Law of Attraction: The Manifestation Timeline

One of the biggest questions (if not the biggest) surrounding the whole subject of law of attraction gold The secret, it’s time; How long does it take to manifest my wishes? And if you see The Secret again, james arthur ray He mentioned this phenomenon briefly when people start using the Law of Attraction.

Once someone learns about the Law of Attraction, they get excited and try it. After a while, they don’t see the result coming (although in reality, that result is really starting to sink in), they say to themselves, “you know what, this doesn’t work” and join the club of enemies.

Clearly, there is a gap in understanding when it comes to the timeline. I think a change is required when talking about the timeline for manifesting with the Law of Attraction.

Most of the questions revolve around “how long will it be before I have my dream home?”

Whereas, the more appropriate question for anyone (consciously) testing the Law of Attraction is, “how much time do I have to invest in the manifestation stages?”

The three stages of manifestation

Manifestation of any kind occurs in three serial stages. The emphasis is on the word series. What does it mean? It means you have to ABSOLUTELY clear stage one and THEN, you are moving in the right direction.

What are the stages? They are in order; Decision Stage, Persistent Action Stage, and Outcome Stage.

Stage one: decision: why attracting a car is easier than attracting money

Decide what you want and stick with it!

Your first job when it comes to manifesting or applying the Law of Attraction is to come to a big firm decision about what it is you would like to have in your life.

Watching The Secret, I think most people would go out there to bring more money into their lives. That is a good decision. But what would be a great decision for you when it comes to attracting more money into your life? How much money?

It’s common sense to have a clear and precise decision with everything else in your life, so why leave it out when it comes to attracting money into your life? And that is why most people fail when it comes to attracting money into their lives.

Compare that to attracting a car. If someone were to ask you about buying a new car, your thoughts are likely to be more specific. You’ll tell them the model, year of manufacture, color, gadgets and gizmos you’d like to come with that new car.

The reason why attracting a car is easier than money is that you are less likely to change your mind when it comes to a car. Once you’ve decided that it’s going to be a 2009 Honda City E-spec in Alabaster Silver, comes with the Modulo Body Kit, chances are you’ve put a lot of thought into the car.

Return to attract money; You initially wanted to attract $10,000 into your life. After a while, that number changes to $20,000. Later, he had another good thought and decided to draw back just the initial $10,000. When you change your mind about your final goal or destination, what you are doing is restarting the entire manifestation process.

What’s worse, you change your mind in Stage Two. It means you have to start all over again.


Stage two: persistence action: the non-tradeable period of at least 90 consecutive days

Here’s another surprise quiz for “The Secret” fans and haters reading this; What did jack canfield says he did it every morning before posting his world famous Chicken Soup for the Soul books?

w. clement stone challenged him to have a big, big goal. Jack was making $8,000 a year and he wanted something really measurable and he stated to Stone that he would like to make $100,000 a year.

That’s Stage One by the way.

The answer is that every day he you would envision yourself reaching the goal of having $100,000 a year and the type of lifestyle you would live with that amount of money.

The emphasis for Stage 2 is on every day. Nothing important happened to him in the first 30 days. Four weeks into Stage Two, and nothing happens. What do you think most of us do? Still moving forward? Or just give up?

And what do Jack Canfield and all the other experts on The Secret do? They persistently try. And one day, while he was taking a shower, Jack had an idea about the book he had written. Six weeks later he would run into a lady who works for the National Enquirer. Connections were made, one thing led to another, and sales of his book began to take off like a rocket.

Stage two is where the pieces fit together; people, event and circumstances begin to be drawn to you by virtue of your daily actions.

Visualize and feel that you already have what you wanted every day until you have it. And when you have that inspired thought, trust it and act on it. And not change your mind about what you want to have in your life.

Stage Three – Result Stage

This is the part where you achieve your dreams and desired goals. Stage Three will take care of itself if you take care of Stages One and Two.

The trap for stage two

What is the difference between working out or working out and just thinking about it?

