Hand Shy, Head Shy – 7 Steps to Help Your Dog Overcome This Behavior

Many dogs, most often puppies that have not been handled by the breeder, or animals that have been abused or rescued from shelters, get scared out of hand. This is especially true in the case of a hand that goes towards your face or goes over your head. Unfortunately, they can’t tell you what negative experience they had with human hands. Many perceive this action as a threat. Usually some form of abuse, lack of socialization, or neglect is the cause of this heartbreaking behavior. Never pick up a dog with this behavior problem. It can make them more apprehensive and/or possibly aggressive! Fearful dogs can be dangerous dogs. Be patient. You can help them overcome this fear and make a positive association with your hand.

What you can do to help your dog overcome hand shyness:

1. When approaching your dog, approach slowly and at a slight angle. When approached at an angle, it won’t appear as large and threatening as if approached head-on. You can also squat or kneel so as not to project a threat.

2. SLOWLY reach out and pet your dog under the chin, keeping the hand in view. Avoid “jerky” movements with your arms. Speak softly and calmly. Praise him for letting you touch it. If they accept it, reward them with a treat.

3. Enroll your dog in obedience classes as soon as possible. Find a local trainer who practices non-punishment, positive reinforcement methods. Work on verbal corrections, a calm tone of voice, and non-threatening body language, rather than physical corrections.

4. Work on remembering, so you don’t have to grab it. Welcome, call your dog by his name and say: “COME!” Praise and reward him when he comes to you. Rub it under the chin. For some dogs, it helps if they squat or kneel when called.

5. Practice positive reinforcement. Reward your dog with lots of praise and a quiet pat under the chin. Reinforce his happiness by speaking in a soft, calm tone of voice to show him that you are satisfied with his behavior.

6. Massage your dog as often as you can. Work the entire body, but focus on the head and neck area. Talk softly to them during the massage. The more you do it, the more confident and relaxed they will become. Through this positive experience, they will learn to associate your hand as loving and good.

7. Tell family and friends what you are trying to do. Show them the correct way to approach and pet your dog. Do not hesitate to correct them immediately, if they are doing it incorrectly.

Bottom line: Your dog needs to make the human hand association non-threatening. The more loving hands are associated with a positive experience your dog feels, the sooner they will welcome it. As your dog becomes more relaxed with you and your family and friends, start taking him places where there are new people to meet. Explain to them what problem you are working on and ask them to come over to your dog. They can start by simply giving the dog a treat or toy. As your dog becomes more comfortable accepting treats or toys from strangers; Reassure yourself to pet your dog under the chin, then reward the dog with a treat or toy. In this way, your dog will associate human hands with loving, gentle touch and other good things. Be patient, calm and constant. Over time, you will see a more confident dog that welcomes human contact.

Construction And The Environment – Effects On Vegetation

Vegetation is one of the clearest indicators of life in our environment (probably second only to animals). It is also a key pillar in environmental dynamics, especially climate. Vegetation takes different shapes and forms and varies from one type of environment to another. Construction activities affect vegetation in the following ways;

· Construction materials. Construction has relied heavily on natural vegetation in the following ways;

o Wood: it is the most common material in construction, since time immemorial. This could be used in its raw form, for example, in posts, or in machined timber, for example, tongue-and-groove panels for roof construction. Framing for structural work like ceilings and wooden walls is also a very common use of wood. Other mechanized forms, for example plywood, are also very common in construction. The tricky thing about lumber for construction is that the preferred wood comes from hardwoods, which are rare, difficult to reproduce, and take a long time to mature.

o Roofing: Reeds and such vegetation have long been used in the form of thatching for roofing, mainly in informal settlements, but also in motels and hotels, especially spas.

o Furniture: Wooden furniture has long been the most preferred in homes. This has a huge impact on the trees, as most are woodless, and especially hardwoods which are very hard to come by, as explained above.

Clearance for settlements: Large forests and other similar vegetation have been cleared for settlement activities, either for construction work purely or in combination with other activities such as agriculture.

· Importation of Vegetation and Soils: The introduction of exotic plants, especially for landscaping compounds, also affects the environment by changing things like the normal photosynthesis activities of normal plants. The importation of soils will also lead to the maintenance of different types of vegetation, especially when supplemented by irrigation.

