Tips for easy composting using cups, bins, or a pitchfork and compost pile

There are certain tried and true procedures for making good compost. It’s more than throwing anything in a pile and hoping for good results! Which will end up with a dirty mess or a dry pile infested with ants or other pests. Here are some time-tested tips:

1. It is okay to compost poisonous plants, such as rhubarb, yew, poison oak, etc., because the heat during composting will break down all the toxins. If you have some poisonous plants that you need to get rid of, don’t burn them! The smoke will get into your lungs and can cause all kinds of problems. Just put them in our compost pile.

2. For successful composting, you need a mix of green materials such as grass clippings, kitchen waste, cow and chicken manure, and sturdier brown materials such as twigs, cardboard, paper, plant clippings. Larger pieces prevent the stack from clumping together and becoming sticky. Once you’ve finished your compost, if you still have a few twigs or other larger pieces, you can sift them out and place them in your next batch.

3. Do not add diseased plant material to your compost heap.

4. Do not compost dog feces or cat litter boxes, cooked food, grease, or disposable baby diapers. Cow and horse manure, poultry manure, and bedding from your stables are great for composting.

5. It is necessary to keep the pile moist, but not too wet or it will not receive enough oxygen (aerobic) and will be considered an anaerobic (no oxygen) pile. Anaerobic batteries take much longer to break down.

6. Whichever compost making method you use, the pile should be turned or turned frequently. This adequately aerates the pile and speeds up the decomposition process.

7. Keep a compost bin or compost bin in your kitchen so you have an easy way to transport your kitchen waste to the compost pile. Both come with filters to control odor.

8. If you don’t make enough materials, you get leftovers from canneries or all the produce they throw away at Farmer’s Markets, ask your neighbors to give you grass clippings, get trash from barns, or ask if you can get out in their pastures and collect “cow pies”. You are only limited by your own imagination and ingenuity.

Here are some different methods for making compost:

You can have a successful compost pile using just a pitchfork. All you need to do is keep the pile together and turn it over frequently. Don’t let the edges get too dry or the top get too wet. You may have a problem with rats, ants, and other pests with an unprotected, uncontained pile.

Using a compost bin protects your pile from pests and helps maintain even moisture. There are many available to buy; however, these are easy to build with wooden stakes, wooden pallets, chicken wire, wire mesh, or a host of other materials.

Using compost tumblers is the easiest. Several varieties are available, from drum shapes that are rolled on the ground to elaborate crank-driven systems. Some come with internal baffles to help compost materials aerate better. You can roll the drum around the yard or turn a handle or crank to aerate your compost. No need to use a pitchfork.

Here’s another suggestion: In the fall, when there’s an excess of leaves, it’s a better idea to put them in a black plastic bag and make a leaf mold. The process will take about a year and it will definitely be good for your garden.

The time it takes to finish your compost varies depending on the materials you’ve included, the time of year, and the type of composting method you’ve chosen. When it’s finished, you’ll have something really cool for your garden, and it was all free materials you saved from the landfill.

The 10 best tips to improve the SEO of insurance agencies

Effective insurance agency search engine optimization can help drive traffic to your website, generate inbound leads, and increase the health and credibility of your insurance website. Let’s go over these top 10 tips when it comes to improving your insurance agency’s search engine optimization.

  • Know your keyword phrases

Keywords, which are technically keyword phrases, are short phrases of three to five words that your prospects may use when searching for insurance products and services. For example, commercial insurance in ohio, Charlotte Employee BenefitsY new jersey truck insurance, are keyword phrases potentially applicable to your agency. To create a list of these phrases, there are many free tools and techniques that your agency can use. For example, Google AdWords and Keyword Planner will help you determine the number of searches, per phrase, for your preferred keyword phrases. It will also recommend similar phrases for you to consider. There are many other free and paid tools such as Moz Keyword Explorer and SEOBook Keyword Tool.

  • Check the websites of other insurance agencies

Many agencies and brokers don’t do a great job with insurance search engine optimization (insurance SEO). That said, it may be helpful to research other insurance agency websites to see if your agency can get keyword phrase ideas. To do this, simply navigate to the website of another agency in your state and View source codeand search for (Ctrl F) to goal. Or you can install a free toolbar from Moz or SEOBook to simplify this process.

