How Stand Up Paddleboarding Can Benefit You

Stand Up Paddle Boarding gives you a fantastic all-around workout as you use both strength and balance to stay upright and move through the water. The intensity of your workout will vary, depending on where you use your paddle board. Paddling against the current in a river or in the ocean with the current and the waves will mean a more intense exercise. If you spend more time drifting with the tide, you’ll have a smoother training session.

Fitness Benefits

The obvious benefits of Stand Up Paddle Boarding is the increase in your fitness level. It’s a great sport for cross-training, as you’ll find yourself using the muscles in your legs, arms, back, stomach, and even your feet. In addition to paddling, you’ll be using many different muscles just by rocking on the board, giving you more of a workout than you might think. If you are interested in both aerobic and strength exercise, this is the perfect sport.

health benefits

As a sport it has many benefits over other activities. Unlike running, you won’t experience any jolts to your joints or muscles, and it’s also a non-contact sport, so unless you’re riding a big wave, you can avoid sports-related bumps, bruises, and heavy blows like soccer and rugby. It is also a great sport to help you de-stress. Whether you decide to take a gentle paddle up the river or head out into the waves, Stand Up Paddle Boarding can be enjoyed wherever there is a body of water, and what better place to relax and take in the scenery. Any activity that takes us outdoors has tremendous health benefits, so enjoy the fresh air, sun, and exercise.


Learning to Stand Up Paddle Board takes a bit of practice, as you need to keep your balance on the board while paddling. Expect to fall several times to start. To improve your overall coordination, the stand up paddle board is perfect and you will really need to work your leg muscles to stay upright.

I can’t navigate, no problem.

Stand Up Paddle Boarding is a great alternative to surfing, especially if you have trouble surfing or if you have friends who are surfers and feel a bit left out. This way you can also get out on the water and you will have a fantastic vantage point. You can still catch waves, just like you would on a surfboard, and in addition to the bigger waves, you can also ride the smaller or “messier” waves that a surfer couldn’t. Stand Up Paddle Boarding is also more versatile, so you can head out into calmer water, paddle up a river, or even use it on a lake. It’s also great if you suffer from back problems, because while surfing you’re lying on the board and arching your back.

sense of accomplishment

Importantly, you will experience a great sense of accomplishment when you learn to use your paddle board. For starters, don’t expect to be able to ride the monster waves. Remember, practice makes perfect.