‘Spill Your Guts’: Why You Should NEVER Do This If You Want Your Ex Girlfriend To Come Back

Breaking up is hard. No doubt about that. Having the girl you love tell you that she no longer wants to be with you is one of the biggest emotional pains you can experience in your life. Few things can drive you into a state of total mental disorientation like a breakup can. Especially if you had no idea it was coming.

If the breakup just happened, take comfort in knowing that just because you broke up doesn’t necessarily mean it’s over. People make mistakes all the time. Just give her a little space, don’t contact her at all, and she will most likely realize that you are who she wants to be with. Also, I bet you’ve heard of people breaking up and getting back together quite often. Sometimes it’s just a cycle that relationships go through.

However, if it’s been some time and you feel like you are starting to bend under emotional pressure, we need to take certain steps to make sure that you are not going to do something that you will end up regretting. The next time you feel the urge to take drastic action out of desperation, remember this phrase:

Control your emotions … control the outcome of the breakup.

It happens too often. A guy is abandoned and instead of acting calm like he’s supposed to, he calls, texts, and stalks his ex in an effort to get her to give him another chance. Instead of staying strong, he gives in to all the strong emotions playing in his brain, and as a result, he probably TOP any chance he had of getting her back.

Your best option is to do everything you can to stay positive by spending time with friends and improving your well-being. Drowning in self-pity, isolation, and all the contents of your refrigerator will leave you fat, emotionally depressed, and making all the wrong moves. That won’t help you get your girl back!

But how can you control your emotions?

Think of it this way … What usually happens just before you feel overwhelmed by emotion? Most likely it starts with a thought, right? Or maybe even a personal belonging that reminds you of the two of you? I’d say get rid of that personal belongings ASAP. If it is something that cannot be removed, find a way to attach a new memory to that membership.

Now let’s say you find yourself drifting in your thoughts … what should you do? Take those thoughts right away and replace them with another by applying your focus elsewhere. Like reading a book, going to the gym, or just being constructive with your time. Surround yourself with things or people (preferably people) that make you feel good. You should do everything you can to quell harmful emotions before they sink you into depression.

Just control your mind and think positive. If you don’t, I promise you … negative influences will. And that means you can say goodbye to your girlfriend forever.