  • Social Bookmarking and Google URL Submission

Once your agency has optimized your website for SEO, be sure to submit any unranked pages to Google using Google Webmaster Tool – Submit URL. And, to better ensure your pages rank, add them to prominent social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google+.

  • Keyword phrases in titles and subheadings

Creating headings and subheadings on a web page that include your preferred keywords will help search bots and human readers scan your content more easily. If they find relevant keywords in your subheadings, they are more likely to read the entire article.

  • Alt Image Tags and Header Tags

The title of a page appears on the search engine results page. The main header will appear when viewers open the page, similar to a headline in a magazine or newspaper article. Focus each web page on a specific topic and key phrase. Your title and headline will be indexed by the search engine and seen by prospects. You will increase the chance that viewers will open your article instead of an alternative article. Be sure to limit each page to a maximum of three keyword phrases. Both your prospects and search bots will be looking for well-organized and focused content, so keep your content optimized and relevant.

  • Dynamic content, not duplicate content

Search engines like to see new content while their search bots are scanning your insurance agency site. Adding dynamic content with a blog, video, and article post will help your search engine optimization efforts. Make sure your website is not using duplicate or repetitive content. If you bought a site from a provider that offers repetitive content, rewrite all of your content as quickly as possible, or your rankings will suffer.

  • word density

When it comes to word density, you should repeat your phrase, a reasonable number of times. There are many opinions on word density, ranging from 4% to over 10%. In general, a simple rule of thumb should be, when reading your content, it should read well for your website visitors first and search engines second. Beware of “keyword stuffing”. When writing a page, focus on the topic, not the keyword phrase. By following this process, I find that my keyword density is usually in the 5% to 8% range. For example, if you’re writing about Florida flood insurance, it’s okay to repeat that phrase 4-5 times in 150 words, but not 10 times. You need to include the phrase in the page name, page title, description, and header tags as mentioned above.

  • Bold, italic, underline, links

It’s good to bold, italicize, or underline your keyword phrases, but do so within a reasonable writing context on your pages. Links can also be useful, linking to other pages within your website or, conversely, linking from other pages to your preferred pages. Don’t confuse this process with “link building” schemes. Many agencies have been led astray by SEO link building scams, such as link farms. Any external links to your insurance agency site must come from high-quality, relevant sites.

  • insurance videos

Website visitors are 80% more likely to watch videos than read your content, and web pages that contain videos are weighted by search engines. And if your video has a longer view time than other websites in the same search results, then your ranking will improve even more.

  • SEO tracking

There are tons of tools available to track insurance search engine optimization. Many are free, most are inexpensive. From Moz to SEOBook to WebCEO, your agency can choose from dozens of highly functional options. That said, you’ll need to be familiar with the tool you select and run and measure the reports on a consistent basis (monthly should suffice). And it goes without saying that every agency should have Google Analytics loaded on their website to track overall traffic, traffic patterns, search engine referrals, and social media referrals to their website.

3 super fun summer activities for kids

Summer is probably most children’s favorite season. School is out, the sun is out, and all the fun is definitely over! If you don’t have plans for a vacation, beach trip, and summer camp scheduled, there are still plenty of ways to keep enjoying yourself even when you’re home. What matters to your children is that you enjoy the activities with them!

Keep your little ones entertained with these 3 super fun summer activities for kids:

Create an indoor obstacle course

Children love a good challenge. And they have a lot of energy to burn. An obstacle course is the perfect activity for active little ones. Even an indoor one would work great!

Glue some yarn back and forth in hallways to create a “laser maze”, cover a table with a blanket (covering the sides) to make a “tunnel”, install sofa cushions to create barriers for crawling or jumping and more. Better yet, let the youngsters create their own obstacle course to keep their minds busy too!

Introduce water pearls

If you don’t know what water pearls are, they are small, colorful hard pearls that, when left for hours in a bowl of water, turn into soft, squishy balls. The longer they are soaked in water, the more they will bounce and become bigger. Water beads are great for sensory play (and therapeutic for adults, too!).