· Material dumping: The removal of material, whether waste or excess debris, introduces a new formation on which new forms of vegetation are more likely to grow. This can also lead to the death of existing vegetation.

Soil dehydration: This is common in swampy terrain and is mainly done to ensure good soil compaction.

Following these examples, it is clear to see how extensively construction activities have impacted vegetation and, by extension, our fragile environment. It is very important to ensure that any technology adopted in construction projects is environmentally friendly, reducing impacts to the lowest possible levels.

Breeding Coon Hounds: When Is Online Breeding The Best Option?

When breeding raccoon dogs, it’s hard to make that “perfect” combination that will bring out a litter of all the superstars that start running and breed their own raccoon at 6 months of age and split the trees at 9 months. In fact, that’s usually pretty uncommon, although I’ve hunted and owned raccoon dogs that were like that, they are few and far between.

When different raccoon dog bloodlines are crossed, it can sometimes be like playing the lottery. My experience with raising raccoon dogs is that “line breeding” works best. Line breeding is simply crossing similar bloodlines. For example, they may have the same grandfather. Or maybe their grandmothers were littermates or cousins. Or they could just have the same dog or their brother/sister somewhere in their 7th generation pedigree. These crosses can be as close as half brothers and sisters being raised. In fact, I owed him a Treeing Walker Coon Hound whose parents were sired by Gr. Nt. Ch. Hicountry’s Nite Heat and was a pretty solid hound. However, I do not recommend online parenting that close.

My experience breeding raccoon dogs has shown that the best line breeding cross is first cousin breeding. This means that one of the parents of the breeding pair will be brothers and/or sisters. Most commonly, the parents of the breeding pair are siblings. However, I must point out that when doing this you must choose quality bloodlines. The reason this works so well is because it duplicates the genetics. This means that the pups are more likely to have the same qualities as their ancestors. So this is also valid for negative qualities. So if you are breeding first cousins ​​that have many negative qualities, the chances double that the coon hound puppies will have these same negative qualities.

Now how do I know this works? It is very easy for those who follow raccoon dog bloodlines. I used to part-own a Treeing Walker Coon Hound stallion named Gr. Nt. Ch. Abbot’s Bawling Rebel, now known to be a proven breeder. Bawling Rebel was crossed with several daughters of Gr. Nt. Ch. Harry Styled, which was owned by Tim Ball. The most famous of these crosses produced quality raccoon dogs such as Gr. Nt. Ch. Stylish Platinum (sold for $30,000), Dual Grand Ch. Stylish Gold (another proven player) and many others. Bawling Rebel’s sire was Gr. Nt. Stylish Rebel from Ch. Ole South and was the brother of Stylish Harry from Ball. The list of dogs that come from this cross and other similar ones can justify the benefits of first cousins ​​by consanguinity. But this is just one particular bloodline out of thousands that have used this successfully. The Wipeout lineage of raccoon dogs is another good example.

In conclusion, when you decide to breed your raccoon hounds, you should seriously consider finding a quality first cousin. This will increase your chances of producing a quality raccoon hound litter.

Vegetarian Diet and God Realization

A beautiful example of non-violence for all creatures is reflected in the life of Saint Francis of Assisi. He loved all animals. In fact, they would gather around him and do him no harm when he was lost in prayer. There is an anecdote from the life of San Francisco. He once was sitting near a lake. A fisherman who caught a big fish came by in his boat and offered his catch to Saint Francis. The saint joyfully accepted the catch and called the fish, “brother.” He immediately gently placed the fish back in the water, restoring life to it. It is said that the fish, which was grateful to its savior, kept swimming near the place where Saint Francis was sitting in prayer. The fish would not leave that area until he finished the prayer and the saint had given him permission to leave.

The life of San Francisco was a long epic of love. He freely gave to beggars and served his fellow men day and night. He freed wounded animals and fed them with his bare hands. One day, as he was walking, he saw a man carrying two lambs on his shoulders. The animals were hung upside down. Saint Francis asked the man what he was doing with the lambs. When the man replied that he would take them to the market to sell them to the slaughterhouse, San Francisco’s heart filled with compassion for the animals. He exchanged the coat he was wearing in exchange for the lambs and placed the animals in the care of a friend with instructions to look out for the welfare of the animals and not kill or harm them in any way. Therefore, if we wish to find God, then we must love and care for all of God’s creatures. That is why the vegetarian diet is part of the spiritual life.

