The Truth About Soft Drinks: Important Facts You May Not Know

Who doesn’t love a can of soda on a hot day? This black drink is also the preferred accompaniment to cakes, donuts and sandwiches for snacks at home. And lest we forget, doesn’t our cheeseburger and fries feel incomplete without it? Some have taken to drinking soft drinks after each meal or when they are thirsty that could well be water. It’s cheap, delicious and refreshing.

So what’s the problem with that? Why is it receiving so much criticism from health and nutrition authorities?

Perhaps a landmark study in California can give us the answer. In September 2009, the California Center for Public Health Advocacy (CCPHA) and the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research commissioned a study that directly linked the consumption of soft drinks and sugary drinks to the obesity epidemic facing the state of California.

Drawing data from a 2005 California Health Interview Survey that surveyed more than 43,000 adults and 4,000 adolescents from all California counties, the report titled Fizzy: Soda Consumption and Its Link to Obesity in California revealed that the 41 percent of children ages 2 to 11, 62 percent of teens ages 12 to 17, and 24 percent of adults drink at least one soft drink or sugary drink every day. The report revealed that people, young or old, who consumed one or more soft drinks per day were 27% more likely to be overweight or obese.

Clearly, the link between soft drinks and obesity in California has been proven in this study. Unfortunately, it is not a problem that is only limited there. Some researchers from such major educational institutions as Harvard and Yale even go so far as to accuse soft drinks, saying that they actually cause obesity. Marilyn Marchione of the Associated Press in a report published in the San Diego Union Tribune on March 5, 2006 reveals that obesity approximately doubled between 1977 and 1997 when “soda consumption increased more than 60 percent.” Another Harvard study involving 51,603 nurses from 1991 to 1995 and from 1995 to 1999 found higher BMIs in those whose soft drink consumption had increased than in those whose consumption had remained the same or decreased significantly. Another federal study conducted between 1999 and 2002 that looked at the dietary patterns of 9,500 American adults also found that those who consumed the most soft drinks were also heavy consumers of fast food. Conversely, those who drank healthier beverages like water and low-fat milk were also more inclined to eat vegetables and less likely to feast on fast food.

As the beverage industry seeks to dispel the link between soft drinks and obesity, studies above and beyond point to an undeniable truth. Soft drinks and obesity are inextricably linked, and it’s an association that doesn’t bode well for our midsection and health.

So that’s the big problem with soft drinks. It puts our life and that of our children in danger. With obesity comes high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and the possibility of early death. Maybe the occasional can doesn’t matter that much, but that doesn’t mean the 120 calories won’t hit our waists. As parents we might think that giving our children a soda once a week is not harmful, but that will not instill healthy eating habits in them. Now that the evidence has shown just how harmful soft drinks are, it’s best to avoid them altogether.

Fun Family Games – More Than “Fun”

Playing games as a family is incredibly important. You could explain why by delving into game and goal theory, using developmental and psychological terminology, or even talking about learning styles.

But I think you need something a little more real than this kind of exposure. You need to hear stories and experiences from other people who have spent their lives playing fun family games. I am such a person. I grew up playing board games, cards, and dice with my parents and siblings. Now, as a father, I myself regularly play those same games, and new ones, with my wife and children. I want to share some of my stories with you because I believe that these stories will communicate much more than any theory.

When I was a kid, long before video games and computers at home, we played a couple of nights a week around the kitchen table. During those afternoons together around the card table, we talked as a family, not just about games, but about everything. I didn’t realize how important it was until I became an adult and ventured out into the world. I met so many people whose families did not communicate; I’ve met so many people who never learned how to communicate effectively. What a difference family games made to me!

Fast forward to my years as a young father. After my oldest son started school, I couldn’t find a good way to motivate him to learn math. He had the ability; he simply had no reason to worry. So I found some games he really liked and taught him how to keep score. He was motivated to win and he was motivated to know where he stood in the game. As a result, he suddenly started paying attention in math class and came first in his class.

My youngest son has a completely different focus problem; he just can’t sit still for more than 30 seconds at a time…until we sit down as a family to play a game. He loves attention. He loves the opportunity to hold his own, and even win, against his older brother and his parents.

