Gas flatulence and pancreatic disorders

“I have the constant problem of gas and bloating after meals.” “My belly is full of gas,” many Americans say quite often. Typically, many people consider these symptoms to be “normal,” others take over-the-counter medications and hope for a quick fix.

What’s happening? What causes gas, bloating, flatulence, and many other digestive problems? The main reason for these symptoms is indigestion in the small intestine. The small intestine is a 30-foot-long tube chamber where 90% of fat and 50% of protein and carbohydrates are broken down by pancreatic digestive enzymes and bile into tiny particles that can pass through the wall of the intestine into the blood and lymph so that our body can use these particles to build our own cells and tissues.

When food is not digested properly, bacteria ferment it and produce a lot of intestinal gas. This gas has compounds of hydrogen, methane, sulfur and nitro. These toxic substances pass through the wall of the intestine poisoning the entire body. These toxins poison the nervous, immune, and hormonal systems. It is known that people with gas, bloating, unpleasant flatulence also suffer from fatigue, headache, depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia, premenstrual syndrome, low thyroid, etc.

Collected inside, intestinal gas increases the pressure inside the abdomen causing constant bloating, cramps, pain and decreased microcirculation of the internal organs. This intestinal gas only has two exit routes: the mouth and the anus. Passing into the mouth, it causes pain in the upper abdomen, fullness, belching, heartburn, etc. If intestinal gas finds its way to the anus, it causes lower abdominal pain, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, etc.

Much of intestinal gas has an interlocking connection to Candida yeast and parasite overgrowth. Friendly intestinal flora (probiotics) control the growth of opportunistic infections such as bacteria, yeast and parasites. If the amount of friendly intestinal flora is low, the opportunistic infection takes over the GI tract and resides in the small intestine. This condition is called small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Thanks to new technology, by indicating hydrogen or methane in exhaled air, doctors can recognize SIBO.

Digestion in the small intestine can only occur with the proper quality and quantity of pancreatic digestive enzymes and bile produced by liver cells. Abnormal pancreatic juice and bile are involved in almost all digestive disorders.

What causes bile and pancreatic juice problems? To realize that, one needs to know that the pancreas and the liver, which make bile, are alkaline glands. It means that bile or pancreatic juices are strong alkaline fluids. Released into the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine, alkaline bile and pancreatic juice normally create an alkaline environment there. It is essential for the normal work of pancreatic digestive enzymes, which can digest food only in the alkaline medium. Acidity damages the pancreas in many ways and stops the pancreatic digestive enzymes from working.

By the way, how to check whether the body is acidic or not? The easy way is to measure the pH of saliva and urine with litmus paper at home. If the pH of saliva and urine is frequently higher than 6.6, it shows that the body is acidic.

All of our cells are living organisms that breathe, eat, multiply and, of course, release waste products. These waste products are acids. The body has two major ways to combat excess acidity. First, the way is to neutralize acidity by minerals and bicarbonate collected in the body. We do not have an unlimited capacity of minerals and bicarbonate, therefore we need to constantly supply them with food and water.

The next way is to eliminate toxic acid products through urine, air, digestive juices, sweat, etc. I’m sorry to say, age and disease slow down this process. The human body strives to maintain a constant acid-alkaline balance in the blood to promote proper function of vital organs like the heart, lungs, and brain, sometimes at the expense of “less important” organs like the liver and brain. pancreas.

Acidic changes throughout the body lead to acidic changes in bile and pancreatic juice.
The acidity makes the bile “aggressive” and corrosive. The “aggressive” acidic bile irritates the ducts, valves and walls of the intestine causing inflammation, ulcers and “backflow” – reflux. On the other hand, acidic pancreatic juice decreases the activity of pancreatic digestive enzymes and leads to indigestion of food.

Another benefit of the alkaline pancreas is that the pancreatic digestive enzymes in addition to food digest uninvited invaders such as harmful bacteria, Candida yeast, and parasites. Conversely, low pancreatic function leads to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). As you already know, microorganisms, which ferment undigested food, produce a lot of intestinal gas. This gas drives the “aggressive” mix of acidic bile and pancreatic juice in the stomach causing gastroesophageal reflux with belching and heartburn.

To improve digestion and relieve intestinal gas, one needs to normalize their body’s acid-alkaline balance and naturally support the function of the pancreas.

Eating processed foods without natural digestive enzymes causes the pancreas to produce huge amounts of its own digestive enzymes to make up for that. Constant overwork exhausts the pancreas, so eating unprocessed foods with natural digestive enzymes can save and prolong pancreatic function. separate diet; Eating one type of food on time can also decrease the strain on the pancreas.

To normalize the body’s acid-alkaline balance, there are some vital ways: neutralize acidity by supplying the body with essential minerals and bicarbonates through food and water, stop eating acid-forming foods, and eliminate toxic acidic substances through the kidney. , liver and colon.

Unfortunately, modern men live an acid lifestyle. We have an epidemic of heartburn throughout the body from eating too many acid-forming foods, such as white flour, sugars, red meat, and dairy products. Alcohol, some medications, drugs, sedentary lifestyle, heavy metals also cause heartburn throughout the body. Candida yeast and parasite overgrowth also cause heartburn. Avoiding and eliminating these factors can normalize the acid-alkaline balance of the body, restore pancreatic work and normal digestion, thus stopping the constant production of intestinal gas.

We can naturally neutralize excess acidity in the body with alkaline minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate. Fresh vegetables and non-sweet fruits are the main source of these natural alkaline substances.

Another way to neutralize the acidity of the whole body is to drink healing mineral water. European doctors have recommended drinking Karlovy Vary mineral water either from the spring or by preparing it at home with genuine Karlovy Vary spring salt since 1764.

Karlovy Vary is a small town in the Czech Republic that has been the world-class healing mineral spa in Europe since the 18th century. Karlovy Vary healing mineral water is not the water that people drink when they are thirsty. This water is made up of vital mineral trace elements and bicarbonate and has been the subject of robust medical research and clinical observation. Many medical scientific articles confirmed that Karlovy Vary healing mineral water is very beneficial for people with digestive disorders.

Cellular magnesium supplementation: potassium can neutralize acid radicals, increases the pH of saliva and urine, which shows that the body obtains a normal acid-alkaline balance.

Being overweight, extra pounds, especially around the midsection, are symptoms of fatty liver and pancreas. Losing just a few pounds can improve gastrointestinal symptoms like heartburn, intestinal gas, burping, and flatulence.

The information in this article is presented for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis, treatment and advice from a qualified licensed professional.