What Steps Should I Take For a Dental Emergency?

Dental Emergency

There are a number of situations that may constitute a dental emergency in Calgary, such as severe tooth pain or uncontrolled bleeding. These emergencies should be addressed promptly to relieve symptoms and prevent further damage. While many people may consider these situations to be minor, they could potentially lead to long-term damage if not treated right away. Some common signs of a dental emergency include severe pain, cracked or chipped teeth, knocked-out teeth, and abscesses.

The most important thing to remember in a dental calgary is to remain calm. This will help to control your emotions and prevent further injury. If you are experiencing pain or bleeding, rinse the area gently with water to wash away any smaller pieces of the tooth that may have broken off. If the bleeding continues, place a piece of sterile gauze on the wound and press firmly until it stops. For pain, you can use a mild pain reliever such as acetaminophen (ex. Tylenol) or ibuprofen (ex. Advil) but do not take aspirin since this can thin the blood and increase bleeding. A cold compress or ice pack can also reduce swelling and pain until you can see your dentist.

Attempt to reinsert the knocked-out tooth if possible. Do not force it in or risk swallowing it. If you are unable to reinsert the tooth, store it in milk or saliva until you can see your dentist.

What Steps Should I Take For a Dental Emergency?

Other dental emergencies that require immediate attention include a loose crown or filling, a lost tooth, or an infected gum. If you have a loose crown or filling, cover it with dental wax to protect the exposed area until you can see your dentist. If you have a painful or infected gum, rinse your mouth with warm salt water and apply a cold compress to the area to reduce swelling and pain until you can see your dental provider.

If you are having an emergency, call your dentist’s office and speak to a representative. They will be able to guide you on what steps to take next and schedule an appointment for you. In many cases, an emergency dentist will be able to see you on the same day or very soon after you call.

Dental emergencies can be very scary and inconvenient, but if you know what to look for, you can take immediate action to ease your symptoms and minimize damage until you can see a dentist. Identifying and responding to the early signals of a dental emergency can save you time, money, and unnecessary discomfort.

Emergency Dental Services is the #1 resource for patients looking to find a local dentist that accepts emergency appointments in Calgary NE. We partner directly with dentists throughout the city that are open on evenings and weekends to provide fast, easy access to care. Our services include direct scheduling with local dentists, instant insurance verifications, and discount dental plans for emergencies, specialty, and cosmetic procedures.

How Much Does a 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Cost?

300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

A 300 hour yoga teacher training is an excellent way to enhance your yoga practice and your teaching skills. These programs allow you to dive deeper into yoga philosophy and tradition, teach more advanced poses, and take your students to the next level in their practice. These programs can be found in a variety of places from luxury locations around the world to online courses and modules that can be completed at home.

There are many factors that determine how much a 300 hour YTT will cost. Some of the big influences are the reputation and popularity of the trainers and instructors, as well as the number of hours that are included in the program. It’s important to find a course that offers you the best value for your money and allows you to expand your yoga knowledge, which is why it’s best to do your research beforehand.

Most 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training courses follow a similar curriculum outlined by Yoga Alliance, but they leave room for schools to tailor the experience to their own focus. The first step in choosing the right course is to look at what interests you most. This could be a specific type of yoga, such as Vinyasa Yoga, prenatal yoga, adaptive yoga, or Yin yoga. It could also be a topic such as yoga philosophy, yoga therapy, or advanced anatomy.

How Much Does a 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Cost?

When evaluating potential courses, it’s important to find one that is accredited by Yoga Alliance. This indicates that the school has met standards for quality education and will lead to an RYT 500 certification when you complete the program. You may also want to find a yoga school that offers payment plans or scholarships. This will make it easier to manage the costs of the training and can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, the next step is to consider the program’s location and duration. For example, if you’re looking for an affordable option that will allow you to spend time immersed in nature, you might consider doing your 300 hour yoga teacher training in Goa. This gorgeous Indian city is a beautiful place to relax and will provide you with the perfect setting for your yoga training.