The (main) difference is in the do part. You’re thinking about working out and going to the gym, and you’re actually doing weight lifting, running, and crunches—they’re two completely different things.

The same goes for your persistent actions in Stage Two. There’s a world of difference between thinking about visualizing and feeling about having that $100,000 and that $100,000 lifestyle, and actually taking the time to really visualize the pictures of having that kind of money and that lifestyle: the car you drive. , the house you are living in, the places you go on vacation and so on.

One is an illusion. The other is persistent action.

2 minute summary

Decide what you really want and stick with that decision. For at least the next 90 days, for at least five minutes, visualize and feel that you are already achieving the desired result. Do this consecutively, without fail. If you break the streak, reset the counter and start over from zero. If you persist for 90 consecutive days, you will have an inspired thought. Trust the thought, act on it AND continue your visualization every day. The result will be taken care of only if you take care of your decision and persist in the action.

deep breathing and acne

To improve the health and appearance of your skin, Yoga teachers from all schools will attest to the value of breathing correctly. There is a part of the Yoga system dedicated to breathing: it is called Pranayama and is often defined as the control of the breath. Most Yoga sessions will begin and end with mindful deep breathing practices, and the Yoga routines themselves are coordinated with the breath. Yoga and deep breathing can help you get rid of acne.

Pranayama is made up of two words: Prana and Ayama. Prana means vital life force or energy. Ayama means expansion or extension. When put together, Pranayama means “expansion or extension of the dimension of prana.” Taken to its full potential, Pranayama offers the method by which the life force can be activated to go beyond normal limitations and reach a higher state.

However, when used simply, breath control improves the performance of every cell, all tissues, internal organs, and systems. Breathing is the most vital process in the body. It is closely related to the functioning of the brain, which controls all aspects of the body, including the secretion of hormones and the regulation of the immune system, both of which are very important when it comes to acne. Breathing correctly can detoxify the body by increasing the efficiency of cleansing processes. Breathing itself rids the body of toxins.


We breathe about 15 times a minute and about 21,500 times a day, and although this is mostly an unconscious process, we can consciously control it at any time. Most of us haven’t breathed properly since we were little children, when our bodies were flexible and our minds mostly smooth. With poor posture, such as sitting too much on chairs, not getting enough exercise, and even minor injuries, our body’s flexibility is reduced, which in turn reduces our ability to fully breathe. Our minds can also become inflexible, and we breathe rapidly when frustrated and angry, or hold our breath when anxious or scared. So, depending on the pattern of our thoughts, it’s easy to see how our breathing can be disrupted, disrupting the rhythms of the brain, which can lead to physical symptoms as well.


First of all, it’s good to start by observing exactly how you are breathing right now. Do you breathe through your nose or through your mouth? Are you breathing fast or slow? Do you think you are breathing deeply or shallowly? Notice which part of your chest is expanding: is it the bottom, or the sides of your ribs, or the top of your lungs? Notice that the air going in is cold and the air going out is warmer.

Simply noticing these things will automatically slow your breathing and establish a more relaxed, natural rhythm. Begin to notice your breath many times throughout the day.

But to go further, the following exercise is very useful to do every day.


Abdominal or deep breathing is the most natural and efficient way to breathe. It’s the way we breathed as babies, and you can see how a baby’s tummy goes up and down while sleeping. This is what you are looking for.


  • Do it at a time when you won’t be disturbed for at least 10 minutes.
  • Dress in loose-fitting, comfortable clothing if possible.
  • Lie down on a soft but firm surface, such as a carpeted floor or yoga mat.
  • Being in a comfortable temperature environment without drafts or scorching sunlight.


