice. The reason rings are almost always preferred for initial piercing over bars is that rings tend to heal faster, better, and more safely. Once healed, you can wear any type of jewelry, even the typical jewelry normally reserved for earlobes. Your piercer will help you choose which gauge is right for you (and by the way, expanding the tragus is not unheard of, but rare), mark the location on your ear, and push the needle through. Some piercers may put a cork behind the tragus to “catch” the needle, some piercers just use clamps to help the needle through, and some just use their hands. Every piercer is different, so they will pierce based on their style. Tweezing is the most common method, and many people report that tweezing to secure the skin hurts more than piercing. The tragus piercing should be painless, there aren’t a lot of nerves there, but some people feel mild, temporary pain. Because it’s so close to the ear, some people even say they hear a little “pop.” sound when the needle pushes through. If you hear a little noise, there is nothing to worry about. Once the needle is in, the jewelry is slid into place and secured, and voila! The entire process, from preparation to completion, should not take more than five minutes.

The tragus takes time to heal, sometimes up to a year to fully and completely heal. Many people irritate their new piercing by placing their dirty cell phones near their ear or by sleeping on their ear with the piercing on. I suggest NOT doing any of these for at least the first six months. If your piercing gets infected (and it shouldn’t with proper aftercare), soak it in warm salt water, keep your hands away, and perhaps (using a Q-tip) rub some diluted tea tree oil around the piercing. drilling. Never use any type of isopropyl alcohol, as it will irritate and scar the piercing. However, your piercer will give you a full rundown of what to expect and how to handle your new piercing, so heed their advice.

The Anti-Tragus is very similar to the tragus. It is pierced the same way, the aftercare is the same, and the healing time is also the same. To locate your antitragus, place a finger on your earlobe (usually where someone’s first ear piercing would be) and with your finger, draw a straight line upwards. The flap of cartilage you reach before the empty space is your antitragus. Its tragus and antitragus are located very close to each other, with the antitragus being right in front of the tragus. Like the other piercings, this piercing does not affect your hearing or balance. Anti-tragus is rarer than tragus, mainly because many people don’t think they can get this area pierced, but it can be pierced and it looks great when healed. Curved bars and captive ring beads are most often used in these piercings.

If you are considering anti-tragus or tragus piercings, be sure to use a licensed professional. Once fully healed, how you adorn or decorate the piercing is completely up to you, and the jewelry possibilities are endless!

Sketch – The art of expressive drawing

The concept

A sketch is a quick freehand drawing, which may or may not be called a finished work. It is mostly made on a two-dimensional plane to record visual data for later use. Being a preliminary sketching step, sketches help to test different ideas and establish a composition, before finally being painted or embellished.

The details

The sketch is an outline of the intended work, helping to sharpen the artists’ ability to focus on the crucial elements of a subject. While dry media such as pencil, chalk, and pastel are the preferred tools for drawing, graphite, charcoal, pen, and ink pencils are also used. A quick job of watercolor or even modeling clay can be considered a sketch in general terms. The most common platform for drawing is paper. Certain other materials, such as cardboard, plastic, leather, cardboard, and canvas, however, are also used for this purpose.

The history

During prehistoric times, art found a place on rock and cave walls. In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries AD. C., the monks of the European monasteries began to make illuminated manuscripts, vellum or parchment. Soon, silver was used for sketching and drawing. Reused wooden tablets served as drawing platforms until paper became available from the 14th century. It was used both for preparatory studies and for finished works.

types of papers

The papers come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and qualities ranging from inexpensive newspaper class to high-quality single sheets. When wet, they differ in texture, acidity, tone, and strength. Smooth paper is suitable for fine sketching, while ridged paper holds the drawing better. Newspaper and typing paper are excellent for rough sketching. Acid-free, archival-quality paper retains sketch color longer than wood-pulp-based paper, such as newsprint or writing paper. Tracing paper can also be used to duplicate and transfer a drawing to another platform, such as paper, cloth, board, etc. Cartridge paper is a basic but standard drawing paper, sold primarily in spiral bound or hardcover pads.

The artists, the artists

Some of the most famous artists with popular sketchbooks included Leonardo da Vinci (Italian, 1452-1519), Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640), Nicolas Poussin (French, 1594-1665), Antoine-Laurent (1743-94) , Jean -Baptiste (French, 1744-1829), Francisco de Goya (Spanish, 1746-1828), Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825), Edgar Degas (French, 1834-1917), Paul Cezanne (French, 1839- 1906) , Claude Monet (French, 1840-1926) and Vincent Van Gogh (Dutch, 1853-90). Its pages represent more thoughtful studies rather than mere artistic sketches.

works of art

Some notable sketch concepts include Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘sanguine line drawing’, Gustave Dore’s ‘Orlando Furioso Defeating a Monster’ (French, 1832-83), two-point perspective drawing, and chiaroscuro study drawing by William -Adolphe Bouguereau (French, 1825-1905).