Place the water beads in any clear container and let the children explore it with their hands. Place some of your bath toys in the bowl for added fun. If you bought a lot of water beads, a fun activity to try is a water bead bath. Fill a small inflatable pool with water, put the kids in their bathing suits, and have fun right in the water!

make home movies

In an age where most of the kids love to watch their favorite videos on YouTube, it would be very exciting for them to star in their own video. Walk them through the planning, but let them execute everything from writing the script to what they want to do in the video. They could tell a joke, open a package, or act out a story. Edit, upload to any video app, and then gather the whole family in the living room for the movie or video “premiere,” popcorn and all!

The summer season can still be fun, even if you stay indoors. Try these super fun summer activities for kids!

Do abdominal machines provide the best abdominal exercise?

Abdominal exercises for women and men are a hot topic these days. Television and magazines are full of advertisements touting the benefits of abdominal exercise machines. They promise to have abs like those of the model in the ad “with just a few minutes a day.” But do they provide the best ab workout and do they really live up to their claims? Popular Mechanics recently published a featured article looking at some of the most popular models you can order. They tested seven different machines over a two-month period and got some eye-opening results.

The tested ab machines:

Six of the seven machines used in Popular Mechanics’ test were very similar in design (they are the Ab Coach, Ab Roller Plus, Ab Sculptor, Ab Toner, Body Shaping Ab Blaster Plus, and Weider Ab Shaper). construction, and is based on a rocking movement back and forth to work the abdominal muscles. The one exception to this type of ab machine was the one made by Nordic Track called the Ab Works. This is a relatively heavy piece of equipment that uses the ‘reverse crunch’ principle to operate. Instead of raising your upper body as in the normal crunch exercise, the reverse crunch brings your knees up toward your chest, while keeping your upper body at rest.

Do they work?

The bottom line is yes: ab machines work, but maybe not as well as they say. They will definitely tighten and strengthen your abdominal muscles, but not to the point of being really noticeable (unless you’re very skinny to begin with). Likewise, they won’t do much to reduce the fat around your belly. A study published by The American Council on Exercise also confirmed this. The study indicated that the machines did not really outperform standard ab exercises. On the plus side, however, ab machines provide more support for your body and can reduce stress on your neck and upper back. They also make the abs a bit easier, which is a benefit for those just starting out.


If you have already purchased one of these machines, simply continue with the recommended program. However, to see results, you will need to do regular aerobic exercise such as running or (fast) walking to help burn fat and lose weight.

You will probably also need to be on a diet to reduce your calorie intake. Remember that abdominal exercises alone will not do much to reduce your weight.

If you don’t have an ab exercise machine, there are many effective exercises you can use to trim your tummy. The link in the author bio at the end of this article will take you to a good webpage on the best ab exercises.

If you’d like to read more about Popular Mechanics’ study on abdominal exercise machines, you can find it on their website at

Life after divorce: how to overcome the pain

For most women, the end of a marriage feels like starting life completely from scratch. So, strange as it may seem, divorce can ultimately become the “best or worst” thing that can happen.

And, armed with that mindset, life after divorce can signal a fresh start. One day, your marriage will be a thing of your past; Even though you may share things like children, pets, homes, and in some cases financial responsibilities, you’ll be able to get over it.

The typical “adjustment period” can last from one to five years and includes the following phases: physical separation, letting go of your past, revealing and then releasing old hurts and hurts, forgiving yourself and your ex, creating the life you loves. , rejuvenation, and then start to entertain the idea of ​​going out and inviting a new man into your life.

In case you need help with the steps you need to take in your life after divorce and get through the pain, here at Dating with Dignity we have four steps to get over the pain and move on with your life.

1. Make a plan.

Along with a legal plan to make your divorce as feasible as possible, you also need to establish and make a “Lifetime Reinvention Plan” for your next emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual steps. If you have children, decide how your relationship with your ex should be. Sit down and calculate your finances with an expert if possible, and be sure to plan accordingly.

Do you need to regain control of your physical being? Start exercising regularly? Lose weight? Or maybe it’s time to cut your hair and reinvent how you define yourself through a simple physical change.