  • Lie in a comfortable position on your back with your arms at your sides and your eyes closed.
  • Become aware of the breath without trying to control it at all. Let it be natural
  • Continue to observe the natural breath for a few minutes, until you feel good to continue.
  • Place your right hand on the tummy, just above the navel (belly button), and your left hand on the heart area.
  • All breathing should be through the nose, inhaling and exhaling.
  • Inhale deeply downward, feeling the diaphragm descend into the abdomen, expanding it and pushing the navel to its highest point. Expand the abdomen as much as possible, without breathing to the sides or expanding the ribcage.
  • As you exhale, contract your diaphragm back into place under your ribs and allow your navel to move downward, compressing toward your spine.
  • The right hand should move up each time you inhale and down each time you exhale.
  • The left hand should not move at all with the breath.
  • There should not be any tension in the abdomen and do not try to force the movement in any way.
  • The inhalation and exhalation timing should be slow and even. There should be a short pause at the end of the inhalation and again when the exhalation is complete.
  • Continue for about 10 minutes.
  • Come up slowly after this exercise and drink 2 glasses of water.

You will notice the benefits of this deep breathing on your state of mind very quickly and an improvement in your skin within 2-6 weeks. This improvement continues as you maintain your deep breathing practices.

Pros and cons of wild animals as pets

Many people find the idea of ​​keeping wild animals as pets exotic and exciting. However, if you want a wild animal as a pet, you must have a thorough understanding of the animal and its behavior and needs. People who keep these animals as pets are invariably trained to handle them, but even they will tell you how unpredictable these animals can be. You may have read newspaper stories about zookeepers being mutilated by their wards.

Therefore, keeping wild animals as pets has become quite a sensitive and controversial topic. Some people like to highlight the pros, while others just point out the cons. However, both should be weighed equally and only then should the decision to keep a wild animal as a pet be made.

Here are some pros and cons of wildlife as pets.

Sometimes conventional pets like dogs and cats cannot be kept due to lack of space. In such circumstances, one can keep a wildlife like a hedgehog or a gecko as a pet, as they do not require as much space. Some wild animals have their own benefits. Like a hedgehog, it can be used to keep insects and other pests at bay in a home.

It has often been seen that buying a wild animal can be cheaper than buying a popular and pedigreed pet.

Additionally, many wildlife advocates feel that some species have a better chance of surviving if they are adopted. The dart frog has been seen to be facing a problem in the wild as its natural habitat is declining. Therefore, if this animal is adopted, it will have a better chance of survival.

However, there are enough cons and disadvantages of keeping wild animals as pets. First of all, the welfare of the animal must be taken into account. Owning a wildlife means giving due consideration to their diet, exercise, and social interactions. Often the animal will not have any interaction with other animals of its own species and will be left to lead a solitary and solitary life. Also, the owners will not be equipped to provide proper care for the animals, as they may not be well-versed in these things. Many wild animals look cute and cuddly when they are little. However, as they reach adulthood or sexual maturity, their wild side takes over and the animal becomes aggressive. This is the time when many owners abandon their pets or give them away to zoos.

Wild animals carry many diseases that are lethal to humans. For example, reptiles and amphibians are carriers of salmonella infection, and each year thousands of people in the US contract this disease from their pets. Additionally, rats imported from Africa are known to carry monkeypox. An outbreak of this disease occurred in the US in 2003 when Gambian rats brought monkeypox to the country.

Above all, the demand for wildlife as pets is increasing. Therefore, many illegal traders are taking advantage of this demand. Most wild animals are captured and then transported in cruel and inhumane ways to reach their owners. Also, most of the owners do not know how to take care of the animals and this causes them to get sick or even die.

So, weigh the pros and cons of keeping wild animals as pets before jumping into adopting one. Make sure you are properly equipped to handle the care of the animal. Don’t adopt one if you have any doubts.