And now, my oldest son is in high school. Like so many kids that age, he’s becoming a lot less forthcoming…until it’s time for family games. At the card table, he is still the same kid who does everything he can to win and has a lot of fun doing it. At the card table, he says things to me that he would never say in normal conversation. I think it’s because there’s no pressure; he can just be himself.

Family games are educational. They’re funny! They stimulate conversation! They teach us how to compete AND how to cooperate!

Which brings me back to the reason for writing this article. I want you to know: Playing games as a family is incredibly important! I hope your family starts having family game night soon.

Saints Gathered – Pilgrims and Thanksgiving

Plymouth Rock is a serving American shrine, but the legends surrounding it, and the so-called pilgrims who stepped on it, aren’t nearly as interesting as the facts.

Contrary to popular belief, the North American coast was well known to Spanish, French, Dutch, and other English settlers before the arrival of a reformist religious sect we associate with Thanksgiving.

George Weymouth explored Maine in 1605 and brought five Indians to London. Three of them were delivered to Sir Ferdinando Gorges, a harbormaster in Plymouth, England.

Contact with these congenial and dignified Native Americans so intrigued Gorges that he spent the rest of his life promoting colonization among them.

Thanks largely to the enthusiasm of Gorges, two colonies were founded in 1607: one at Jamestown, Virginia; the other in Sagadahoc, Maine. Jamestown survived, but Sagadahoc surrendered a year later when their leader, George Popham, was killed.

However, fishing expeditions to New England continued. If the loot was scarce, the Indians were often kidnapped and sold in Spain as slaves. One of them was a brave Pawtuxit named Tsquantum. He was going to play a decisive role in the survival of the Pilgrims.

It must be remembered that the religious people we today call Pilgrims were then known as “Separatists” because of their determination to secede from the Church of England. They called themselves “Santos Reunidos” and their other companions “Strangers.”

The name “Pilgrim” did not come into use until 1792, 172 years later, when a local poet called all members of the Plymouth Colony that name, whether saints or strangers.

Nor should the Pilgrims be confused with the Puritans, today’s Congregationalists, who colonized Boston in 1629. The latter were Church of England reformers and disdained the Reunited Saints.

Stylized depictions of New England settlers dressed in black, broad-brimmed hats for the men and starched coifs for the women, represent Puritans. The Plymouth colonists wore individual, coarse clothing. Only 37 members of the “Mayflower” travelers were Santos Reunidos. The other 65 were workers looking for opportunities.

A boy serving Samuel Fuller died on the 66-day voyage across the Atlantic. However, Elizabeth Hopkins gave birth to a son; therefore, the manifest of the 102-passenger ship was maintained.

The famous “Mayflower Compact” was signed along the way only by the minority of saints to govern themselves, not to implement democracy, as is commonly thought.

the pilgrims arrive

When the Pilgrims landed, there were thriving colonies in St. Augustine, Florida. (1565); Jamestown, Va. (1607); Port Royal, Nova Scotia (1613); Quebec, Canada (1613); and Albany, New York (1614).

The “Mayflower” voyage, sponsored by the London Company, was aimed at the Hudson River, which was considered part of the Virginia Territory. However, contrary winds carried the ship to the tip of Cape Cod, now Provincetown, Massachusetts, on November 17, 1620.

Several trips ashore were made to replenish water and firewood while the pilgrims assessed their situation.

The tangle of shoals, bad weather, and discontent among the Outsiders led them all to forgo their original destination and opt for immediate settlement. Eventually, they replaced his unexecuted charter from the London Company with a new one from Gorges’ New England Company.

After resting for a couple of searches, a group of 18 men assembled a pre-made boat and set out to reconnoitre. The captain of the “Mayflower” claimed to have visited the bay once before. He told his passengers that good colony sites were being secured nearby.

The scouting party camped overnight on Cape Cod, where they discovered several bushels of buried corn and a human skull with traces of blond hair.