Are there new hobbies you want to pursue? Is it time to consider going back to school or thinking about getting a promotion at work? Although all parts of your life will likely be different than if you were still married, be sure to prepare yourself for a secure future in which you create a powerful “lifelong” reinvention plan with you at the center. It can be a six month plan or a five year plan! Whatever it is, keep yourself a priority.

2. Create a support team.

If you don’t think your support team is big enough, build it. Every woman needs an “Ex-Husbands Safety Net”! Find a women’s group or even a good friend who is going through a similar experience to help you in your healing process.

If you need someone qualified to help you move through the process and create your “Reinvention Plan,” consider speaking with a qualified therapist or coach who specializes in breakups and/or divorces. Also, having good friends who make you laugh and can do activities with you as you begin to recreate your new life will help you carry on without having to feel like you’re all alone.

3. Rediscover your true self.

If you think about it, being married to someone, whether it was six months or 30 years, you probably felt like a part of a whole. Guess what: you, even as a single woman, are complete too! And this is the perfect time to face your authentic self, 100%.

You may have forgotten the things you enjoy doing alone or neglected the things you used to do when you were single. So as you take the time to readjust your life, you too can bring back those things that make you happy.

Often, we spend so much time living to make our partner happy that we forget to even ask ourselves what we need, what we like, and what we want to create in our lives. Taking time to dig deep will help you free yourself from the crushing burden of your division and emerge with a clear picture of who you are at your most magnificent, kind, and loving self.

4. Learn to let go.

Letting go of any bitterness and resentment you’re harboring toward your ex-spouse can often be the hardest thing to do. Whether you have left your spouse or he has left you, there are likely to be feelings of animosity and anger. If you can’t get over those vindictive feelings, there’s no way you can recharge your new life.

Spend the time you could spend being angry creating the space to love yourself through “random acts of kindness.” Make sure you talk to yourself with kindness and compassion, even when you make mistakes. Be patient with the ups and downs of the transition and recognize that it is truly a process. Most importantly, surround yourself with people who love you and make you happy.

Remember that how you get over and over again from divorce to move on with your life is completely up to you. YOU and ONLY you can take control of your life. This is your moment to discover what you really want from your life and what makes you happy.

If you think you might need more help figuring out what you want out of your life, consider a private session with a dating coach to break out of your post-divorce rut and take control of your life. Sign up below for a dating assessment followed by a one-on-one coaching session.

Golden Retriever Chow Mixes – 6 Things to Consider When Selecting a Dog

Golden Retriever food mixes can make excellent pets and loyal companions for experienced owners. Read on to find out if this beautiful mixed breed is for you. Golden Chow mixes can be loving and loyal pets, but they can be difficult to train and socialize for inexperienced owners. Mixed-breed dogs, such as Golden Retriever chows, will display characteristics of both lineages, from the chow’s natural hunting abilities to the heat sensitivity. Here are some key points to consider before getting a Golden Retriever food mix:

1. Know your race. Articles like this are a great start! Make sure you’ve researched and gone over the breed characteristics, so you and your dog are a good match. These breeds are usually calm, but chow mixes can be more difficult to train. Also take a look at the typical health problems of Chow Chows and mixed breeds.

2. Get ready for the skin! Take a look at pictures of Golden Retriever food mixes on the web and see how fluffy they can be. These dogs have a beautiful, lush coat, but they will need a lot of brushing. They often shed during the summer and are more like a standard dog. When the weather turns colder, they develop a thick undercoat and show more of their chow lineage.

3. Power pup! Keep in mind that puppies are very active and can be very unruly. If you get your Golden Retriever food mix as a puppy, it will need a lot of time and attention. Make sure your house is puppy-proofed and that you’re ready for the commitment.

Four. Socialize, Socialize, Socialize. Training and socializing chow mixes can be difficult, and experienced owners will have it much easier. Your dog needs to be socialized from a very early age, both with people and with other dogs, to prevent biting, overprotectiveness, or other behavior problems in the future. This is an intelligent breed, and with long-term, patient training and socialization, these dogs can become obedient, loyal, and loving pets.