Book Review Rich Dad Poor Dad

Robert Kiyosaki’s best-selling book Rich Dad Poor Dad has been read by millions of people around the world. If you haven’t read this book, you’re missing out. Robert Kiyosaki had a rich father and a poor father, the poor father had a stable job but he did not manage money well and therefore he was poor, the rich father built an empire and managed his money like a rich person even though he was poor at first . He teaches about financial intelligence. What is financial intelligence? Financial intelligence is knowing how to make money, how money can make money. Here are some of the book’s key points:

Acquire assets, reduce liabilities

One of the main points of the book that makes a lot of sense to me is to acquire assets and reduce liabilities. This seems like a simple idea that a lot of people try to do, but Kiyosaki explains that there are millions of people who get it wrong. Your house and car are not an asset, if you have a mortgage it eats up your money. Assets are things that make you money, like stocks, real estate you buy to sell for a profit, or a business you own.

Cash flow

Robert Kiyosaki designed a simple cash flow diagram for a poor person, a middle class person, and a rich person. The money of the poor and the middle class goes in and out. The rich circulate their money to make more money.


Some of the “middle class” consider themselves wealthy due to the fact that they have a nice car, a house, and enjoy the luxuries of life. But Robert Kiyosaki thinks differently, he measures true wealth by how long you can survive if you lose your job or retire. Robert Kiyosaki retired in his mid-30s, because he felt he had enough wealth and could continue his lifestyle with what his assets gave him, and he decided to only work when he needed more money or felt like it, when he said work, that’s just it really meant doing something to earn money, not getting a job and working for someone else. Wealth is measured by the ability to be financially independent without doing a lot of work, he explains how this is possible through his asset/liability ideas.

This book is not a get rich quick scam, this book is just a guide on the basics of how to think about money.

Marketing on Instagram

Marketing on Instagram is a great way to communicate with people. And that’s because a photo will capture more attention than a simple text. And since the internet is increasingly visual. what better way for your followers, prospects or fans to connect and learn more about your brand than with Instagram. I really like Instagram for marketing. It’s like a reality show of your photos. And with over 90 million monthly active users, you’d think more online marketplaces would be trading on Instagram.

“A picture is worth a thousand words”

5 tips for marketing on Instagram.

1- Use images to tell your story.

People are visual. So keep them entertained and informed by posting images that represent your brand every day. The photos you post should have a theme. Don’t lose the attention of people who follow you by randomly posting images.

2- Have a call to action.

If you are going to be Marketing on Instagram, your images should have a call to action.

A call to action is when you tell the viewer to take the next step. Example: You can post a picture of you working from home on your laptop in your pajamas. You could say something like… “There’s nothing like working from home. Visit my website to learn how.” Just make sure you give them the next step. If not, they will simply scroll down to the next image.

3- Use hash tags.

Hash tags on Instagram work in a similar way to hash tags on Twitter. They’re great because you can use them to find photos on certain topics. I find that I get more likes when I use hash tags that are relevant to the image. Just don’t overdo it. When you have too many Hash tags, it doesn’t just look like spam. Sounds like you’re desperate for likes. It’s not a good look.

4- Connect social media sites to Instagram.

Instagram allows you to share your images with Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, etc. it’s a good idea to connect your social media sites to Instagram. That way, you will attract your friends on other social networking sites and this will lead them to join you on Instagram.

5- Have interesting photos.

Simple as this may seem. I had to say it anyway. I see marketers post images of text. (you can use apps to do this) trying to promote your business. This makes no sense! Instagram is not the place for that. You must have real photos of yourself, your product, upcoming projects, your vacations, the trainings you attended, etc.

When marketing on Instagram, make sure to keep your images interesting so your followers stay engaged.

4 reasons why the study of organizational behavior is imperative

Managers or entrepreneurs are the leaders who can shape the success of their organization. For a successful operation, a leader must ensure that the company carries out its internal and central operations. Organizational behavior plays a vital role in the success of any company. It describes the system in which the company will be run, where it will fit in the industry and also decides the future of the company. It defines the company’s vision, mission, and goals and describes how members of the company will interact with each other. Therefore, every manager or entrepreneur must learn the fundamental principles of Organizational Behavior for business success. Here are some more reasons that exemplify the importance of studying organizational behavior:

1. It helps to understand the mission of the company

Every organization has its quintessence or its purpose of carrying out the planned operations. Organizational behavior helps entrepreneurs define the organization’s task: what a company will do and how it will do it. Defines an infrastructure that will be followed by the company throughout its execution. It also emphasizes establishing a mission statement that the company wants to achieve through its operations. The mission is not just monetary, but speaks to the culture of the company and aims to create a change in the lives of customers, stakeholders and everyone involved with the company. The mission statement informs everyone about the goals of the organization and can be used to measure the effectiveness of its operations.

