Ticket Broker Tip #44

We have created several tips to help ticket brokers make money buying and selling tickets. Many of these tips exist to help brokers make extra money. Some of these tips are designed to prevent you from making bad decisions that will cost ticket brokers money. This is one part of a series of articles expanding on and explaining some of these tips.

We have seen many new ticket brokers buy tickets online, wait until the tickets arrive, and then put them up for sale on the exchange of their choice. This is a rookie mistake that we don’t want anyone to make.

All of the listing services we know of and have used allow tickets to be purchased today and shipped later. Everyone in the industry recognizes that there is a float time when receiving a physical ticket. It’s something we all have to deal with.

A hot event literally sells out in minutes. A common thing for a ticket finder is to first try to buy the ticket from the source (eg ticketmaster). If, without success, they immediately turn to the secondary market. This is the target person you want to sell to. They are highly motivated buyers and are willing to pay the highest premium.

What a ticket broker needs to know is to list your tickets as soon as possible. The faster he lists them on the secondary exchange, the more likely one of these highly motivated buyers will find him. There is also less inventory available, which increases the odds that they will match your listing.

Advance sale is always the best sale. They are consistently the highest margin transaction and obviously put money in your pocket faster.

Baby Boomers Warned About Binge Drinking as Alcohol-Related Deaths Rise

Don’t shoot the messenger, but baby boomers are drinking at alarming levels.

Just this week, baby boomers received new alcohol warnings as alcohol-related deaths among people age 50 and older increased. The number of deaths attributed solely to alcohol has increased by 45% since 2001, according to a report published Tuesday by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

While this study was conducted in the United Kingdom, baby boomers in the United States are faring no better. One in eight Americans have an alcohol disorder, according to a study published in August 2017 in the Journal of the American Medical Association’s Psychiatry. While the survey showed that alcohol-related disorders increased in the US population as a whole, some of the steepest increases were among baby boomers. For example, high-risk alcohol use increased 65.2 percent and alcoholism increased 106.7 percent among those 65 and older over the past decade.

By 2020, the number of people receiving treatment for substance abuse problems is expected to double in Europe and triple in the US, among those aged 50 and over.

This is bad news for baby boomers, as alcohol is linked to more than 60 diseases, including heart disease, liver disease, cancer, and dementia.


We were the generation famous for drinking a martini or Manhattan after work, as is often shown on the TV show Madmen. But is there more to this growing problem of alcohol abuse? Probably.

Recent studies report that baby boomers, especially those in their 50s and 60s, are statistically the most unhappy age group. Many boomers face stressful events such as declining health, raising teenagers, impending college enrollment, adult children returning home, caring for aging parents, menopause, loss of a loved one and social isolation.

Add to that financial stress. According to studies, baby boomers are more concerned than any other age group about retirement security. Many boomers confess that they didn’t save enough money for retirement and are heading into their golden years with mortgage and credit card debt.

All this worry, stress and depression can easily trigger alcohol abuse if left unchecked.

Another factor can be traced back to the disappointment of our generation who expected a better world. “What does alcohol mean for our generation?” asks Christina Fraser, a relationship counselor for Coupleworks and a baby boomer herself. “We drink to fill a void. Our parents had a job, retired, and dropped dead two years later. They worked hard and had fewer opportunities. The baby boomers were promised a world full of possibilities. Instead, we are seeing that world of close”.


Baby boomers who love wine o’clock may be surprised to hear what is considered binge drinking. Drinking in moderation is 1 drink a day for women and 2 drinks a day for men. So maybe you’re thinking that you don’t drink every day, mostly on the weekends.

Do the math. Women are considered “heavy drinkers” if they have eight or more drinks a week, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Men can be 14.

A standard “drink”, by the way, is not that big wine glass filled to the brim, a huge frosty mug or a giant Hurricane glass. The CDC says that a drink is 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of hard liquor. If you serve more than these standard serving sizes, it counts toward more than one drink.

While studies show that moderate alcohol consumption can be part of a healthy lifestyle for many people, those benefits quickly turn into health risks. These dangers include an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, and liver disease.

In fact, on the heels of the new study warning baby boomers to stop drinking to excess comes another statement from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) that “even light drinking increases the risk of cancer.” ABC News’ chief medical correspondent, Dr. Jennifer Ashton, said alcohol has long been a known human carcinogen, or cancer-causing agent, within the medical community.

Moderate drinkers nearly double the risk of mouth and throat cancer and more than double the risk of esophageal cancer compared with non-drinkers. They also face elevated risks of laryngeal cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer.

The risk for heavy drinkers is much higher, and frankly sobering (excuse the pun). Heavy drinkers face approximately five times the risk of mouth and throat cancers and squamous cell cancers of the esophagus as non-drinkers, nearly three times the risk of laryngeal cancers, twice the risk of liver cancer, as well as a greater risk of breast cancer and colorectal cancer. cancer.