5. Know your seller. When purchasing any mixed breed dog, be sure to choose a seller who will give you as much of his history as possible, including details of health or any socialization issues. If you are buying a puppy, please support only good quality dog ​​breeders with humane practices.

6. Consider your experience. Think about your lifestyle and your experience with dog training. Inexperienced dog owners, or those with young children, are better off staying away from chow mixes and choosing a purebred golden retriever instead. If you’ve owned golden retriever chow mixes before, or if you have experience with breeds that need more dominant owners, this breed might be for you.

For the experienced dog owner, a golden retriever chow mix can become a loving, loyal, and well-trained companion. By choosing your breed carefully and socializing it well, you can ensure that you and your dog adjust well and are happy together for years to come.

Do the Diligence – Find Commercial Real Estate Profits

Due Diligence is the process of looking closely at the details of a potential investment, to verify material facts, and to assess the investment potential of the property. While there are numerous factors involved, due diligence is the foundation on which successful and profitable commercial real estate investing is built.

Anything worth doing is worth doing as well as it can be done, especially when hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars are involved. Your ability to separate fact from fiction determines your return on investment.

Keep in mind that due diligence is MUCH more than looking at the numbers. Let’s use a commercial apartment property as an example. There are actually four critical areas that determine the value of a multi-family investment.

Financial analysis

Market analysis

Tenant Analysis

property analysis

For the sake of this article, we will not go into an analysis of these four key areas, but rather focus on rooting out the hidden benefit discovered when we do the Diligence of the four key areas with the following goals in mind:

The REALITY of a Return on Investment based on our trademark Do the Diligence analysis.

The independent value of the property in the market.

The current income-producing features of the property vs. the hidden earnings features we uncover.

The final price we are willing to pay based on our Do the Diligence analysis. Consider these goals to determine your actual return on investment.

Maintain a disciplined objective approach when examining the financial information provided by the seller. The evaluation of your financial statements should uncover concrete benefits in revenue, cost and profit, and ultimately cash flow. Simultaneously, your analysis not only verifies reported numbers and assumptions, but must also determine actual value as an independent investment income producer. Most of the price you offer reflects the ability of the property to produce income in the here and now, not how it could be once you have made value-added improvements. Never buy a property on Proforma income projections.

Determining the true value of an investment is an acquired skill that improves with experience. A seller will present the paper assets of the property much more attractive than they actually are. That is his job. Your job is to discover accounting tricks to reveal real numbers. Here are some common examples of financial tarnishment:

Distorted lease rent payments. A building can be occupied with tenants who have been allowed to pay late or not pay, without contingencies that are carried out immediately through soft management.

Overly optimistic projections of expected returns. A property could advertise its proximity to the market with an area that has a higher return on investment than it is currently experiencing.

Disguise the cost centers that hide the real image. Marketing, maintenance, management expenses that are actually excessive for the property or misallocated to the market
Treat recurring items as one-off costs to take them off the profit and loss statement. Inflated or delayed maintenance fees disguised as one-time costs.

Not disclosing capital expenditures or general and administrative costs in the lead up to a sale to inflate cash flow. For example, a property may decide to postpone its on-site laundry contract renewals so those new figures are not immediately visible on the books, misleading the investor about contract renegotiation and increased costs.

A careful examination of the historical and prospective cash flows reveals the actual and independent value of the proposed acquisition. Look beyond the reported numbers and trust your on-site team visit when you do the due diligence to verify costs versus reported revenue.

Getting to actual numbers usually requires the close cooperation of the seller. Any contradictory position on the part of the seller is almost always a signal to go deeper.

Of course, no matter how deep you dig, many acts it can remain hidden if you don’t know where to look or how to find hidden profit potential. Discovering as many discrepancies in represented value versus standalone value will improve your position when you make your offer and is crucial to your acquisition and return on investment.

A complete Do the Diligence analysis system is available from Investor Tours University.

Learn more from a proven investor education resource:

Investor Tours University is a dedicated resource that helps investors build wealth and achieve their defined level of success. We offer state-of-the-art commercial real estate investment education designed to meet the needs of investors with various backgrounds and experience levels. Our faculty consists of a network of national experts in legal, tax, investment strategy, property management, acquisition, and sales professionals who practice what they teach investors, which is how to achieve generational wealth using commercial real estate.