2. Helps set clear expectations

Organizational behavior not only helps establish a mission, but also helps managers or entrepreneurs to set expectations for employees, stakeholders, and customers. It helps to formulate the chain of command carried out by each employee and also decides the types of suppliers and customers that the company should expect.

3. Helps make better decisions

Organizational behavior paves the way for uniformity in the company and its core values. The establishment of the mission, actions and uniform messages makes it easier for managers to make better decisions that are fruitful for the company. Organizational Behavior implies an identity to the organization so that managers can make their decisions in line with the nature of the organization’s operations.

4. Ensure managers hire the right person

Employees are the main pillars of organizational behavior. People who bring new ideas and passion to the organization are considered the perfect employees for the organization. If organizational behavior is clearly defined, newly hired candidates can easily understand their duties and it also makes it easier for managers to hire the right people and communicate with them effectively.

Lady. Butters Secret Key Lime Pie Recipe

“Frozen Key Lime Pie Recipe?” Fern Butters asked. “Girl, I’ll take that secret with me to the grave.”

Fern Butters frozen key lime pie was the stuff of legend. Every time President Harry S. Truman passed through Islamorada on Upper Matecumbe Key on his way to the “Little White House” in Key West, he would stop. More specifically, he

I stopped at the Fern Inn to get some Fern Butters frozen key lime pie.

And so did others, commoners and dignitaries alike: Papa Hemingway, Cordell Hull, Douglas Fairbanks, Julia Child. Me too.

I didn’t see any of those famous people. Except Julia Child. And I didn’t know who she was. Ignorance of youth.

But I ate Mrs. Butters Frozen Key Lime Pie.

I wasn’t a kid when I asked about the recipe. I had recipes for my grandmother’s compressed fruitcake. And my grandfather’s elderberry wine. And a pass from others that he had collected from near and far. So I thought his recipe would fit perfectly with my collection.

Not so. I was a young pastor in his little church in Matecumbe. But it could have been Gabriel himself.

And I could never get that well-kept secret.

Many had tried to replicate his recipe, but without success. I once saw Julia Child try to wheedle the Fern Butters recipe to no avail. I heard she tied to double the recipe, again, to no avail.

Of course, that may just be a legend. it’s believable. Everyone who’s ever eaten her frozen key lime pie coveted the recipe.

Well, Fern is dead now. The Fern Inn has changed its name. Fern took the recipe with her to the grave.

But, recently your daughter called me. She said that after all these years she was going through her mother’s letters and things and trying to clean out an old dresser drawer full of old letters and notes.

He found an envelope with my name on it. He wanted to know if I was the same preacher who served in the little church in Matecumbe.

This was a strange event. I had moved to Wisconsin serving the churches there for several years. When I returned to South Florida, I was a professor at a university for 33 years. I dropped out of college and served a church in North Miami Beach for 13 years. I withdrew again. He then responded to a desperate call to serve as a chaplain in a retirement community. I was in the area where Fern Butters’s daughter could contact me.

I feel the envelope, now yellow with age. Fern had been dead for about 40 years or more. I opened the envelope. The note said:

This is what you asked for. Use it wisely.

And there was the recipe!

Now I’ve wondered what to do with this recipe. You could, of course, just post it. Or I could write a book about my days as a shepherd boy among the Keys Conchs, as they called themselves. I might even sell it [How long would that last!?]