If we truly believe that we are one world, then all its members are our family, whether they are human beings or animals. Then we will love and serve everyone as if they were members of our family. In this way, we can contribute to a world of peace and love.

Recognizing the need to keep our bodies functioning while keeping the goal of nonviolence in mind, we must follow the vegetarian diet because it results in as little destruction as possible.

For those seeking self-knowledge and God-realization, vegetarianism offers another benefit. Those involved in spirituality find that all the saints of all traditions tell us that God or creative power can be found within. In order to discover our Creator and our true self as a soul, we need to invest our attention. The recommended process in each religion is through meditation or inversion. It requires sitting quietly and focusing our attention in a place where we can connect with the divinity within. To do this, we have to quiet our mind and look within to find the inner Light and Sound of God.

There is a stream of Light and Sound that we encounter when we meditate. The Spiritual Masters teach a meditation called Surat Shabd Yoga, or Shabd Meditation, in which we focus our attention to find the Light and Sound within. The Light and Sound are already there, we just need to learn the meditation technique to help us find it.

Meditation requires stillness. Right now, our attention is focused on the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and sensations outside of this world. This static and noise prevents us from tuning in to the Light and Sound within. A meditation technique that helps us find the divinity within is called Shabd Meditation.

To get an idea of ​​how simple the technique is, we have an introductory meditation called Jyoti Meditation. In this, you sit in the most convenient posture, in which you can sit for a longer time. Close your eyes gently as you would if you were going to sleep. Set your gauze in front of you. To keep your mind still, repeat whatever Name of God you feel comfortable with, mentally and not out loud. By looking into the midst of whatever appears in front of you, you can experience bliss, peace, and joy.

In order to concentrate in meditation, we need to be calm and collected. If we eat meat from dead animals, our own conscience will be affected. We know the effect our own hormones have on our body. Imagine how many stress hormones we are adding that were circulating in animals, birds, or fish when they were being killed or slaughtered for meat! All that is part of us when we participate in it. The food we eat not only has an effect on our physical, emotional and mental makeup, but also on our spiritual awareness. If we are trying to lead a life of nonviolence and compassion, if we are trying to become more serene and peaceful, if we are trying to control our mind and senses to concentrate on finding God, then naturally we will want to go on a diet. that helps us achieve our goal.

When the Roman poet Seneca learned of the teachings of Pythagoras, he became a vegetarian. He was happy to discover, to his astonishment, that his “mind had become more alert and more enlightened.”

We can see the multiple benefits of vegetarianism. Whether one tries this diet for physical health, to enhance intellect and mental well-being, or for spiritual growth, one finds benefits.

When Akita puppies are ready to leave their mother

By the time the pups are seven to eight weeks old, they should be fully weaned. Her mother must still be around so she can play with them and enjoy them, but they must have learned that there is no milk to get from her and they must not disturb her. The puppies’ education should be well advanced and they should have learned a few words and some sounds, like the rustle of the packet of biscuits and the clatter of food bowls. They will be emerging as individuals, with their own distinctive characteristics.

Each breeder has their own way of managing the sale of puppies, but we feel that all future homes should have been vetted for suitability. Puppies should be sent with a diet sheet, a full summary of future care, your telephone number, a pedigree and a Kennel Club registration certificate (or promise of one if there has been a delay). You can choose to provide written receipts and agreements. He may also want to sell or “place” a pup on the condition that it is not used for breeding. This can be done in a number of ways: some people give written contracts, some retain registration certificates, some use the Kennel Club facility to support registration, although the Kennel Club can override this at their own discretion. Some breeders do not register the puppy. Some provide a vet certificate before the pups leave. Some future owners will insist on a vet inspection, in any case.

All you can do is take all the safety measures to ensure that the Akita puppies you have raised go to the best possible homes. The greatest reward is when you meet one of your puppies at a future date and see that the dog looks fit and well, and in many cases, will still recognize you. Although you spend a relatively short time with the puppies, it is a very important time in their lives and will have a significant influence on their future well-being.