Another factor to keep in mind is whether or not the training you are considering will offer support structures for teachers both during and after the program. This can be a great benefit to new teachers and can give you peace of mind knowing that you will have someone to turn to if you need assistance.

One of the most beneficial aspects of a 300 hour yoga teacher training is getting to know your fellow trainees and sharing your experiences with them. This can be a wonderful opportunity to build community, share your passion for yoga, and make lifelong connections. You might even discover your future business partners or mentors! Ultimately, this will help you create an amazing teaching career and a successful yoga studio.

Suplimente alimentare pentru imunitate

Suplimente alimentare pentru

Un sistem imunitar puternic este cea mai bună apărare a organismului împotriva germenilor. Poate lupta împotriva virusului COVID-19, precum și a altor boli precum răceala și gripa. În timp ce vaccinarea și practicarea unei bune igieni sunt cele mai bune modalități de a preveni îmbolnăvirea, s-a dovedit, de asemenea, că suplimentele alimentare întăresc imunitatea.

suplimente alimentare pentru imunitate

Food and Drug Administration reglementează suplimentele alimentare, dar nu le testează pe toate. Deci, trebuie să alegeți cu atenție dacă doriți să utilizați un supliment promovat ca stimulator al sistemului imunitar.

Majoritatea nutrienților care s-au descoperit că ajută la imunitatea pot fi obținuți dintr-o dietă sănătoasă, iar experții recomandă să încercați să vă satisfaceți nevoile nutriționale mai întâi prin alimente. Dar, dacă decideți să luați suplimente de vitamine sau plante, este important să respectați dozele recomandate. Luarea prea mult din acestea poate interfera cu medicamentele obișnuite și poate provoca reacții adverse.

Suplimente alimentare pentru imunitate

Se știe că vitamina C din suplimentele alimentare are proprietăți de stimulare a sistemului imunitar. De fapt, acest nutrient poate reduce durata și severitatea infecțiilor respiratorii superioare, cum ar fi răceala (24).

Un alt nutrient care poate crește imunitatea este zincul. S-a demonstrat că acest nutrient susține funcția celulelor albe din sânge și crește nivelul de limfocite T, care ajută la combaterea infecțiilor (30).

Alți nutrienți despre care s-a demonstrat că întăresc imunitatea includ echinacea, care este o plantă din familia margaretelor și are efecte antivirale împotriva anumitor viruși respiratori, cum ar fi răceala comună, virusul sincitial respirator și rinovirusurile (69). Și, colostrul, o substanță asemănătoare rășinii produsă de albine pentru etanșarea stupilor, are proprietăți imunostimulatoare (70).

În timp ce întregul grup de complex de vitamine B include opt vitamine, inclusiv tiamină, riboflavină, niacină, acid pantotenic, vitamina B6, piridoxină, biotină, acid folic/acid folic și cobalamină, vitamina B6 poate fi deosebit de benefică pentru sistemul imunitar, potrivit cercetărilor. (21, 23). Acest nutrient ajută la susținerea funcțiilor celulelor albe din sânge și ale limfocitelor T și ajută organismul să transporte oxigen, care este esențial pentru o imunitate sănătoasă.

Puteți obține vitamina B6 dintr-o varietate de alimente, cum ar fi carnea de porc și pasăre, leguminoase, năut, spanac, soia și banane. Și, dacă aveți deficit de vitamina B6, poate duce la o reducere a producției de anticorpi necesari pentru a lupta împotriva infecției.

Video of exercises for pregnancy

Oh boy! Now that she’s pregnant, she doesn’t have to exercise! *Bubble burst alert* Wrong!

If you find exercise boring, you’re not alone. That is one of the reasons why there are so many overweight and out of shape people in the world!

There are plenty of excuses for not exercising when you’re pregnant. Maybe you don’t want to go to the gym because you are embarrassed to show your blooming belly. Or maybe you get depressed when you see all those little beauties in their tiny cropped tanks and low-cut shorts, showing off their tight, flat abs. So, the gym is out! You like to walk, but you can’t go more than two blocks from home without stopping to chat with 40 neighbors, all of whom want to touch your belly and tell you horror stories about their (or their sister’s, cousin’s, grandmother’s) near-death pregnancy and childbirth. What’s up with that, anyway?

