Expand job options once subvocalization is removed

If you’ve ever watched a child mouth words, then it’s easy to see how tedious it can be when your mind does the same. While you may now be reading much faster, subvocalization still needs to be removed. Even changing this bad habit will result in your average reading speed doubling, if not tripling. Also, when you eliminate subvocalization, there will be more time to think and formulate your responses to any given problem. This, in turn, can make it easier to start a new career or advance in the one you have now. Regardless of your future goals, being able to do this should be one of your main building blocks. Learning how to eliminate subvocalization is as easy as buying a simple computer program that will re-educate all your bad reading habits.

When employees are stuck in an entry-level job for too many years, it’s a good indicator that something is wrong. Supervisors and co-workers will generally not want to say directly that you seem slow-witted. That being said, if employees don’t eliminate subvocalization, the amount of time it takes to read something can have a very negative effect on all sides. Consider a situation where you ask someone for an answer based on written materials. If they take too long, nervous feelings will develop. This is exactly what happens to others when you don’t get rid of this habit.

Today, being able to eliminate subvocalization will help a worker achieve the following goals:

• Be more intelligent and responsive when asked by coworkers and supervisors to evaluate written information.
• Avoid long gaps in conversations that must be filled with answers and answers.
• Participate in meetings without getting stuck on page one of the agenda.