How To Be A Sexy Guy And Attract Women Using 3 Killer Seduction Techniques

A lot of guys seem to think that dressing up and showing up where lots of beautiful girls are hanging out is all they need to have sex with them afterwards. However, this is far from the truth. Unfortunately, most guys have no idea that running straight into places full of girls isn’t exactly enough to guarantee them a good fuck at the end of the night, or anytime, for that matter.

Getting a girl to notice you would take a lot more than that and because of that, you need to learn some techniques to ensure that a girl will give you a good time at the end of it all. Read on if you want to discover the guaranteed seduction techniques that can increase your sex appeal and get instant results with any girl of your choice at any time…

Seduction technique #1: Make sure your profile is mysterious. Although this may not make much sense to you, guys who love mystery attract girls much faster than guys who are obvious and transparent. This is why you should make a real effort when it comes to hiding things about your life while chatting with girls about you.

Along with that particular technique, you also need to know how you can change the subject when a girl starts asking deep questions in hopes of learning more about what your personality is like. Remember that girls tend to get bored pretty easily, especially if there’s nothing mysterious about you anymore by the end of the night. Because of this, you want to make sure that girls remain guessing when it comes to your personality and your life, in general.

Seduction technique #2: Create emotional ties that are strong and resilient. In order to get a girl to develop instant feelings for you, even after you’ve only just met, you need to encourage building emotional bonds with her. You can get her to do this by starting interesting conversations that can hold her attention and really draw her in. Keep in mind that every girl today, no matter how old she is, has some sort of emotional need. So if you can satisfy this emotional need of a girl, you can be above the rest of the guys today in no time.

Seduction technique #3: Protect your girl. This is a fairly simple technique, especially if you are in a very crowded place. Be nice and hold her girl close to her as people try to walk past her and do your best to appear protective of her at all times.

You can even suggest that she get some air if she seems flushed and flustered by the crowd or music around you. If you do this, she will start to see you as the perfect gentleman and you will surely get on her books. However, if you are alone in the city with her, then you should have no problem working on your game as there will be no distractions around you.