Pregnant women need regular exercise to help them stay healthy. Granted, you won’t be able to do regular crunches or crunches, but there are safe exercises, developed especially for pregnant women. Doing these exercises can help you burn calories, tone your muscles, and keep you more flexible, which can make labor and delivery much easier!

That’s all good, but the gym is still closed, and working out alone is so boring! With a pregnancy exercise video, you won’t have to exercise alone or leave the house!

You’ve probably seen exercises and other fitness videos on TV, but most of them don’t feature exercises that are safe for pregnant women. That eight month old beach ball under your shirt can’t be removed so you can do crunches! Now you need softer exercises that don’t put too much stress on your body or your baby. You also need someone to show you how to exercise safely and guide you through the regimen. But most of all, you need the comfort of knowing that someone genuinely cares about the safety and health of both you and your baby, and that the activities are designed specifically for moms-to-be.

Your exercise needs will change as your pregnancy progresses. At 28 weeks, you won’t be able to do the same exercises you did at 17 weeks! Let’s face it, as you get closer to the time of delivery, the increase in weight and abdominal circumference will make you less agile and more clumsy. Her carriage changes to accommodate the extra weight of her tummy, and near the end of her pregnancy, when her baby “drops” into position for impending birth, she may have developed a “waddle gait.”

The best exercise regimen during pregnancy will change to accommodate the growth of your baby and the effects it will have on your body and agility. That’s why you need a pregnancy exercise video to guide you through safe exercises for each stage of pregnancy. Gentle stretching will help you maintain muscle tone and flexibility. Light cardiovascular exercises will improve your circulation and help you control your breathing. From warm up to cool down, you’ll rest easy knowing you’re taking good care of yourself and your baby.

Forget the gym and its “hotties!” With a healthy diet plan and your pregnancy exercise video, you can be the most attractive mom!

How to use popups without ruining your SEO

The world is like a vast meadow and we digital geeks are different kinds of herders. Some pastors appreciate things that pop up along the way, while others ignore them.

Oh! We are shepherds, right? (Funny is…!)

Don’t jump to a conclusion… just keep scrolling to extract the central notion!

So… now, can we relate the above expression to today’s online marketing industry?

OUI bien sur!

The digital sphere also incorporates different technicians. Among which, some would like to click on the digital “pop-ups”, while others get annoyed and just close them. However, in some cases, these interstitial ads generate more leads for a specific website. And, without a shadow of a doubt, Google loves them too. So, just add the popups to your website and get one step closer to the point of success.

Wait a bit!

Is your website rank shaking? Are you losing your potential customers after applying an interstitial?

If so, then stop your steps right now…

Find here 7 great tips that won’t hurt your SEO even after adding popups to your site.

1. Let go of the “Input” popups

Perhaps most disturbing is the interstitial that has appeared when visitors land on a specific website. Often, they skip the website as soon as a pop-up appears. You will unintentionally interrupt the flow of browsing the subject online. So, switch to quit popups instead of the ones that appear on input.

2. Spot the differences between spam and relevant interstitials

Google’s mobile interstitial penalty attacks intrusive interstitial ads on the first shot. According to the general rule of thumb, if your interstitial ads are spamming, detracting from the user experience, or undervaluing your mobile page, then Google will definitely strike back on that website. So be 100% sure and then add a non-spam material to your site.

3. Turn towards timed popups

As we have already discussed to remove input popups. Just one more crucial thing is to set a specific time with the interstitial. Do not attach the “manual close” option to it. Instead, select the time limit of 3-5 seconds and let it close without user intervention after that limit.

4. Keep your eagle eyes on “gray area” interstitials

Some popups, such as “language selection”, are also interstitial. And they can have a negative impact on a website, according to Google’s guidelines. So make sure you are safe instead of apologizing later. Some more examples are: sticky sidebars, live chat boxes, share buttons, and coupon popups. So just be careful!