So we baby boomers have been warned. How can we reduce alcohol consumption?

Reduce the number of days you drink alcohol. In fact, you may want to abstain for a week or a month to see how you feel physically and emotionally with no alcohol in your life.

Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink at one time. If you normally drink two glasses of wine, do that instead.

If you are drinking too much, avoid people, places, things, and certain activities that trigger the urge to drink. For example, baby boomers love to splurge on dining out, but this luxury often drives people to drink more. If this is the case, consider dining out less often.

Find healthy alternatives to cope with stress, loneliness, or anger. For example, if you are tempted to have a drink, take a walk, garden, or take a long bubble bath.

Experts say alcohol abuse among older people isn’t a problem that just goes away on its own. These new data should serve as a wake-up call to all baby boomers to examine their drinking habits.

7 Ways a Marketing Strategy Will Grow Your Business

“What is the best money I can spend on marketing to grow my business?” This is without a doubt the question I get asked the most by small business owners. It may seem like a question quickly followed by a “it depends” answer, however it’s actually quite easy to identify a tool that is relatively inexpensive, offers a high return on investment, and unfortunately is not commonly found in a small box. of business tools. It is a marketing strategy.

Why is a marketing strategy the most powerful tool to grow a business? The straightforward answer is that a strong marketing strategy will address today’s challenges and chart paths by which a business can grow in the future. It will audit a company’s brand and message, but it’s not limited to just branding. Rather, a marketing strategy is a combination of a big picture and detailed analysis that incorporates a wide range of marketing channels tailored to that company’s industry, market, and budget. Most of the marketing strategies I write for small businesses include a lot of elements that today’s in-house staff can do for free, resulting in a plan that won’t lead to spending a fortune. In fact, a good marketing strategy is a money-saving investment because it focuses a company’s efforts and helps prevent waste.

At this point I need to qualify my previous statement; The best money spent on marketing is a smart marketing strategy written by an experienced salesperson on behalf of a specific business, not something sketched out by a rep at a service shop (think print or web company) or generic strategy. of “small business”. ‘ Check list. For a marketing strategy to be truly effective, it must be a personalized effort that involves research, analysis, and a careful matching of opportunities with the company’s resources and budget. This can never be a quick or plug-and-play endeavor – a smart marketing strategy takes some time to develop properly. Mine usually take less than a month and are usually under $2,000.

It is important to note that while a smart marketing strategy will not push a business beyond its means, it will present a mix of opportunities that will meet immediate objectives and show pathways for growth. The advantage of a marketing strategy is that it paints a picture of a business, highlights who that business is targeting, focuses your marketing budget, and develops a timeline for reaching buyers. It does this in 7 key ways:

1. Develop the brand and message

A brand is simply the appearance and public message of a company. All companies have the beginning of a brand, an official name, and some have taken steps to identify a logo, tagline, and possibly a general color scheme or style guide. In small businesses, these are often a reflection of the owner’s personal taste rather than an assessment of the market and target buyers (I had a client years ago who chose his corporation’s color scheme from the wall paint sample from your kitchen). They may be the result of a family brainstorming effort or a flash of inspiration from the owner. Sometimes they are geographically influenced or are an attempt at a gimmick. The point is that while it’s rare to find a small business that developed its name, logo, and message as a result of true market research, it’s a universal rule that, for better or worse, small businesses will refer to these elements. like your business. Frames.

And this is where a marketing strategy comes in. A smart marketing strategy will thoroughly evaluate a company’s brand through experienced and unbiased eyes. The seller is (hopefully) not a member of the family and most likely has not seen the kitchen walls. Instead, an experienced seller will audit the brand as a buyer and seller, and assess its ability to quickly convey the story of the business, whether or not it is targeting the right buyer, and whether it is unique enough within the market to establish the business. . apart from the competition. The marketing strategy will highlight any brand challenges, inconsistencies, or weaknesses before suggesting modifications and improvements.

Unfortunately, ‘branding’ seems to be a point where many small businesses give up on their strategic efforts. A company’s brand is essential and worth a lot of effort, but ‘branding’ is not a sufficient action item to grow a business and it is not where a smart strategy ends…

2. Audits of the current program

Which nicely leads to the next stage of a strategy: auditing the current marketing program. This stage goes beyond branding to review all of the company’s marketing efforts and is an essential component of any smart strategy. It is at this stage that wasted money or effort is discovered, missed opportunities are highlighted, or when I find out that a client had started on a positive path in the past but left too soon or failed to deliver on his message. Has the company’s marketing program been well thought out or has it been a quick approach through a series of one-off efforts spread over time? This is where we find out.
My audits look for strengths as well as gaps and weaknesses in a company’s marketing program by dissecting the mix of marketing channels, promotional placements (both online and offline), frequency, and more, and then matching the entire program. with the profile of the target buyer. I spend considerable time examining the company’s marketing tools, such as its website, brochures, newsletters, and social media, and assess the company’s people resources, taking strengths into account in the final evaluation.