It’s time to switch from Magento 1 to Magento 2

It’s been over two and a half years since eBay and Magento parted ways. Immediately after the split, Magento released a newer version of the platform. As often happens, the crisis brings out the best in individuals. As Magento was on the brink of exhaustion, the teams had to think outside the box. They had to come up with new ideas as the shields provided by eBay took off.

However, let’s not judge the main release of Magento from an irrational approach. Well yes, they had to create a product with a start-up mindset. And that’s when the pros stretch their muscles. However, when we look at some of the features covered in Magento 2 as a Magento Extensions developer, there is no doubt that it is an improved version between the two.

These are some of the main features of Magento 2.x:

A) Magento 2 – For tomorrow:

If you are running your web store on the Magento 1.x platform, there are certain performance issues that you have to deal with. You can manage issues like page load time, security fixes, image optimization, and heavy JavaScripts using Magento 2.x more effectively.

Third-party modules on the server

With Magento 2.x, store owners do not need to install third-party modules on the server.

Load time and security fixes page

With Magento 2.x, store owners can increase site speed as it supports the latest version of PHP. And they already have security fixes.

image optimization

With Magento 1.x, you need to manually optimize images. However, Magento 2.x has built-in features to manage image optimization without external support.

Reduced JavaScript

It has a great relief. A critical improvement for UX is the included JavaScript. It makes sure that developers do not have to undergo tedious and unnecessary browser operations for the same.

B) Search Engine Friendly and Better for Security:

Regarding these two critical back-end requirements, Magento 2.x is way ahead compared to Magento 1.x. Password hashing algorithms protect the site effectively. Built-in rich snippets for category pages help improve the overall page optimization process.

C) A completely new admin panel:

Improved processes for information search, general store management and navigation in the administration panel
Easier flow for product uploads and along with images and text you can now upload videos too
Magento 2.x dashboard shows most searched and least searched items, recent orders, average order amount, best selling products, premium customers, products you need to ship and total quantity, tax data , etc.
Manage Customers vs. Orders columns from the interface without requiring developer assistance
Advanced content staging
Advanced data import function
Data Migration Tool for Magento 1.x and Magento 2.x data
New Marketing Tools section for SEO, Promotions, User Content, etc.

D) Split Database Performance Solution (Enterprise Edition only)

Magento 2 uses different master databases for order, payment, and product data. That too, for all the different functional areas. This allows store owners to improve the scalability and performance of their website. But, you can take advantage of this feature only if you purchase Magento Enterprise Edition. Magento CE (Community Edition) makes use of a single database.

better productivity

Magento 2.x has the potential to help you expand your business horizons and help you run your store to the best of your ability. It has a new admin panel design that provides an interface for your site. You can use the newly introduced Visual Layout Editor and configure the blocks and containers on your website without having any technical knowledge.

Improved scalability

Magento 2.x comes with improved indexes that have efficient updates. Increases the performance of your website by accelerating the query speed. Magento 2.x and Varnish Cache are integrated which means you can decrease server load and speed up page load time. Admin users can also create and edit products without worrying about any data conflicts.

better conversions

With Magento 2.x, shoppers are sure to have a great shopping experience. E-store owners can showcase their products with description, images, and videos. Also, because the website is responsive, they can browse from any device, including smartphones, tablets, or PCs. This helps increase conversion rates to a great extent.

Easy and Reasonable Upgrades

Magento 2.x has up-to-date information on upgrade compatibility and version control policies. So, apart from improving the basic Magento software, Magento 2.X installation and upgrade is simpler compared to Magento 2.x. The Magento 2.x export/import functionality allows you to export customer data, records, and inventory data and import them into Magento 2.x.

Swift theme customization

When it comes to the core of the theme, Magento 2.x uses its own LESS and CSS instead of Bootstrap. It also supports CSS processing which helps to speed up page loading, boost performance and make your system SEO friendly.

Migration from Magento 1.x to Magento 2.x is always a good decision as it brings better ROI to the entrepreneurs. And just so you know, Magento will support M1 only until November 2018. After that, you will rarely receive updates to M1 in terms of features or functionality.