5. Hooray! Be liberal when using interstitial ads on desktop

Some websites make a smart move and discover a great solution to the interstitial penalty. Pop-ups wrap up on mobile devices and evolve on desktops. Also, find a number of pop-up plugins that reveal the interstitial ads on the specific platforms. Even one website platform, Wix, wraps this obstructive material on all mobile devices.

6. Incorporate Neil Patel’s “Hello Bar”

It’s a little Neil Patel tool. Hello Bar is a bar that stays at the top or bottom of the screen, keeping important site content intact. It will not hide the relevant subject on the website. Therefore, Google is happy with this tool. Just be sure to add for a limited time, not scrolling to the bottom.

7. Use Authoritative But Intrusive Interstitial Ads With Caution

Some of the interstitial ads interfere, but Google doesn’t restrict them. These are page-to-page interstitials and exit interstitials. For the latter, insert a tag without an index into your code and you won’t step in the wrong area. To date, these are not penalized by Google. But no one knows what a new update will bring. So make the UX good without violating Google algorithms and be safe.

These 7 influential weapons will allow you to use popups or interstitials on your website without hurting SEO. Use these tools and magnetize customers through these amazing things.

Eating well while working evening shifts

Shift work often requires eating at night, a time when the stomach and digestive system normally rest. Shift workers are very susceptible to stomach and digestive problems as a result of irregular eating habits. 30-45% of shift workers report chronic digestive problems due to the types of foods they eat during work and before bed. Eating a large meal, especially one that includes fatty, spicy, or protein-rich foods, can cause slow work.


Eating well when your schedule is so behind can be difficult. It is vital that you adjust your eating routine to your schedule. Here are some important nutrition tips to follow:

  • don’t skip meals
  • Take a healthy meal to work with you. Vending machine options are often high in fat, sodium, and simple carbohydrates, making them less than ideal.
  • Avoid eating a large meal at the end of your shift. You may have trouble digesting and sleep may be interrupted. Eat larger meals when you are most active and need more calories.
  • Drink plenty of water during your shift. This will help maintain your energy level and help prevent cravings.
  • Choose foods high in fiber and lean protein. These foods will satisfy you for longer. Foods high in sugar and simple carbohydrates may give you a quick burst of energy, but they won’t keep you going.

Schedule your meals and activities to coincide with your “day.”

Establish a normal meal schedule regardless of your work hours. Try to eat three meals a day spaced at consistent intervals. Be consistent when you are at any time.

Try to schedule at least one meal a day with your family.

Avoid foods and drinks that contain caffeine within four hours of bedtime. If you drink coffee, choose decaf.

food suggestions

Eating during the afternoon and evening hours requires special considerations. The daily rhythm of our digestive tract is not “set” for nocturnal digestion. However, this does not mean that you should stop eating when you work these hours. Regardless of the hours you work, plan well-balanced meals for your shifts.

Protein: Your first meal after sleeping should contain protein. Heavier proteins should be used sparingly and eaten several hours before work or bedtime. Heavy proteins take longer to digest, so it’s best to choose lighter protein sources just before and during work. Avoid frying during food preparation. These are examples of different proteins.

Heavy protein: beef, pork, tube meats, eggs with yolks, high-fat cheeses

Light protein: chicken, turkey, fish, egg whites, low-fat dairy, vegetables (beans, peas, and lentils)

Evening and night work

Breakfast (around 8-10 am): Regardless of when you get up, breakfast is important. Eat shortly after waking up. This will help boost your metabolism, signaling the start of your “day.” Suggestions: Protein, whole grain breads or high-fiber cereals, low-fat dairy products, fresh fruit.

Main meal (around 1-2 pm) Light protein, some fat (preferably plant-based, 15-20 grams), complex carbohydrates such as vegetables, fruit, whole wheat pasta or bread, rice, potato. Caffeine okay.

Lunch break at work (7 to 8 pm): Choose foods that are easy to digest. Poultry, fish, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and high-fiber grains are all good choices. Reduce the intake of fatty foods or spicy foods. Keep this meal light and small. Without caffeine.

