Modeling Tips – Safety Precautions

We can move like a cat, but we don’t have 9 lives. In an industry with an overwhelming revolving door of talent and newcomers, it can be difficult to weed out psychopaths and perverts from the professionals. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to auditions, jobs, and photographers. No matter how beautiful you are, the last place you want your headshot published is in the news about a tragic murder or rape. Life has no guarantees, but we can take some precautions to avoid dangerous situations. Here are my top 10 safety tips for models:


Before you take a job or meet with a photographer, first verify them and their business on Google. It’s free, fast and convenient. Do you have any reviews? How do your photos look? Is your portfolio published? Website with company information? There are a ton of talented photographers who are in the middle of building their portfolio and they may not have a website, but they should have an online profile with Model Mayhem, Facebook or One Model Place etc. showing some of his work. If they are a ghost, which means they have nothing online: zip code, zero, then pass. It’s just not worth the risk or the time. Use that extra time to find a photographer who is already online and serious about networking.


The easiest and surest way to find a photographer to work with is simply by asking your model friends. They will not only recommend you to legitimate people, but they will also give you the “ins and outs” of working with that particular photographer, whether you shoot nude, fashion, lifestyle, etc. how fast they shoot and edit, the locations they use and their professionalism. Knowing how a session can go based on how someone works is an advantage: you’ll know what you’re getting into.


This can be tricky. Personally, I’m not a fan of chaperones as I find it distracting for both myself and the photographer. My theory is that if we can’t work together alone, then we’re not working at all. Now, I’ve seen it done and I know photographers who don’t mind chaperones, but I think if you DO decide to bring one, you should discuss it with the photographer beforehand. Be ready to give them a reason and be honest… maybe it’s your first shoot and you’d feel more comfortable having a friend there for moral support? Or maybe you are a little hesitant about the type of content you will shoot? Either way, communicating these concerns ahead of time will make the session go more smoothly. You may even find that having this conversation with your photographer can clear up a lot of concerns so that you don’t need a chaperone after all. Or you can offend them and end up not shooting, that’s fine too. Which brings up the profiles I’ve seen online where photographers use exclamations in a rude way when expressing “NO ENCOME, BOYFRIENDS, DRAMA, SINGLE WOMEN, SOLO, etc.” in your ads. RED FLAGS! Look, both parties have the right to accept a chaperone, or not, but all within tact. I perceive ads like these as unprofessional and a bit scary. Do they have hidden agendas? Why would it matter if he was single or not? I’m here to model, not date. This is not the mofo. If you both can’t come to an agreement, move on.


Sometimes a photographer will want to meet with you before a shoot to discuss ideas, the project, the wardrobe, and to meet you in person. I think these meetings can be useful to allow everyone to show their personality and define their vision so that the day of the session is fun and joyful. However, when you meet in person, especially if it’s your first time, make sure you’re in a public place. DO NOT visit them at their home or hotel. A studio is fine if it’s a public building, meaning it’s not your living room during the day and becomes a studio at night. Offices are nice too, but I always suggest and prefer cafes as nice meeting places.


I knew a model who once showed up at a photographer’s hotel room to shoot and he pulled out a disposable Kodak camera. Fortunately, the story has a good ending: he got away without shooting and learned a valuable lesson in due diligence. No matter how many precautions you take, if a photographer shows up with anything but professional equipment, get the hell out of there. He couldn’t use any of those images in his portfolio anyway; This is not the time for an amateur.


If you’re hired to be photographed in a wedding dress and there’s only one neon thong ready for you when you get there, pack up your things and head home. If it was not in the original agreement between you and the photographer, then you have every right to leave the session. There are no remixes here. Also, photographers will usually ask you to sign some type of model release agreement. Typically, this indicates the rate of pay for the job, your address (for tax purposes), your age (if legal), and your signature indicating that you agree to the terms stated. Please READ the entire contract and if you have any questions or concerns, please let the photographer know. You have the right to cross out or add anything to the contract, but if you do, be sure to get their signature and a copy of the agreement before you leave.


If at any point you start to feel uncomfortable, you can always leave. First of all, you look like a deer in the headlights, that’s not cute, and second of all, there’s no reason you shouldn’t feel safe. Make an excuse that you don’t feel well, apologize and apologize for the session, or tell him why you feel uncomfortable. Maybe the indoor temperature is too cold for you? Or that you are too hot? Do you need water? A break to eat? All legitimate reasons to check yourself and the situation before you leave.


ALWAYS, always, always, tell or text a friend about when, where, and with whom you will be filming and when it is expected to end. This is NEVER EVER negotiable.


Just as you would never invite a stranger off the street into your home, that’s the same reason you would never let a new photographer film your home. Now, if you’ve worked with them before and trust them, or know many models who have, then it’s up to you to make that decision. Just remember that inviting someone over to your house where you lie down to rest every night is only a good idea if they aren’t stalkers.


If it doesn’t feel right or sound right, skip it. There are a multitude of professionals out there who are legit and will help your career skyrocket. Never settle for something that doesn’t suit you. Life is too short and I’d rather see your face in bright lights for a long, long time.