On the second day, the men repulsed a dawn attack by five Indians and then skirted the coast. They were looking for a port that Coppin, the pilot of the “Mayflower,” said he had once visited. William Bradford later recounted the search:

“After a few hours of sailing, it began to snow and rain. Towards the middle of the afternoon the wind increased. The sea became very rough and we broke our rudder. It was all two men could do to steer our sloop.” with a pair of oars.

“As the storm increased and night drew near, we loaded up what sail we could while we could see. With this, we broke our mast in three pieces, and our sail fell overboard. However, by the mercy of God, we were we recover and hit the port.

“However, the pilot was deceived on the spot and said may the Lord have mercy on us, but his eyes had never seen the spot before; and that he and the captain’s mate would have brought us ashore in an inlet full of breakers before the wind.

“It was very dark and it rained a lot. However, in the end, we got into the lee of a small island and stayed there all night safely.

“The next day was a beautiful and sunny day. We found ourselves on an island, safe from the Indians, where we could dry our things, arrange our pieces and rest. This being the last day of the week, we prepared there to store the Saturday.

“On Monday, we sounded the harbor and found it fit for navigation. We proceeded inland and found several fields of corn and small streams, a place, we supposed, suitable for the situation.

“At least, it was the best we could find. The season and our present need made us glad to accept it. So we returned to our ship with the news to the rest of our people, which greatly comforted their hearts.”

In addition to the landings on November 21, there were other exploratory landings on the 28th, 29th and 30th.

Abandoned cornfields and indigenous villages were found on the mainland. A smallpox epidemic and an Indian war had wiped out coastal Pawtuxit. This was a fateful blow for the Pilgrims. They were too exhausted and few in number to face hostile natives or clear the forest in winter.

Returning to the ship, the entire company voted to build in Plymouth Harbor. The “Mayflower” weighed anchor and sailed through Massachusetts Bay.

Some of the men were so eager to get going that ten of them went ashore during the night and were waiting the next morning when the main party came ashore.

THEN the Pilgrims stepped on the great rock at the end of a channel through the oyster beds. The date was December 22, 1620.

Some women remained aboard the “Mayflower” until March 31, when the ship began its return trip home. The ship returned the following year with supplies, and then set sail for American history.

first winter

Many Pilgrims died that first terrible winter. The bodies were secretly buried so that the Indians would not detect the plight. The survivors need not have worried. An unknown friend was holding the nearest Indians 40 miles away.

Tsquantum, who was sold into Spanish slavery, managed to escape and reach Plymouth, England. There he found safety with Sir Gorges, who returned him to the United States on a fishing boat.

It was this Indian, called Squanto by the Pilgrims, who now sat in the Wampanoak lodge and counseled friendship with the colonists.

The Pilgrims were alarmed in March when Squanto, Massasoit, and 60 warriors lined up on a rise overlooking the colony. Imagine the surprise of the colonists when Squanto greeted them: “Welcome, Englishmen!”

Edward Carver, secretary of the colony, walked slowly toward the entourage, arms outstretched to show that he was unarmed.

Squanto said: “Do you dare to walk alone among us?

Carver replied: “Where there is love, there is no fear.

Thus began a lasting friendship between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoak. Squanto made frequent visits to the colony to teach the pilgrims how to hunt, fish, plant corn with herring for fertilizer, make popcorn balls with maple syrup, and play a dice game called hubdub.

By the fall, the pilgrims had built houses and harvested a “good” crop of corn. In gratitude, they invited Massoit and Squanto to a Thanksgiving party. The two guests showed up with 60 Wampanoak braves and stayed for three days.

Squanto died a year later while leading a winter corn trading trip. He shares with Pocahontas in Jamestown the gratitude of the English colonists who probably would have perished without the help of the Indians.


The pilgrims paid little attention at first to the rock on the shore on which they finally landed. It was simply a commodity used as such for many years.

In 1741 it was decided to build a pier on the canal. A log formwork was constructed and the landing rock was covered up to its upper surface. There the rock was part of a pavement to be crushed by cars.

It was during this construction that 95-year-old Elder Faunce asked to be taken to the site so he could see the rock that his father had always described to him as the “Rock of the Ancestors.”