5 Different Trekking Themes for Trekking in Nepal

We walk for different reasons. Some walk to see the sun rise or set on the horizon; some want to hike in the mountains and spend cold nights inside warm tents; some want to discover that beautiful lake and take a refreshing dip in it or just stand there in soulful contemplation (maybe you can write a poem or two); some like to witness the varied forms of life, not only strange plants and animals, but also people growing in different environments; and, some like to relax in the desert. As far as I know, the bounded territory of Nepal, whose ground will never be lapped by wild ocean waves, can satisfy 5 different trekking motives of thirsty adventurers.

1. Exotic Mountain Landscape

Where there are mountains, there are trails. And Nepal has dozens and dozens of mountain trails to offer. After all, it is the land of Everest (8,848m) and seven other mighty mountain peaks, including Lhotse (8,516m), Manaslu (8,156m), Cho Oyu (8,201m), Annapurna (8,091m) and Kanchenjunga (8,586m). m), all of which reach the list of the ten highest peaks in the world. With so many gigantic peaks and around fifty other noble mountains, it is no wonder that Nepal is often considered the trekking capital of the world.

So if your trekking fantasy is to touch the mountains, then popular trekking areas in Nepal include the famous Everest Base Camp, the mesmerizing Annapurna Circuit Trek and the challenging Manaslu Base Camp among others. Of course, the aforementioned trekking trails do not involve climbing to the top of those high mountains; even so, you will find yourself at impressive altitudes of around 5000 m (very close to heaven, huh?). Speaking of high-altitude treks, there are even some small peaks in Nepal, such as Gokyo Ri and Kala Patthar (offering a magnificent view of Everest), the top of which can be, and has been, touched by trekkers (no trekking training necessary). Mountain climbing). ).

2. Desert landscape

Tired of the same old stuff, we all wish for something different. So in that sense, the green landscapes that dominate in most trekking areas of Nepal, as beautiful and natural as they are, can become an eyesore for a frequent trekker. Therefore, Nepal urges these loyal trekkers, who ask for something different, to venture beyond its snow-capped Himalayas and try the Upper Mustang trail.

An average Nepali is always surprised by such a barren and desert landscape owned by such a green country. But, of course, Mustang’s proximity to the Tibetan Plateau leaves its mark, not only on the condition of the topography but also on the lifestyle of the people there. Somewhere along those barren Mustang hills lies the ancient city, Lo Manthang, one of the main attractions on this windswept trail, along with the holy pilgrimage point, Muktinath.

3. Learn Nepali

Hiking is not just about exploring nature. It is also about discovering the various forms of human life and culture. Fortunately, Nepal offers trekkers with an interest in culture the chance to stay as a guest at a local’s home, in one of those charming villages tucked high up in the hills. While the houses may not look modern enough, don’t worry about the accommodations. It’s good, although not like the 5 star hotels you’re used to, but the hospitality of the Nepalese is always “5 star” quality or so they say. In fact, they even have a traditional belief embedded within their system that “The Guest is God” or “Atithi Devo Bhavah” as the Sanskrit verse says. Yes, this and many other strange things, cultures, temples, waterfalls and colorful celebrations are available for you to witness as you sign up for Sirubari Village Homestay or the equally tempting Ghalegaun Trek.

4. Hike to the lakes

While many of the world’s wondrous sights, be it twinkling stars or majestic snow-capped peaks, are silhouetted against the sky, yet you can find jewels on the ground. Among these jewels are the poignant sweat lakes generated by the Himalayas. Imagine a glacial lake, cool and calm; then imagine a beautiful snow-capped peak looming gracefully behind these lakes, and voila, it’s a double “breathtaking” setting. Now popular in this niche of Nepalese lake trails, excluding Pokhara’s Fewa Tal (no trekking required; you’ll see it on the way, too), are the Gokyo Trek (six sacred lakes plus the famous Gokyo Ri – climb to the summit for for a mesmerizing view of Mount Everest) and the meandering trail from Langtang to the holy Gosainkunda (can you believe this trail has more than 100 lakes there?).

5. Hiking to see the sunrise or sunset

We hikers have a soft spot for the sun, even though we sometimes curse it for bathing in scorching rays, resulting in the ailment called sunburn and, yes, dehydration too. Anyway, the point is that the sun is the source of life on earth, and therefore, to admire the sun, hikers trek all the way through steep hills and mountains to that auspicious place where they say the view of the sun in the sky is awesome In Nepal one such popular trek especially for sunrise or sunset would be the Poonhill Trekking although it goes without saying that all Himalayan trails are awesome when it comes to seeing the sun posing gracefully behind the shimmering mountain peaks.

