Natural Remedies for Cats With Kidney Disease

Kidney disease in cats is a common problem. It can be due to a number of factors, such as an accident, shock, old age, or bacterial and viral infections. Natural remedies for cats with kidney disease can treat the condition and will improve your cat’s quality of life.


Feed your cat a special kidney diet. Feed a protein-rich diet of human-grade raw meat plus smaller amounts of a variety of herbs, fruits, grains, and vegetables. A raw meat diet keeps blood urea nitrogen levels, a protein waste product excreted through the kidneys, low. Heat-treated animal protein, like that found in commercial foods, is harder to digest and creates more waste for the kidneys to deal with. Such a diet is more stressful on the kidneys and results in increased blood toxicity if the kidneys are not working properly. Crude protein, by comparison, digests more completely with less waste.

Change the diet gradually and be patient and persistent, especially if your cat is not used to eating raw meat. Feed him small but often meals to ease the load on the kidneys. A small amount of salt can be added to the morning meal to replace salt loss caused by imbalanced kidney function.

If your cat suffers from kidney failure, you should carefully monitor the acid content of the food. Honey is the most suitable sugar of those that can be treated by the kidneys, but do not give more than half a teaspoon a day. Dilute honey in spring water and add 1/3 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.

herbal remedies

The best way to administer natural kidney remedies is to prepare a tisane (herbal tea). Useful herbs include parsley, shepherd’s purse, goldenrod, cleavers, yellow nettle, yarrow, horsetail, calendula, and nettle. To make an herbal tea, use a teaspoon of the required herbs and pour 150 ml of boiling water over them. Leave to infuse for one minute. For all kidney disorders, give four droppers, four times a day.

Parsley has a cleansing and tonic effect on the system, so offer your cat fresh chopped parsley. If he doesn’t accept it, prepare a parsley tea for him. Parsley herbal tea is so beneficial that it should be given in conjunction with all other treatments.

If there is blood in the urine, give an herbal tea of ​​shepherd’s purse and goldenrod. If your cat suffers from hard kidneys, make a herbal tea of ​​goldenrod, cleavers, yellow nettle and yarrow. Per liter of the solution add half a teaspoon of Swedish bitters. For kidney gravel, make barley water and give a dropper before each meal. For kidney failure due to accident or shock, give goldenrod, horsetail, yellow nettle, and St. John’s wort herbal tea.

Many forms of chronic kidney failure are the end result of infections or toxins that damage the kidneys. However, the typical form of chronic renal failure is the result of aging. Chronic kidney disorder can be treated with horsetail and yellow dead nettle herbal tea. This will help older cats with a sluggish liver. For acute kidney disease due to bacterial viral infection, use an herbal tea of ​​horsetail, calendula, nettle, and cleavers. This recipe will also benefit cats with kidney failure due to serious injury or major surgery.

The most important thing for a cat with kidney failure is to maintain adequate hydration. Offer plenty of cool water. If your cat is not a big water drinker, pour liquid over his food. The goal of this is to promote diuresis, that is, flushing the body with fluids to produce more urine and help flush out the buildup of waste products.

These natural remedies for cats with kidney disease have been shown to be effective. They are safe and will improve kidney function.