A contemporary account relates that the old gentleman “sprinkled him with his tears and bade him an everlasting farewell.”

The emotional scene impressed Plymouthers to such an extent that the rock achieved lasting symbolism.

Animated by the glorious spirit of liberty,“The citizens of Plymouth in 1744 decided to preserve Plymouth Rock. The great stone was lifted from its bed by cats and 30 teams of oxen.

In the process, the rock split. The larger bottom part fell back into place. The top was moved to the foot of a Liberty Pole in the public square.

Independence Day 1834 was celebrated in Plymouth by moving the top rock piece to a newly built Pilgrim Hall. During the transfer, the rock fell from a wagon and broke into two pieces. It is this repaired breach that is visible to visitors today.

The Plymouth Society bought the old pier in 1859 and built a marble canopy over the piece of Plymouth Rock embedded there.

Finally, in 1880, the upper parts of the rock were cemented to the original base. The rock was complete once more, in three sections, but a third smaller due to the loss of fragments that had broken off over the years as souvenirs. The date 1620 was carved to replace the painted numbers.

The rock was moved in 1925 to its present location under a new canopy at the high tide line. There, the famous relic is again washed by the sea twice a day.

How I Got Started Writing and Publishing on Amazon

My first book was a collection of previously written articles that I combined into one book, basically to see if I could produce a book on create space a self-publishing platform. I really am a technophobe, but with a little help from Arty, my trusted tech plus the help line at create space I got my first book.

Since I had not professionally proofread and edited it, it was peppered with errors, but I had achieved my goal of writing and publishing a book. I’ve made a little video to promote it on YouTube, set up a Facebook page, and left it to languish on Amazon with very little change for now. A useful point to remember is that it is possible to redo both the cover and the content when you are ready to improve it. This is one of the advantages of desktop publishing.

It all started with 2 years of sudden health problems that compromised my ability to walk 100+ yards without having to stop for breath. Needless to say, this led to an indescribable depression. My life had changed, it felt like overnight. Until then I had been a fit active retiree working until age 75, but then disaster struck me in two consecutive blows.

Apparently, when trauma or a debilitating illness occurs suddenly, preventing you from following your life plan, you are likely to suffer from severe depression until you can create a new life plan for yourself. This certainly happened to me.

We had just bought a holiday home in Spain where we intended to spend the cold winter months, plus a mobile home in the English countryside for the warm summer months when the disaster struck. My first mistake was not learning the language, so anyone buying abroad, heed my warning and learn enough of their language to converse with the natives. I felt so bad that I didn’t want to go back and the house was sold.

It wasn’t until I developed my new interest that I started to feel human again. Now I had something to sink my teeth into. Writing has always been something I enjoyed, although until recently it has been a latent skill. So I’ve just finished my second book with several others in the planning stages and a new way of life has begun. sadly i find myself create space it’s been swallowed up by Amazon, so for my new book I’ll have to figure out the intricacies of the new system.

But I’ve learned that if you have a hidden talent or desire, don’t wait for ill health to hit you, make the decision to start right now and you’ll be glad you did. You are never too old to start something new; Don’t go to your grave wishing if only…

Water Conservation in the Kitchen: The Nutritious Way

Water awareness is often on people’s minds in the scorching heat of summer and we all look at the timer for outdoor watering, tenderly carry buckets of water to our potted plants and hang flower baskets, helping them deal with the intense heat. There are plenty of ways we can all reduce water waste just in the kitchen, all year long, in fact, we devoted an entire chapter to the topic in our Trash Talk – It’s Easy To Be Green book series. Today, we are going to mention just a few things that are very easy to start doing in the kitchen and that can have a big impact on the way water is used.

Let’s take a closer look at cooking water. We are talking about the water used to boil potatoes, poach eggs or cook pasta. That water is full of nutrients and would be a huge waste if we poured it down the drain. Here’s what we can do instead: In the winter, cover with a lid and place the pot of water on a wire rack to cool. This keeps that valuable heat in your house. Then pour through a fine strainer into a container and store in the fridge. This liquid can now be used to thicken the dog’s food. Alternatively, add it to the compost bin where the moisture, starches, and nutrients will only benefit the compost. It can also be used to water plants outdoors, 2 feet from the base of any evergreen tree or shrub.