But I have decided to give it away. I’m not even going to bring the recipients into the secret. I will only give it to people who love unusual recipes and historical recipes. I have a friend from North Carolina, for example, whose family has a pumpkin soup recipe passed down from pioneer days.

And then there’s my friend from Ladies Island in Beaufort County, South Carolina. She claims that her ancestors created Frogmore Stew.

There’s an aunt in western Maryland who says she’ll give me the recipe for “Puddin’,” a meat product that is out of this world when used in pancakes. I have no idea what the ingredients are, but am looking forward to finding out.

People who are interested in these types of recipes and willing to share their own favorite recipes are invited to subscribe to the free COOKIN’ GOOD NEWSLETTER at

Subscribers will not only receive a copy of Fern Butters’ frozen key lime pie recipe, but will also receive a monthly edition of the newsletter at no cost. Everyone is invited to submit their own unique recipes.

And invite your friends to subscribe. They will love you for telling them.

But for those who are just curious about the recipe, for those who don’t want to visit the website, for those who don’t mind missing out on all the wonderful features found in the Cookin’ Good Gazette, here’s the recipe.

With Fern’s secret ingredient [forgive me, Fern!].

Lady. The secret of butter

Key Lime Pie Recipe


1 cup sweetened condensed milk

6 egg yolks [save whites]

½ cup lime juice [genuine key lime]

6 egg whites [I told you to save them!]

1 tablespoon cream of tartar

1 cup of sugar

1 graham cracker pie crust [preferred-regular crust permissible]

½ pint secret ingredient



Add the egg yolks to the condensed milk and beat for 8 minutes.

Add the secret ingredient and beat until well blended.

Add lime juice and mix well.

Fold into a tart shape

Place in the freezer until well set. Keep the unused portion in the freezer for up to a week. [if it lasts that long!]


While the cake sets, beat 6 egg whites with cream of tartar for 5 minutes.

Add 1 cup sugar and beat until the meringue forms peaks when you remove the whisk from the mixture.

Add to the top of the cake

Brown in the oven at 350° and chill in the refrigerator for 15 minutes or more for a regular pie or in the freezer for an hour for a frozen key lime pie.

Secret ingredients. ½ pint vanilla soft serve ice cream

don’t laugh. The addition of this secret ingredient has stumped many zealous cooks and chefs, including, as I said, Julia Child. Reveal it, and you’ll take the mystery out of your own ability to produce “Harry Truman-tested” frozen key lime pie.

Tremec TKO Transmissions Part 3: The Ideal Overdrive Transmission for a Muscle Car

The real joy of owning a muscle car is in driving it. Power car owners who want to get the most out of their cars often drive to distant auto shows or other events, but without an overdrive transmission, a long road trip becomes tedious. If the car has a performance rear axle ratio, it’s even worse. I love the sound of a revving V8 as much as anyone else, but a steady 3600 RPM for three straight hours with a loud exhaust is tiring. Most of us have grown accustomed to being able to carry on a conversation and/or listen to the radio on long journeys, and we wish we could pass at least a couple of gas stations without stopping to refuel! An overdrive transmission solves those problems and provides many other benefits as well.

The Tremec TKO is an overdrive five-speed manual transmission that is ideal for retrofitting to classic muscle cars from the 1960s and 1970s. With your choice of a 0.82:1, 0.68:1, or 0.64:1 overdrive ratio depending on the model, you can really get those revs down to a manageable number. Lower engine RPM on the highway offers several advantages.

First of all, as already mentioned, there is the noise level. If you have a 3.73 axle ratio with a 235/60-15 (26.1″ tall) tire, 75 MPH equals 3600 RPM with four speeds without overdrive. The TKO-600 with a 0.64:1 fifth gear (the version most popular) will drop that 3600 RPM down to a quiet 2300 RPM at the same 75 MPH.