Night Work – Follow the same suggestions as evening and evening work, just change your meal times. Working at night requires eating lighter and easier to digest food. Again, avoid fatty and spicy foods at work.

Breakfast (around 5-7pm): This is the time for traditional “dinner” type foods if you plan to have them. If you plan to sleep in before work again, make this meal smaller and lighter. Consume protein, fat (preferably plant-based, 15-20 grams), complex carbohydrates, and low-fat dairy products.

Lunch break at work: Follow the suggestions for lunch break at work in the afternoon and evening. No caffeine for the second half of the shift.

Snack supplements (before or after work)

Fruits, vegetables with low-fat dressing, high-fiber cereals, pretzels, granola bars, dried fruit, low-fat dairy products, low-fat popcorn, nuts or seeds, high-fiber crackers

additional tips

If you sleep in shortly after work, keep snacks small and light before bed. If you don’t sleep in later, the meal may be bigger, but not heavier.

Avoid alcohol close to bedtime, it can disrupt sleep cycles.

Have a sleep ritual. Go to sleep as soon as you can after work. Avoid getting caught up in chores or errands. Sleep deprivation can lead to food cravings.

Exercise increases alertness and will create better sleep during the day. If you have a break where you can do a few minutes of activity, take advantage of it! Avoid exercising just before going to sleep.

Eating healthy has its advantages

There are always so many guidelines and myths about healthy eating, what a healthy diet can do for your skin, abs, eyesight, and life in general. Some of what you hear is in fact true, while others remain to be proven. One of the common misconceptions that stands out the most when it comes to eating healthy is that you have to eat food that tastes like cardboard and grass. On the contrary, there are some very testy variables if you choose to travel that route.

Instead of eating less, you should eat three full meals a day and at least two snacks. So much food throughout the day can’t be healthy, right? Yes you can. Try to avoid donuts and coffee filled with cream and sugar and replace it with cereal (hot or cold) and a serving of fruit. For lunch, forgo the pizza and try an open sandwich (something high in protein like tuna, egg or chicken salad, etc.) and salad with light dressing or vinegar. For your snacks, let’s be real, you could do without French fries. Instead, grab a small handful of almonds, peanuts or celery and peanut butter or even find a sweet indulgence in a half cookie. Yes, half. For dinner, fire up the grill and satisfy your palate with a plate of grilled salmon and vegetables with a small side of rice pilaf. Not bad for a day’s worth of food, right? When you eat healthy, you don’t have to be miserable. You just need to make smart choices about what you put in your mouth and try to limit your calories to an ideal total of 1,500 to 2,000 calories per day.

What if you are an athlete and need more food to function?

When you make the decision to eat healthy and you are an athlete or anyone who exercises regularly, you will need to provide your body with the vital nutrients it uses and the fluid it secretes (sweat) during your period of activity. In addition to a healthy diet, it is recommended that everyone, whether active or not, take a vitamin supplement to ensure they are getting the proper amount of vitamins and minerals needed to maintain proper bodily function. In answer to the question, athletes typically have more to replace and need to eat more calories, but don’t overdo it; consult your doctor or nutritionist and eat responsibly.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that by being an athlete or more active than the average person you can freely eat whatever you want whenever you want. You will still need to eat healthy and make wise dietary choices to maintain your current weight and energy level. If you overeat or overindulge in high-fat and high-sugar foods, over time your body will begin to slow down and become sluggish. Soon after, you may start to notice weight gain. To avoid this, make sure you continue to eat healthy and maintain a balanced diet along with your ongoing exercise routine.

You try to eat healthy but during your menstrual cycle you tend to binge. What can you do?