Magento 2.X is the next big thing for eShop owners and Magento developers. If you want to take full advantage of the enhancements this platform has to offer, now is the right time. Do you have any questions related to migration? Feel free to ask in the comments section below.

Improve recovery times with floatation therapy

The Golden State Warriors are the winners of the 2017 NBA playoffs. Stephen Curry, one of the most popular players on the team, helps help the team to victory. Undoubtedly, fans around the world are interested in everything the player does; however, many are unaware that Curry uses floatation therapy as a way to help his body recover from basketball season.

Curry isn’t the only athlete using floatation therapy to recover. Tom Brady of the New England Patriot and countless UFC fighters use sensory deprivation chambers as part of their training and recovery. An increasing number of professional athletes of all levels are now turning to this alternative wellness to help their bodies recover faster. Why does floatation therapy have such a significant impact on recovery times? Let’s break down the science behind it and how the sensory deprivation technique can help improve recovery time.

Physical Recovery with Flotation Therapy

Floatation therapy essentially combines two widely known recovery techniques, Epsom salt baths and meditation. For years, Epsom salt baths have been used to heal the body of aches and pains, while meditation has been used to heal the mind.

Floatation therapy magnifies the benefits of Epsom salt baths and meditation alike. When someone enters a floatation chamber or tank, their senses are deprived. Also known as sensory deprivation, because you are locked in an isolation tank or chamber that is free from outside distractions. This includes light and sound. This sensory deprivation makes it easier for a person to enter a meditative state.

The water used is in a floating tank that is filled with a thousand pounds of Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate). Only a few inches of water are used, making the salt concentration extremely high. The high concentration of salt allows the body to float effortlessly.

Athletes have been soaking in Epsom salts to soothe sore muscles and stiff joints for years. Floating in an isolation chamber only works to increase the effectiveness of this well-known technique, making it effortless with more benefits.

Floatation Therapy Recovery Benefits

It has been established that floatation therapy helps in the rapid recovery of sports injuries, aches and pains. The following are other benefits that floatation therapy provides for physical recovery:

-Reduces muscle fatigue

-Improves blood flow and circulation.

-Reduces stress that causes cortisol levels

-Reduces inflammation

Even if you are not a professional athlete, your body can still benefit from floatation therapy. Have you been in a car accident or suffered a work related injury? If so, floatation therapy can be used to help speed recovery time.

How to draw a car step by step – Learn how to draw a car easily here

I love drawing cars, it’s a great feeling to see one of your drawings that looks real on a piece of paper. But my drawings looked terrible until I found a guide on how to draw a car step by step. If she’s ever sat down and looked at one of her drawings and seen wonky lines, bad proportions, and something that doesn’t deserve to be labeled a car, then I’ve got some advice for you!

Now I am not going to reveal all the secrets that I learned in the guide on how to draw a car step by step, but I will tell you one of the processes that I use now.

1. Draw side view

Create a side view of the car you want to draw. Take your time with this because it will be the basis of your drawing, if there is something wrong here it will be hard to fix later. Use a light pencil, take your time, and be patient. Even professionals take their time to create great drawings!

2. Project perspective

Now choose a point on the page that you want to use as your perspective. Project lines from all points in your side view, such as the corners and indentations of the body. Make sure these lines are straight, use a ruler and a light pencil once again.

3. Create a 3D view

At this point, you’ll choose a distance from the side view along its projected lines to begin drawing the perspective view. It should look like a copy of your side view, which has been scaled down a bit. Once again, take your time and make sure you get it right.

4. Connect the dots!

Obviously, you will now draw the lines between the two side views of your car. Just like connecting the dots! Now add as many small structural details as you can. Then we move on to the hard part…


This step is the most time consuming part in the step by step instructions for drawing a car, depending on how good you want it to look. You will need to use a variety of different pencils to achieve the contrast of tones needed for a nice metallic look. To get this right, I suggest you go outside and watch the light play on the cars and imagine it in black and white. Apply this to your drawings and it will be easier to consider what your car should look like. Remember to leave the highlights of your car unshaded to use the natural white of the paper to create that bright look.