In the summer, you’ll want to do this task a little differently: place the covered pot outdoors on a rack to cool, keeping the heat out of the house. Once completely cooled, use as suggested above or for any thirsty outdoor plants.

Other types of steamed or boiled vegetable cooking water can also be used in the same way as above, however they are much more valuable when used as a base for making homemade broth or broth. The reserved water can be used to cook dry beans and wild rice mixes. Alternatively, it can be used in place of water when using canned soup concentrates or when reconstituting dehydrated vegetables. Reserved waters are easy to freeze, however be sure to pre-measure the liquid and label the container well.

The 7 Pillars of Mass SMS Marketing Success

Although bulk SMS marketing is quite new, the marketing principles are valid for it. There is no magic in it. If you do the right things you will be successful, if you do the wrong things you won’t see the results you want. It’s that easy. Do you want to see a significant ROI on your bulk SMS marketing? Design a plan that puts these critical principles into practice…

1. Get phone numbers

It’s common sense, isn’t it? First, you need people’s phone numbers to market to. The best way to get phone numbers is to allow people to give them to you with their permission. You can achieve this through signup forms on your website where you give away something valuable for free. You can buy or rent other people’s phone list, but be careful who you buy from.

As a business or marketer, capturing the phone numbers (and even the names) of your leads and customers should be one of your priorities; in fact, your number one priority. Listen, if you don’t have a phone list, you shouldn’t be talking about mass SMS marketing.

2. Segment your phone list

Make no mistake about it, everyone on your phone list doesn’t have the same needs, they don’t respond the same way. Therefore, communicating and marketing to them in the same way is a pure waste of resources.

You should divide your phone list into segments in different categories. Sometimes the list will be segmented by their behaviors. Sometimes you will need to poll them through surveys. Another very powerful way is to offer highly specialized and targeted free information and see who responds and who doesn’t.

3. Ensure deliverability

If your bulk SMS is not going to be delivered, there is no point in sending it in the first place. To ensure that your SMS is delivered, test the bulk SMS service provider you want to use if it is delivered. Second, know the words that, if included in your SMS, will cause non-delivery and avoid them. Some bulk SMS services ban certain words in messages in an attempt to block scammers using their service for their malicious activities.

Again, you want to make sure that your phone numbers are entered in the format stipulated by your bulk SMS service provider. And basically make sure the phone numbers you’re collecting exist in the first place.

4. Commit to maximum impact

The more you interact with your subscribers, the more they will know and like you. And the more they like you, the more they respond to you and ultimately patronize you. You can engage your list by asking them questions and requesting their response. You can send them to your social media pages and ask them to contribute to things that directly affect them. Tell them to ask you questions that bother them.

5. Hint, Hint, Hint

Understand that no marketing is successful or lasts without a tracking mechanism. Tracking your bulk SMS marketing lets you know whether or not your efforts are paying off, and by how much.

You can track your bulk SMS marketing by the number of responses you receive. You can track how many people clicked on the link you sent in your message using a URL shortening and tracking service like bitly. And when they’re on your site, you can use Google Analytics to learn how customers are responding to your bulk SMS campaigns compared to insights from other traffic sources.

6. Testing, testing, testing

The great philosophers have said that all life is experiment and nowhere is that more true than in marketing. To find out what works, you need to combine tracking with testing. Test your opening sentences and words, test your call to action, test sending your SMS on different days, test responding at different times of the day, test your offers, test anything that is significant to your overall success.

7. Be frequent

People don’t start to notice until you reply to them at least seven times. Getting your message in front of your prospects often helps you stay on top of their mind. And if you constantly provide quality content, they will be eager to receive your SMS. When that happens, you become a welcome guest instead of an annoying pest.

Don’t worry if they don’t respond right away, the goal is to get you to stay on their minds so that when they need your services, your name is the first on their minds.

There are the seven pillars of SMS marketing success. If you want to see your Bulk SMS ROI increase, put these principles into practice and I’ll see you at the bank!