You should first cut out the comfort foods and chocolate and try to get more vitamin D and calcium. Two foods that have a surprisingly high source of one or the other are eggs and broccoli. We’re not saying eat these power foods together, but try consuming them in higher quantities and you’ll be sure to keep you full and reduce your massive case of PMS. Broccoli has one of the highest easily absorbed forms of calcium, and eggs are one of nature’s best sources of vitamin D. When your goal is to eat healthy, there are many foods that have superpowers beyond your comprehension, and Women’s Health magazine gave us an inside look at those foods:

1. Chickpeas and Red Peppers = more energy

2. Avocados and Spinach = better vision

3. Olive oil and tomatoes = smoother skin

4. Yogurt and Ground Flaxseed = better digestion

5. Oatmeal and apples = a healthier heart

6. Chicken and sweet potatoes = a stronger immune system

7. Balsamic vinegar and pasta = slimmer abdomen

8. Green tea and lemon juice = protection against cancer

Equip yourself with the right foods and fill your fridge and shelves. You’ll be happy you did.

You’re doing great eating healthy, but you’re still hungry all the time and sore after workouts. What can you do?

Just as it’s hard to eat healthy and maintain a decent diet, it’s even harder to get the right combination of foods needed for your body to function at its optimal level. Don’t worry, its protein to the rescue. During a workout, muscles stretch, tear, and tear, and during recovery time when you’re not exercising, they repair themselves. The soreness you feel after a workout is your body and muscles repairing themselves.

To curb hunger, enjoy a little more protein each day. Be sure to check with your doctor to make sure you’re getting the right amount of protein each day for your level of exercise. It’s not easy to eat healthy, but once you incorporate the right foods into your daily diet, it should be easy to navigate. Don’t be afraid to satiate your occasional sweet tooth with chocolates or pastries, just remember that when you’re aiming to eat healthy, the general rule of thumb is everything in moderation.

What can I do to gain leadership experience? (Volunteer – 10 Tips for Women)

Volunteering is a smart way to gain leadership experience. While opportunities abound, selecting and maximizing the right ones is vital. This article offers ten tips. Forward; take the iniciative.

10 tips

Examine your interests.

Like your paid work, your volunteer work should be rewarding. Otherwise, what’s the point? Start by exploring his interests. For example, do you feel compelled to make a difference in the lives of young people? Are you attracted to political or grassroots initiatives? What topics call your attention.

Determine where your skills are needed.

At the same time, your skills and talents provide solutions to problems. The challenge is determining where to offer them. Although your skill set is beneficial to a group or organization, is it a good fit? What is the mission? Are your values ​​in tune with the philosophy of the company? Think well before you jump.

Inspect your memberships.

Opportunities may be closer than you think. With that being said, look at where you already have partnerships. Make your workplace one of the first stops. Employers who are focused on the community stay on top of the needs. Just as important, most have established relationships with nonprofit organizations and community agencies. Also investigate the options at your place of worship.

Reach out to the community.

Your community is a potential hot spot. Check the local newspaper or online. Often an organization will advertise when it is looking for volunteers to become active members of boards, special committees, or task forces.

Lead a committee.

Most people seem to hate working in groups. I think it goes back to our school days. Personalities clash like saucers, and one or two people end up doing most of the work.

However, leading a committee has its rewards. Leaders build and motivate teams. They find ways to improve performance. In effect, you have the opportunity to develop some leadership skills. For that reason, discover opportunities in your church, kindergarten, alumni group, sororities, and neighborhood.

Sit on a table.

Non-profit organizations and start-ups are looking for volunteer board members. Check with your local chamber of commerce for a list of organizations. However, look it up on Google. Unless the head of the organization asks you to serve, you will be required to fill out an application.

Be a mentor.

Mentors are needed everywhere. Just look around. Kids, teens, college students, first-time supervisors, youth ministers, women, new nonprofit leaders—take your pick.

Do your homework.

Once you determine where you would like to serve, do your homework. It’s worth it. Learn all you can about the group or organization. Go online, read annual reports, collect literature, and talk to people in the know.

Go ahead.

After you make a commitment, stick to it. Carry out the task in a spirit of excellence. Commit to going the extra mile to make a difference. What you do or don’t do can have an impact. Also, other doors will open when you excel.

Document your achievements.

Create a category on your resume that discusses your accomplishments as a volunteer. For example, label the nonprofit leadership experience section. Briefly summarize your contributions.