Another benefit of lower RPMs that I already mentioned is better fuel economy. All things being equal, the engine will obviously use less fuel at 2300 RPM than it will at 3600 RPM, but with a high performance car engine that has been built for performance, there is another factor that comes into play. At 3600 RPM, some 4-barrel carburetors may have secondaries partially open. If you have a steeper axle ratio, the secondaries are even more likely to be open at highway speeds. With a 4.10 rear gear, that 75 MPH number I’m running works out to almost 4000 RPM with a non-overdrive transmission. At that point, many carburetors will have the secondary barrels dumping fuel. Lowering the RPM needed to cruise on the highway will lower the throttle angle, closing up the secondaries and making a big difference in fuel economy. In fact, I’ve seen highway gas mileage double when installing a TKO, due to being able to cruise without having the secondaries open!

Engines wear faster at higher RPMs. In simplified terms, every motor has a useful life consisting of a certain number of revolutions, barring abuse, neglect, or catastrophic failure. If you rev ​​less than those every time you drive 200 miles to a car show, your $5,000, $10,000, or even $20,000 engine will last longer. This will be everything that is attached to it and that rotates with the engine. Your alternator, water pump, mechanical fuel pump, power steering pump, and AC compressor will turn less RPM on the highway and increase lifespan.

High performance engines produce more heat than normal passenger car engines. Many muscle cars have heat issues due to high RPM on the highway. Lowering the RPM with an overdrive can reduce engine temperatures and prevent overheating on long drives.

The intangible advantage of all of the above is that overdrive will allow you to drive your muscle car more. You will be able to and will be more likely to drive it to car shows further afield, or even on vacation! Overdrive allows you to enjoy your car more by driving it places you wouldn’t consider going with your 4-speed engine (or 3-speed automatic) spinning the engine at 3600 RPM.

The TKO is pretty strong for most muscle cars. It is rated for 500 or 600 lb.-ft. continuous input, and those numbers are very conservative. There are a large number of cars that run much more than rated torque with the TKO, and failures are rare. While I officially cannot condone the use of the TKO in an application that exceeds the torque rating, I can tell you from experience that many people have done it and had no problem, even under race conditions.

The Tremec TKO will decrease the noise level on the road, increase fuel consumption, increase the life of your engine and everything related to it, could reduce or eliminate temperature problems and allow you to drive your car to places where you don’t I would. With an old four speed. It is stronger than the old Muncies, T-10, Toploader and A-833. Versions are available that will bolt directly to a stock GM or Ford 4-speed hood, and custom Mopar hoods are available to adapt a TKO to a Mopar small block, big block, or late-model Hemi. All in all, it’s an ideal transmission for a highway-driving muscle car. For more detailed information on TKO specs and options, please see my other articles in this series.

Understanding your birth control options

Gone are the days when people relied on condoms, diaphragms, and spermicides to protect themselves from an unwanted pregnancy. With the number of unintended pregnancies in both teens and adults on the rise, more and more people are turning to other forms of contraception. With so many options on the market today, it’s important to fully understand the side effects and benefits of each type.

the pill

The phrase “The Pill” is used to refer to any type of birth control pill. There are more than a dozen types of pills prescribed by doctors today. Some common brands are OrthoEvra Low, Yazmin, Seasonique, and Lutera. This prescription is filled monthly. You take a pill every day that increases specific hormones in your body to decrease the chance of pregnancy. It is important to take them at the same time every day for them to be most effective. There is a row of pills that are considered placebo pills, these do not contain hormones and trigger menstruation in your body. The biggest benefit of the pill is that it decreases acne in the patients.

The ring

NuvaRing is quickly becoming a favorite in birth control. This is a flexible vaginal ring that is inserted once a month. You do not need to visit a doctor for this. Insert the ring and leave it for three weeks. At the end of the third week, remove the ring for one week and replace it with a new one. As of 2010, over half of all health insurance does not cover NuvaRing, however that is likely to change in the future as it becomes more popular. The only way to know whether or not your insurance covers it is to contact them or check your prescription drug list.