Why math games for kids are a good idea

Math is not something you are born knowing, it is a skill you learn and need to develop. Kids who struggle with math may get frustrated and feel stupid, or decide it’s something they’re not ‘good at’. Mathematics is too much a part of everyday life for anyone to dismiss it. If you show kids that math is accessible, a practical skill, and fun to learn, they’re more likely to engage with it. This is the reason why math games for kids are a great advantage for parents and teachers.

Math games for kids can get your son or daughter interested in math at an early age and encourage and strengthen a foundation in math as they get older.

It’s important to show that math doesn’t have to be intimidating. You can introduce the subject at an early age using math games for kids. You can start playing counting games as soon as your child begins to interact with the world around him. When children are young, even as babies, they are trying to make sense of the world. This natural curiosity about everything is a wonderful attribute to foster. It will help them as they grow and go through school and life. Curiosity is what inspires learning.

Math games for kids can expose children to problem solving, simple calculations, logic, analysis, and much more. Understanding the basic principles of mathematics at a young age will help them continue to learn advanced principles as they grow.

You can illustrate to your son or daughter or students how mathematics is involved in everyday activities.

  • Learning to tell time teaches about number sequences, addition and subtraction, and measurement.
  • Counting coins is a great way to practice basic math principles like addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication, as well as percentages and value.
  • For younger children, number and picture reference cards are a fun and creative way to learn about number values.
  • Use stories to introduce issues, rather than just “do the math.”

Math games for kids are a fun way to build a foundation for lifelong interest and success in math. It’s never too late to start, and there are plenty of games geared toward older kids, including video games, that can aid their understanding of more complex types of math and establish that much-needed confidence factor!

Fat Burning Exercises for Men in a Busy World!

Obesity levels are through the roof, cancer, diabetes, and other fitness-related ailments and diseases are constantly increasing, and our population is becoming less healthy by the day. The terrible thing is that many of these conditions are caused by two things: poor nutrition and lack of exercise. What’s even worse is the fact that almost everyone knows what need do (fat burning exercises) however, we don’t always know the best ways as to do it.

Now, the nutrition tips are for another article, however the basics are easy to understand. Try to eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, lean cuts of meat, and drink plenty of water. Also try to limit the amount of refined and processed foods, junk food, alcohol, and sweets! (Yes, I know, all things delicious!)

However, what I want to share with you today is all about training! As briefly mentioned above, we have very busy lives these days and as a result, training and exercise are often left last on our list. This usually results in another week going by without any exercise or physical work being done!

To remedy this common problem, we need a training program that is challenging, effective, offers a lot of variety, can be done at home at a time that works best for you and your busy life, should be fun, and preferably requires little or no Any team. .

You also need to think about the style or type of training you are doing. Just going for a run or trying to lift some weights is not only a bit boring but it also won’t give you great results and in turn your motivation will fade. At the end of the day, your training will not be sustainable. You need a focused program that will deliver great results in just a few sessions per week.

In all my learning about health and fitness over the years, I have found interval training workouts to be the best way for busy people to introduce fat burning and fitness training into their already busy lives. . Interval training routines debunk the myths of the “ultimate fat burning zone” and do away with the days of long, steady cardio workouts. Long cardio sessions will certainly get you results, but again I’m talking about the level of motivation and enjoyment and for many people, long runs or countless hours spent pounding on a treadmill or stationary bike just aren’t enough for fitness. most of us in the long run. .

Interval training basically works on the theory of getting your heart rate up and then back down through regular, strategic periods of time (intervals). This rise and fall effect not only burns more calories as you train, but also creates a sort of “afterburn,” meaning your body continues to burn fat long after you’ve completed your workout.

One of the great things about interval training is that it’s perfect for stationary bike work, running, or swimming; yet it easily adapts to just about any training exercise or activity you’re doing.

Tauro Test – The best test amp on the market?