Important Affenpinschers of the modern era

Solar Eclipse by Ch.Hilane was born on May 9, 1991 and died on September 11, 2004. Jerome Cushman and Frederickk Nuernberg bred and owned Solar. Solar was one of three puppies in the litter. The rather unique color of it inspired its name. On the neck, shoulders, and flanks it had a dark red undercoat with a black hardcoat undercoat. He many times he has shot this characteristic coat color. He was Winners Dog under judge Sari Brewster Tietjen in the national specialty in 1992.

Seth Thomas by his brother Ch.Hilane, owned by Carolyn (Garrity) Hamilton, won the national specialty in 1993 under Judge Lois Wolf White. His sister Ch.Hilane’s Au Naturel was the first all-natural Affenpinscher to win an AKC championship.

At about the age of two and a half years, Solar showed signs of stiffness and the vet reported that he had been infected with Lyme disease, which left him with severe arthritis. He was a stoic little dog who enjoyed life with only minor adaptations.

Although not used much for breeding, it has produced some great dogs. His offspring include national specialty winners Ch.Hilane’s Harpagon, later owned by Shirley Howard and Jim and Kathy Herman, Ch.Yarrow’s Lucy in the Sky (Moraina), owned by Jackie Stacy, and Ch.Yarrow’s Super Nova (Cosmos ), owned by Dr. .and Mrs. William Truesdale.

“Moraina” and “Cosmos” hold the records for most Best in Show wins for their sex in the breed. Cosmos was also the top toy and number five all-breed show dog in 2001. Ranked number eight all-time, he was the first Affenpinscher to win the Toy Group at Westminster Kennel. Club Dog Show. A brother to Cosmos is the multi-group winner and main producer of Ch. Yarrow’s Over The Moon. His sister is Ch. Kyleakin Maid At Yarrow, who has produced several winning champions. Ch.Yarrow’s Lucy in the Sky littermate is Ch.Yarrow’s Rocketman, who lives with Sharon Sapp in Georgia, and he has sired some nice dogs too.

Another of Solar’s sons who have done well in the ring is Ch.Tamarin Trevor, owned by David and Pamela Peat. Trevor’s brother, Ch. Tamarin Tanz, owned by Joseph Reinisch, has also been an excellent show dog.

Another son, Ch.Hilane’s The Sun Also Rises, owned and exhibited by Rebecca Brandon and Babettta P.Veater in Alaska, has won multiple groups and a Best in Show. Her littermate, Ch.Hilane Spring’s Awakening, has sired several good champions, including Ch.Hilane’s Just Look At Me, owned by Sandra Lex of Canada, and Ch.Hi-Tech Girlrilla Of My Dream, owned by Beth Sweigart and Letisha Wubbel. Two of Solar’s granddaughters, Ch.Hilane’s Betty Boop and Ch.Hilane’s Loose Cannon, are also group winners.

Solar also sired some quality Belgian bitches, including Ch.Hilane’s Molley Sugden, who has produced three champions for his California estate Mavis Weatherwax, and Ch.Hilane’s Present, owned by Jerome Cushman. Solar sired Marlane from Ch.Hilane, the first group-placed Affenpinscher with natural ears and tail.

While visiting the Crufts dog show in England, Beth Sweigart and Peter Green spotted a young female Affenpinscher owned by Rita Turner. They bought her and brought her in to show her and add her to her breeding program. She finished her championship fast and won some big breed shows. She is mother and grandmother to many of today’s winningest Affenpinschers. Her name is Ch. Gerbraes Maid In Splendor, her call name is “Doris”, and she is owned by Beth Sweigart and Letisha Wubbel. Her littermate Ch. Gerbraes Maid in Heaven at Zipaty, owned by the late Pat Patchen, was one of the best bitches in England.

Crossed with Solar, Doris produced other important Affens besides Cosmos and Moraina. These include Ch.Yarrow’s Over The Moon and Ch.Kyleakin Maid At Yarrow. Doris also has more champions crossed with other males. Ch.Yarrow’s Mighty Joe Young won the specialty in 2004. Two other good champions winning Bests are Ch.Bukany Streakmeister Tamarin and Ch.Yarrow’s Action Jackson.