Implanon and Mirena

Two long-term options in birth control are Implanon and Mirena. Implanon is a small flexible rod (about 2 inches long) that is injected into the arm. It releases hormones slowly over the course of three years. Mirena is a modern IUD. These work by irritating the inside of the uterus to prevent it from releasing eggs. Every month you should check the Mirena threads, this is explained to you by your gynecologists. Mirena can last up to five years. Stains may appear during the use of any of these methods. Some women experience a complete stop in bleeding altogether. Both can also cause weight gain and acne.

The shot and the patch

The least related to forms of birth control are the Depovera Shot and the contraceptive patch. Patients receive the injection once every three months. It releases a level of hormones that trick the body into thinking it is in menopause. Patients often experience spotting throughout the year. The injection is also associated with drastic weight gain in patients. The patch is a clear hormonal patch that can be placed on the arm, back of the shoulder, lower back, or abdomen. It releases a steady stream of hormones for a month and is then replaced with a new patch.

How drinking more water can help your health

For example, certain colon cleansing tablets contain polymers, substances that bind to your stool and change its consistency so that you end up expelling what look like long gray strings. And products marketed as “detox foot pads” contain a chemical that turns black when it comes in contact with sweat. Drinking more water does much more than quench your thirst. Regulates body temperature, lubricates joints, aids digestion and nutrient absorption, and detoxifies the body by removing waste products.

The cells in your body must continually repair themselves to function optimally and break down nutrients for your body to use as energy. However, these processes release wastes, in the form of urea and carbon dioxide, which cause damage if allowed to accumulate in the blood. Water carries these waste products, efficiently removing them through urination, breathing, or sweating. Therefore, staying well hydrated is important for detoxification. The adequate daily intake of water is 125 ounces (3.7 liters) for men and 91 ounces (2.7 liters) for women.

You may need more or less depending on your diet, where you live, and how active you are. Summary In addition to its many functions in your body, water allows your body’s detoxification system to remove waste products from your blood. Your colon, or large intestine, is “like a self-cleaning oven that has evolved over hundreds of thousands of years. After your small intestine absorbs the nutrients from what you eat and pushes them into your bloodstream, your large intestine gets rid of any remains.

And while it can be porous (absorbent skin lotion, for example), skin keeps all sorts of bad stuff out. It has the ability to block dangerous bacteria and even poisonous chemicals. In other words, the skin is your body’s first line of defense against a wide range of toxins. Toxins bombard us from all angles. They exist in the air we breathe, the cosmetics and cleaning products we use, the water we drink and bathe in, and the foods (especially processed foods) we eat. Even mental stress increases our toxic load.

When all this “junk” accumulates, you may experience symptoms of widespread inflammation in the body, which is the root of many chronic diseases. Our bodies have built-in systems to weed out these “bad boys,” but many experts increasingly believe that our natural cleansing crew can become overwhelmed and could use an extra hand to detoxify the body. There are many ways to provide this support, from changing your diet to new self-care routines.

Drink water when you wake up and just before you go to sleep and throughout the day. “When you think about it, while our bodies are asleep, we go seven or more hours without hydration, by providing your body with hydration upon awakening, it refreshes and energizes our cells.” toxins and maintain blood sugar balance. It’s especially essential after drinking: “Alcohol acts as a diuretic and dehydrates you, so be sure to increase your water intake if you’ve been drinking recently.”

Celebrities are especially famous for body detoxes that tend to be extreme (fasting, leech therapy, or colonic irrigation, to name a few). Not all tactics aimed at combating the accumulation of impurities are so intense. They can put too much pressure on the colon, causing it to inflate like a balloon, or the tip of the enema device can damage the wall of the rectum or anal canal, causing bleeding, abscesses, and infection, sometimes requiring surgery. to repair.

My point is to make sure your water intake is enough to keep your body hydrated, leaving your body dehydrated will lead to a lot of health problems, good water is what you need, not tap water if you really want to stay balanced.