Anabolic Designs Test Taurus Taurus Test is made up of five different complexes, each containing a proprietary blend of natural ingredients that claim to help boost your testosterone levels and help you get a better physique. Let’s take a look at them and see if they measure up! Testobullism Testosterone Amplification Matrix The ‘meat’ of the product, this consists of:

  1. long jack A rare herb that naturally increases your free testosterone level.
  2. fenugreek extract Used in many other test amps like the only Fenugreek is a safe and natural test-stimulating ingredient and is used by companies such as Maximuscle, Sci-MX, and Boditronics, to name a few.
  3. Horney Goat Weed As the name suggests, this can give you a huge libido boost and is another completely natural ingredient.
  4. methoxyflavone Gaining popularity among supplement users Methoxy Isoflavone is again the only ingredient in some methoxy based test boosters and Anabolic Designs have included it as well.
  5. 3,4-divanylyltetrahydrofuran An extract of stigining nettle has been shown to increase free testosterone by interacting with sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG).

Secretrphin GH Inducing Blend GH – Growth Hormone is linked to increased athletic performance and the following ingredients naturally help your body produce more!

  1. Alpha GPC A naturally occurring choline compound found in the brain and in milk, this can help improve growth hormone production.
  2. macuna pruriens A plant extract that is linked to improved sexual function along with a host of other benefits.

Estocut Estrogen Modulation Matrix This part of the product is aimed at keeping estrogen levels low, vital for muscle gain!

  1. I-3-C Indole-3-carbinol has been shown in several studies to be an effective antiestrogen.
  2. white mushroom It suppresses aromatase activity, which in turn means less estrogen production.
  3. resveratrol (fifty%) A very potent extract that has been shown to increase sperm production and increase free testosterone levels.

TauroDrive delivery system matrix This blend of black pepper extract, ginger root (5% gingerols), cayenne powder, vitamin B-6, and zinc chelate is included to increase absorption of the active ingredients and is something that is lacking in many other similar supplements. . Is Taurus Test the best test booster out there? With a very complete profile, Tauro Test has a fantastic profile and is equivalent to taking several other supplements together. It contains enough ingredients to put many other testosterone-boosting supplements to shame. For example, some products on the market ONLY contain LongJack, Fenugreek or Methoxy Isoflavone at LOWER doses than Taurus Test and actually cost more! Overall, I don’t think you will find a better complete product with all natural ingredients on the market, and Tauro Test is definitely here to stay!

Why are Hilti tools so expensive?

Hilti has a reputation for manufacturing excellent quality tools that are widely used in the construction industry. While their reputation and performance are undoubted, many people think of using them for DIY jobs around the home, but the price may seem prohibitive. This article explains why Hilti tools are so expensive and why you should consider buying them.

Anyone who has worked in the construction industry will no doubt have come across the Hilti brand of construction tools. Their reputation for build quality and performance makes them one of the most popular choices for construction tools and power tools available. This reputation has extended into home use for DIY tasks, but sometimes the price can seem high compared to other power tool manufacturers.

There is absolutely no question that Hilti power tools can seem expensive, are they so good that they are worth the price?

Having been developed for the construction industry, you can be sure that any Hilti tool you buy will have been built to stand up to rough use and will easily handle whatever tough job you need it for. Hilti power tools are designed for long-term use and are easy to maintain, as they are designed to be easily disassembled for cleaning. Hilti manufactures a wide range of replacement parts and accessories to ensure that your power tool maintains its performance and remains in excellent condition throughout its life cycle.

Each Hilti tool has been manufactured with ease of use in mind and is ergonomically designed to provide the greatest possible comfort when in use. This foresight in design ensures that you can use your Hilti power tool for extended periods without placing undue stress and strain on your body. After all, they have been designed to be used for long periods on construction sites and have been developed for such purposes for many years.

Well now you know that Hilti tools are very durable and built to a very high standard. You also know that you will be able to use the tool for long periods of time and that it has been specifically designed for this purpose. Do these benefits really validate the spend much more than the alternatives?

Another advantage of Hilti tools is the wide range of accessories available for them. Hilti have created complete fastening solutions, so using a Hilti nail gun, for example, with Hilti fasteners will ensure quality workmanship for the entire job. Hilti has a wide range of different fasteners, drill bits, nails and sanders available so you can be sure the accessories you use are just as good as the tools.