After Moraina won her championship, Beth Sweigart gave her to Jackie and Terry Stacy, who used her to start their Tamarin lines. Doris’s other daughter, Ch. Kyleakin Maid At Yarrow, was also given to Stacys and Doris Tolone of Calkerry Affenpinschers. These two founding bitches along with Ch.Periwinkle Enla Ms.Munster, bred by Elizabeth Muir-Chamberlain, were the source of the Affenpinschers in Tamarin and Calkerry. These bitches were crossed with Hilane, Periwinkle, Doch’s and Ceterra males to produce some great seasoning Affenpinschers. Doris Tolone’s Ch.Tamarin Talullah (of Ch.Periwinkle Godzilla and Ch.Kyleakin Maid At Yarrow) won National Specialty in 2001. Ch.Ceterra’s Little Black Sambo, crossed with Ch.Tamarin Tulip, produced Ch.Tamarin Travis (2002 and winner of the national specialty in 2003) and Ch.Tamarin Tip-Off (winner of the national specialty in 2005).

The Affenpinscher’s future looks bright. More good champions are placing and winning Groups in North America. Let’s hope the breed doesn’t get too popular and new breeders stay focused on producing healthy, happy, well-adjusted dogs that fill the role of the fun-loving family pet.

3 reasons to choose a good diet for cats

When you think about your cat’s diet, do you think that any food they will eat must be good food?

While it is true that cats will often devour things that we consider junk food, that is not ‘t‌ ‌means‌ ‌you‌ should‌ ‌feed‌ ‌them‌ ‌waste‌ ‌or‌ ‌trade‌ food.‌ ‌Feeding a cat a good diet is important for health and well-being of your feline friend. being

Often the cheapest cat food has unsafe ingredients, full of toxic preservatives, humectants and flavoring agents to entice the cat to eat it.

You may be saving money in the short term, but it will prepare for ‌ ‌your‌ ‌furry companion‌ ‌.‌ ‌

After all, they are an important member of your family. Cats are known as healers and often have different ways of sharing their affection.

3‌ ‌reasons‌ ‌to‌ ‌choose‌ ‌a‌ ‌health‌ ‌cat‌ ‌diet‌ ‌

Cats, like humans, will not thrive on a fast food, high carb, kibble diet.

If they eat the wrong diet for cats, they can fall victim to arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, and liver disease. ‌ ‌obesity,‌ ‌just‌ ‌like‌ ‌people.‌ ‌

The only difference between us and cats is that once they live in captivity, they have very little control over their diet. Cats trust us to provide them with healthy food, especially when they live indoors.

Cats are natural predators…their diet has to mimic that fact, so here are three reasons to choose a good cat diet that will extend the life of your pet.

1. Dental health

Just like humans, many health complications arise in domestic cats with poor dental hygiene.

Your cat may have bad breath, which is unpleasant, but the infections that can cause halitosis can be much more serious to her immune system and overall health than you think.

Kittens lose their milk teeth between four and six months. During that time, there are gaps in your mouth that are magnets for bacteria.

You probably go to the dentist regularly to make sure your teeth and gums are in good shape.

But how does your cat maintain its oral health? They need good quality foods and treats that help remove plaque and stimulate their gums to keep their teeth strong and their mouths clean.

2. Cats are carnivores

Like it or not, your cat is a hunter, a predator, a carnivore. They will never do well on a vegetarian or vegan diet.

So while you may have chosen to eliminate meat from her diet and replaced protein with beans, meat alternatives, and supplements, your cat needs animal protein.

It is a source of a vital amino acid, taurine, which aids in the development of strong muscles, including the heart.

Fish-based cat food can work just fine: it’s loaded with Omega fatty acids that nourish your feline’s body… and suit her digestive system. However, most fish has been contaminated with heavy metals and other nasty toxins or parasites, and is very unhealthy. Offering fish as an occasional treat to a healthy cat should be fine, but be careful with a consistent diet.

Avoid foods that have an excess of fillers, such as wheat and barley. They may fill your cat’s belly, but they won’t provide her with the protein she needs for healthy development. And they can lead to obesity and diabetes, and many other problems.

Also, cats are naturally designed to hunt and eat their prey raw, not baked in an oven or processed at high temperatures in a can. Prey creatures have blood, moisture (water), and partially digested food in their intestines, bones and organs, and much more.