How to use a Brayer

Knowing how to use a brayer can add a lot to your handmade greeting cards and scrapbook pages or 3D paper craft projects. If you’ve ever had trouble finding the right colored paper for a particular project, a Brayer may be able to solve your dilemma. If you have the ink or paint color you need
you want, you’re in business with a brayer.

Many crafters know how to ink a brayer and spread a bit of color onto the paper. For people who have never used one, just make sure to roll the ink or paint evenly on the roller by rolling the rubber over the ink pad, lifting it up and rolling it over and over, until you can see the entire piece rubber is evenly covered.

The first coat of color will create a hard line on the paper. To avoid this, place some paper under the cardstock and spread the first piece of color right next to the paper. Continue spreading the ink or paint, gradually layering the color onto the cardstock. You will have far fewer streaks or lines if you use this technique and you will find that the colors blend more beautifully.

If you are using multiple shades of color, always start with the lightest color first. You won’t need to clean your roller between colors if you’re working from the lightest to the darkest shades. Just keep a roll of paper towels handy to remove most of the color between coats.

To clean your brayer, use alcohol-free baby wipes (so it won’t make your rubber roller dry and hard or crack), stamp on the cleaning mist, or remove it from your handle and wash under the tap. Dry it with paper towels by placing it back on its handle before rolling it up on a paper towel.

However, your Brayer can work harder for you than this. Here are some other ideas for trying special effects.

Special effects and your Brayer

An interesting effect that you can try is to wrap the roller of your brayer with rubber bands before inking it. Take the roller off the handle, twist some rubber bands over the roller until you have a nice pattern, and snap it back into place on the handle. Ink your brayer and elastic bands and apply to your cardstock. The patterns this will produce can be very interesting and unique. If you don’t want a shadow effect, be sure to press the Brayer roller firmly against the card stock on the first pass and avoid going over the same area again.

Try to ink the clean brayer again with new rubber bands and another color of ink and roll over the cardstock after the first layer has dried.

Now try wrapping other materials like ribbon, twine, or string around the rolling pin and see if you like the patterns made from them.

Another element to experiment with the roller itself is the paper and the repositionable tape. Apply it to the rubber in the pattern you want. Ink the brayer, then carefully remove the paper and tape before applying the ink to the cardstock. Of course you will have areas that are not colored by the brayer when using this method.

Remember that ink will resist heat etched images even if applied with brayer. First emboss your image onto your cardstock, then once it’s cool, go over it with an inked brayer. You can then wipe the embossed image with a tissue to make it shine again and allow it to really stand out. Try this method with glossy cardstock, for example. You will have a beautiful glossy finish with this paper. Glossy cardstock is wonderful for embossing images and then braying them.

Brayers can also be used on uneven surfaces. Try rolling ink or paint onto a dry embossed image (with the embossed side up, you’ll get more ink on the hills or edges of your image. With the embossed image side down, you’ll get more ink on the flat paper around the image ).

Try gluing a pattern onto paper or directly onto your craft mat and place the soon-to-be-inked paper on top before braying. Small edges caused by the tape or even another sheet of paper or cardstock will cause the brayer to leave different amounts of ink. You can make sharp corners appear with this method.

If you don’t want the edge of the underlying paper to show, try filling your work surface with layers of old newspaper. They are smoother than other papers and will allow you to achieve more uniformly colored surfaces while giving you enough scrap paper to run the edges of your cardstock with the brayer. You can color your entire piece of card stock this way.

Different papers will produce different looks with your bra, so experiment.

You can draw or color your Brayer roller with water-based markers, just as you can color a rubber stamp with them. Remember to breathe on your roller before braying your paper, as you may find the pens dry out a bit if you take time to colour. Try a pattern of circles, squares, or stripes with your
think. Try feeding the paper from several different directions.

If you want to try writing on your brayer with water-based text, remember that you will produce mirror-like writing with your brayer unless you can write backwards.

Bubble wrap might be just what you need to apply ink to your brayer if you want an interesting background.

Try using a couple colors of ink on different parts of your brayer, or drop ink or paint on your work surface and brayer on it to mix them up.

