When Akita puppies are ready to leave their mother

By the time the pups are seven to eight weeks old, they should be fully weaned. Her mother must still be around so she can play with them and enjoy them, but they must have learned that there is no milk to get from her and they must not disturb her. The puppies’ education should be well advanced and they should have learned a few words and some sounds, like the rustle of the packet of biscuits and the clatter of food bowls. They will be emerging as individuals, with their own distinctive characteristics.

Each breeder has their own way of managing the sale of puppies, but we feel that all future homes should have been vetted for suitability. Puppies should be sent with a diet sheet, a full summary of future care, your telephone number, a pedigree and a Kennel Club registration certificate (or promise of one if there has been a delay). You can choose to provide written receipts and agreements. He may also want to sell or “place” a pup on the condition that it is not used for breeding. This can be done in a number of ways: some people give written contracts, some retain registration certificates, some use the Kennel Club facility to support registration, although the Kennel Club can override this at their own discretion. Some breeders do not register the puppy. Some provide a vet certificate before the pups leave. Some future owners will insist on a vet inspection, in any case.

All you can do is take all the safety measures to ensure that the Akita puppies you have raised go to the best possible homes. The greatest reward is when you meet one of your puppies at a future date and see that the dog looks fit and well, and in many cases, will still recognize you. Although you spend a relatively short time with the puppies, it is a very important time in their lives and will have a significant influence on their future well-being.