When deciding what to feed your kitty, choose high-quality wet food, not cardboard dry kibble. Some cats do quite well on quality wet food, and others do better on raw food.

3. Cats need hydration

There is nothing wrong with feeding your feline a diet of dry food occasionally as a treat or topping for food. It’s easier to store, generally less expensive, and has more ingredient options to suit your cat’s palate.

But remember, they too need immediate access to water and can overload on carbs, just like us… so follow the instructions on the package and pay attention to your kitty’s needs.

On the other hand, the wrong wet food can rob your cat of the fiber he needs to keep his digestive system running smoothly. You’ll often see cats and dogs out in the open eating grass…they’re just trying to get their intestines working again so they can clean out their insides.

If you have an indoor cat, consider keeping cat grass (or add some other source of fiber to her food) which will help keep her digestive tract on track.

Your cat can’t go to the supermarket

Your cat has basic dietary needs… and then they develop their own tastes, just like children. In fact, there is a phase as they get older where they learn what is good to eat and what is not good to eat, and after that it can be quite difficult to change their minds about what is acceptable and what is not. is.

Unlike your kids, however, who will grow up to be able to shop on their own and satisfy their taste buds and hopefully make wise dietary choices…

Your cat can’t do the same. It’s up to you to communicate with them, explain why various foods are good for them and why some are not, and then meet their dietary needs.

You may think that good quality food is too expensive, that it’s too much trouble to research the alternatives…

…but think of the bread you could put your fellow cat through if he ends up with kidney stones, ulcers, or abdominal cancer because you’ve overloaded his body with toxic food.

Cats are designed to hunt and eat little during the day, but free grazing (eating whenever they want) with poor quality kibble is a bad idea. Smaller, more nutritious wet meals make for a healthier, longer-lived kitten.

It helps if you can talk to your cat and find out what suits her palate, what meets her nutritional needs, and what makes her sick or causes pain.

Remember, your cat goes through growth phases, just like us. Food that suits them at six months won’t keep them fit when they’re five… or ten, or twenty.

You can prepare your cat for a long and healthy life without stressful visits to a veterinary clinic by feeding her a diet of quality cat food.

If you would like more information on feline health, please contact us.

Balanced Diet for Siberian Husky Nutrition

When you pick up your puppy from the dog breeder, ask him for advice on the best diet to feed your Siberian husky. Initially, follow the diet that he recommends. But as your dog grows into an adult, you’ll need to change his diet to suit your preferences. Do not make sudden changes to your dog’s diet, as this can upset his digestive system and cause gastric upset. The Siberian Husky eats little, so the small amount of food must be nutritious to keep the dog healthy.

The nutrition of the Siberian Husky should consist mainly of a diet rich in protein, and meat should be the main ingredient in the food. Some Siberian Huskies suffer from allergies to wheat and corn, so they should be avoided as much as possible. There are many dog ​​foods available on the market, and Innova EVO is very popular, but it is expensive. Canidae dog food is also good and reasonably priced, and it is a high quality dog ​​food.

Of course, most dog food manufacturers care about the nutrients they add to the food. If you buy dog ​​food that is sold especially for the Siberian Husky, it will take care of your Siberian Husky’s nutrition. Since the Siberian Husky eats very little, the dog food he consumes each time is also very little. However, each dog needs a different feeding quota, and you also have to decide that for your dog. You should check if a mixture of canned and dry food is ideal for your dog or if only dry food is sufficient. Consult your veterinarian and dog breeder if you have any problems or concerns.

A balanced diet is the best diet for your Siberian Husky. The diet must contain an adequate balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. The ancestors of the Siberian Husky were used to such sources of nutrients, and the same should be provided for your dog. Study and learn about the eating habits and all about the nutrition of the Siberian Husky before deciding on his best diet.

If you are not satisfied with the dog food available in the market, or it is too expensive for you, you can cook meals for your pet at home. This is hardly time consuming, but it goes a long way in improving the nutrition of the Siberian Husky. Fresh food has fresh ingredients and no preservatives, all of which are ideal for good Siberian Husky nutrition. Your pet gets the best diet and you know exactly what she’s eating. For Siberian Husky dog ​​food recipes you can consult several books on canine nutrition.