Remember that you can use metallic inks to ink your brayer. Braying with gold or silver, copper or brass colors will really add pizzazz to your paper crafts. You can apply metallic inks over a painted background or around the edges of a piece to make it stand out and pop. Wrap the middle of your roller in paper before inking the edges with metallic ink, then run this over your image to create a frame.

Brayer over the center of the lace or a doily or net that you have taped around the edges to keep it from slipping, then place cardstock over the inked or paint-covered lace and smooth it out with the brayer. Pick up your poster board and see what a beautiful pattern has been made.

Punch out shapes with your paper punches and place them on your cardstock, securing with repositionable tape or glue. Pass them over with the brayer and you can create perfect negative shapes. This is how you might put a moon on a night sky background, for example.

one last piece of advice

Be sure to store your brayer with the roller facing up. Turn everything around, in other words. This way, your rubber roller will not develop a flat side. You want it to stay symmetrical and smooth.

Many crafters use brayers to create beautiful backdrops of sunsets or lake reflections. I’ll tell you next time.

In the meantime, have fun making your brayer work harder for you!

The dangers of belly fat

Did you know that belly fat not only alters your physique, but also poses a threat to your health? You should know that there is more to learn about abdominal fat and it is much more dangerous than just affecting your self-esteem. If left unattended, the lump can be fatal. So let’s take a closer look at how fats negatively affect your health.

It is a fact that as we reach our thirties, our metabolism slows down. This is the reason why it is more difficult at this time to get rid of fats or tone down.

The anatomy of fat

Fats are not so bad. They are in the body for the purpose of isolation. The fats that you accumulate during the summer season are there to keep you warm when winter comes and food is not so plentiful.

This type of adipose tissue is what you call subcutaneous fat. They are those that are under the skin and above the abdominal muscles. But there is also another type of fat, and it is the one that grows around your internal organs. These are what you call visceral fats. This is the most dangerous type and can lead to a wide variety of diseases. We can say that fat in general is dangerous, but even more so when it accumulates in the belly.

How are belly fats formed?

One of the common causes of abdominal fat is an uncontrolled diet. When you simply eat without inhibition and combine it with a sedentary lifestyle, this only increases your chances of developing a tummy bulge.

Stress is also a factor in increasing belly size. When you’re exposed to chronic stress, your body releases the hormone cortisol that retains fat and stores it in your midsection.

The same thing happens when women reach menopause. When the amount of estrogen decreases, the distribution of fat in the body is altered and is mainly concentrated in the belly portion.

Disadvantages of belly fat

As we mentioned earlier, visceral fats are found hugging your internal organs. Since fats can also penetrate these organs, they are then absorbed into the bloodstream. On top of that, belly fat also brings with it harmful toxins or inflammatory substances that are continuously released.

Over time, you begin to develop high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, sleep problems, cancer, stroke, and a list of other degenerative diseases. This is evidenced by increased levels of C-reactive proteins, which is the precursor to the various health problems mentioned.

So that it is better understood; Let’s take diabetes as an example. These unsightly belly fats can release free fatty acids that affect your body’s ability to release insulin. With that effect you eventually develop diabetes due to the body’s inability to control sugar.

The reason also why some people are at higher risk of developing more visceral fat than others is that they eat a diet rich in carbohydrates. This means there is too much starch and sugar in what they are eating.

Due to its proximity to other vital organs, belly fat can really create a serious threat and can also easily damage neighboring organs.

How to lose belly fat?

Since abdominal fat gives rise to the most common health problems, you can protect yourself from the problem through proper diet with the correct portions and regular exercise. Get rid of whatever is causing you chronic stress and learn to adapt to a healthier, positive lifestyle.

For women it should be that their waists should not measure 35 inches or more, and 40 inches or more for men. If so, this would be cause for concern and would easily attract the various diseases we have mentioned above.

The dangers of belly fat are not just limited to self-esteem concerns, but more importantly, it greatly affects physical health. So if you want to improve your condition, make a conscious effort to change your lifestyle. Through that you improve your appearance and save your life!