Customers love these words

When starting a small business, your most precious asset is your customers. One of his first skills in starting his own business is learning to listen and really listen to what his customers are saying.

The biggest skill you will learn about starting a business is customer focus. It’s not just about providing great service, it’s also about identifying your needs and identifying how your small business can meet that need.

Here are words customers LOVE. These tips are especially relevant when you’re starting your own small business.

Use these 10 sentences in your daily lexicon with your clients.

*Top 10 words: “I apologize for our mistake. Let me make it right.” When something goes wrong, most people just want to be heard and acknowledged. Listen, apologize, and ask what you can do to make it right.

*Top 9 Words: “Thank you for your business. Come back again.” Regular customers cost less than new customers and are often more loyal.

*Top 8 words: “I’m not sure, but I’ll find out.” It’s okay if you don’t know the answer; it’s not okay to make the client keep looking for it. That’s your job.

*The 7 most important words: “What else can I do for you?” Be prepared to go the extra mile, there is less competition there.

*The 6 most important words: “What is the most convenient for you?” Your clients will be pleasantly surprised when you ask them what suits them.

*The 5 most important words: “How can I serve you?” This question reinforces your role in the relationship. Play that role to the best of your ability.

*The 4 most important words: “How did we do it?” Feedback is critical. Your customers have a unique perspective and appreciate being asked.

*The 3 most important words: “I’m glad you’re here!” Customers who feel welcome spend more time, spend more money, and are more likely to return.

*The 2 most important words: “Thank you”. Basic manners… but how often do you get thanked when you’re the customer?

**The MOST important word: “Yes”. Become a yes person.