the power of shungite

Do you know anything about shungite? Have you ever heard of him? Until recently he hadn’t! It is a carbon mineral that can only be obtained in Russia from Karelia, in a small settlement called Shunga, which is a city near Lake Onega where scientists believe that an asteroid landed more than 2 billion years ago. Some scientists believe that shungite is derived from this asteroid. But it gets even more amazing!

The asteroid formed a lake bed where many people bathed and healed in these waters. Russian Tsar Peter was in office as ruler in the 19th century when he noted the healing health benefits of the waters of Lake Onega.

Once he discovered the healing benefits of shungite, he built structures that turned the area into a spa. He instructed his soldiers to take shungite water with them into battle to maintain his good health; as they were healing faster than their enemies from their injuries and remained disease-free during the battle.

To summarize, this carbon mineral is a black rock that contains so-called fullerenes. It is the only substance on earth that contains fullerenes. These fullerenes have many benefits. The first is that it purifies water, and more importantly for our society in general, it blocks harmful EMFs that come from our cell phones, TVs, WIFI, and all electrical outlets, including microwaves.

There is scientific evidence to support these claims. Also, the use of shungite has been helpful in curing cancer patients, high blood pressure, diabetes, pain relief, arthritis, schizophrenia, poor blood circulation, to name a few.

In addition, it is good to improve mood and to attract blessings and speed up the achievement of goals immediately. This is because it grounds the first chakra, causing one to focus more dynamically.

Shungite basically comes in three forms. There is Elite or Noble shungite. It has the highest amount of carbon fullerenes at around 90-95%. There is silver and there is black shungite. Each contains its own amounts of carbon fullerenes. I recommend that you start with Elite (Noble) shungite if you are going to use it primarily for healing purposes.

I am not a scientist nor am I a gemologist. However, I can tell you from my own experience that I have found relief from pain in my legs and feet caused by a recent diagnosis of diabetes. The discomfort in the legs and feet had become constant. But from the first day I put on the shungite necklace I have never felt pain in my legs and feet again to date.

Also, my mother has a rare blood cancer called polycythemia which is very debilitating and therefore has been bedridden. But immediately after putting an Elite shungite bracelet on her arm, she stood up and moved from side to side! Her general mood and her state of mind also seem to have improved a lot.

You can do your own research on shungite. Just make sure you get your shungite from a reputable dealer who imports it from Russia. There are books on Amazon about the scientific research found on this amazing stone. Better yet, try it yourself. You may be surprised!