The main requirement of the Siberian Husky is fatty acids and if you give the dog fish and poultry, they will provide the necessary protein as well as fatty acids. Several foods should be avoided as they can cause an allergic reaction in some Siberian Huskies. These prohibited foods include beef, soy, yellow corn, avocado, horse meat, and beet pulp. Vitamins and minerals are also essential, but be careful in choosing the right types as they vary from breed to breed.

Cocker Spaniel Digging and How to STOP IT!

Is your Cocker Spaniel digging up your yard and making it look like the surface of the moon or a strip mining excavation? The changes are that you probably feel frustrated, upset, and helpless watching your pup do his thing. Digging is a natural instinctive behavior. All dog breeds have a fixation on digging, some more than others. Before we can begin to solve the problem, we must analyze the reasons why your Cocker Spaniel is digging.

Why does my cocker spaniel dig?

It is important to understand that your Cocker Spaniel is not digging in your yard to annoy you or deliberately make your life difficult. We need to look and determine the reason for the excavation. Ask yourself the following questions to determine where the digging behavior is coming from.

1) Where does my Cocker Spaniel dig? Is it one point or multiple points?

2) Why is it excavated? Old, chewy bones of buried rawhide, tree roots?

3) Does your Cocker dig when left alone?

4) Is the Cocker digging under a fence?

5) Does your Cocker bury his rawhide toys and chews?

Reasons to dig a cocker spaniel

1) Cocker Spaniels, especially young ones, are full of energy. If you don’t provide them with a proper and sufficient outlet for it, they will find their own. Your yard contains dirt, insects, and maybe even small burrowing animals. It can become a play paradise for puppies.

2) Your Cocker Spaniel loves to be in your company. This breed of dog desires a great deal of human companionship. If he leaves his pup alone in the yard (or even with another dog) all day, the Cocker may dig due to loneliness, boredom, and/or separation anxiety.

3) Cocker Spaniels were originally bred to be sporting dogs used for hunting birds. This is where the name “Cocker” comes from, as they were particularly adept at hunting woodcocks. Dogs bred for hunting or herding have a greater need for occupation and are more susceptible to boredom.

Ways to Stop Cocker Spaniel Digging

Now that we’ve figured out the reason, we can start correcting the behavior. For starters, don’t leave your dog outside unsupervised while he tries to correct digging behavior. Keep an eye on your dog and distract him if he starts to dig. Since this is a natural instinct for your pup, you may want to set up an area where your dog can dig. The area can be made of sand and soft earth. It’s a good idea to bury treats and toys so your pup can dig them out.

correct behavior

When you catch your Cocker Spaniel digging where he’s not supposed to, look to see what he’s digging, remove the object if possible, and replace it in the permitted digging area. Pick up the puppy gently and place it in the allowed area. Only praise and give your dog treats when the appropriate behavior has been displayed. This can take a few times, but it is well worth the effort. For starters, your Cocker is smart and will pick up on it quickly. When you see the dog in the allowed area, it’s time to give it a treat.

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Distract your Cocker Spaniel by Digging

The old can trick seems to work for many dogs. It is simply an empty can filled with some pebbles, marbles, or coins. Anytime you see your cocker spaniel digging, shake the can briskly to distract the pup and stop the digging. Introduce your dog in the allowed digging area and only reward him if he digs in the allowed area. The can trick can be used to distract your pup from other undesirable behaviors. Only use the can to distract the dog and signal that his behavior is unacceptable.

Stop digging in flower beds

Do not leave the dog alone until the digging behavior has been corrected. If your pup darts into the flower beds, quickly distract him and place him in his own digging area. This system is simple and it works, the only problem is that people seem to give up after a while. If you don’t follow, you’ll end up fencing off the follow bed.

Game time

Use your yard to play with your puppy. Play only non-aggressive games like fetch; teach new tricks and reinforce good behavior. This will meet the Cockers exercise and companionship requirements. Playing aggressive games like “tug of war” gives the dog a chance to try and exert his dominance over you. These types of games should be avoided at all times. You do not want to instill aggressive behavior in your Cocker.

Take your dog for a walk

Walking at least once a day is good for you and your Cocker Spaniel and will help your dog expend some of that energy.

The above tips and tricks will help resolve the boredom, separation anxiety, and pent up energy that is causing your Cocker Spaniel to dig.

Never punish your dog, it will only make things that much harder to correct. A good coach can lend a hand if needed. Positive and gentle commands work best with your Cocker Spaniel.