3. Buyer and market profiles

It may be hard to understand, but there are small businesses that are faced each year without knowing much about their own market and the buyers on whom their livelihood depends. As a marketer, it baffles me how any business can hang its shingle without taking the time to first assess who it will be selling to and gaining market share from. Questions like “how many buyers are there?”, “how would they like to be contacted?” and, “who am I competing against?” they are critical to business success because only through this knowledge can a business adapt and grow. The only way to create this profile is through research!

I start by extracting information directly from my clients through a combination of interviews and surveys filled with carefully crafted questions. I will ask and ask again until I have developed a complete profile from my client’s perspective. My job then turns to generating a buyer profile from a marketing perspective that is derived from my client’s high-level buyer description. I will dig in and research until my profile is complete, then I will compare my profile to my client’s. I hope we’re in sync, but if not, I’ll point out where we differ and assess where my client can refine their efforts.

At this point, I will also want to see the market from the point of view of my buyer profile and will “buy” the competition. I will examine the geographic reach of the company and research both demographics and local economic growth plans. All of this data will influence the final assessment of whether my client should continue in their current market or branch out into an area rich in buyers.

4. Evaluate the competition

“Who is my competition and how are we different?” That’s a question every business owner should be able to answer at any time! Business owners need to be aware of who is taking market share from them and how each competitor compares in services, quality, customer service, messaging, and overall marketing efforts. It’s great to be the best service provider available, but that won’t mean anything if the competition is signing more buyers!

For this stage of a marketing strategy, I like to shop the competition from the buyer’s perspective before comparing my findings to my own “customer store.” Since I’m an outside consultant, it’s fairly easy for me to take an unbiased buyer’s approach to most buying efforts, whether it’s B to B or B to C, and I look for easy buying situations, which might satisfy my buyer needs. encourage me to make a purchase or, on the contrary, it would discourage me as a buyer. I use these results to suggest ways my client could improve their own business message and to…

5. Determine the marketing mix

This stage of a marketing strategy is a game of ‘find the buyers’. After all, what is marketing if not an effort to communicate with buyers and attract them to a business? For me, this is the truly strategic stage of a strategy, but one that could not exist without all the previous steps. It is at this point that the strategy must answer questions such as “should a company adopt the latest trends or stick to more traditional methods?” or “what will provide the biggest impact on a limited budget?”

It’s also the stage where the experience really pays off, as there are many, many ways to spend money on marketing and only a limited number of options that will reach the right buyers. I enjoy this stage more and spend time looking under rocks to discover new options and find profitable solutions. No two strategies should ever be the same at this stage, which makes this the most personalized part of the entire process. A good strategy will look beyond paid search and Facebook ads and find new ways to present the business, within budget.

This is also the most flexible part of a smart marketing strategy. I like to include a variety of options ranging from ‘onboard right away’ to longer-term efforts that make sense once the business has grown or implemented other marketing tools. A good mix will attract multiple marketing channels and allow a business to reach buyers on many levels.

6. Find low-cost, in-house options

Many businesses already have free and low-cost marketing options available to them and may not even realize it. A good marketing strategy reviews a business’s internal options, evaluates the business as a whole, and discovers the resources that can be used in the marketing plan. I like to empower my customers and give them the opportunity to save their budget for more expensive items in the future.

7. Designs 1 – 5 Years Marketing Plan

I end each marketing strategy with a 1-year, month-to-month marketing plan. This marketing plan lists the carefully selected marketing efforts determined in the strategy and provides a timeline for when they should be launched and evaluated. For smaller companies, I try to stick to low-cost options that can be maintained in-house with optional efforts that may cost more money or should occur after an initial goal has been achieved. The most expensive or complicated opportunities are generally reserved for a 2-5 year plan and depend on the achievement of goals.

By incorporating the 7 stages above into a thoroughly researched and carefully crafted strategy, a small business will have a roadmap by which they can achieve their goals and grow their business. It’s money well spent and something a business really shouldn’t exist without!

Tips and strategies for reading aloud

Using reading aloud tips and strategies, educators should model enthusiasm for books and reading. Both educators and, ultimately, parents, play an important role in ensuring that their young preschool children are engaged during read aloud time.

Tips on how to read aloud

Think about your style of speaking. If you know you’re talking fast, for example, make an effort to slow down when you read. Conversely, speeding up a bit if you tend to speak and read slowly can help keep your child interested. Read with expression, shop stay within your comfort zone. If you’re uncomfortable trying something new, your child will be too.

If you find your child losing interest, feel free to skip paragraphs, paraphrase, or in some cases stop. Remember, the goal is to make your sessions fun and enjoyable. You can always come back to that story at another time if you think it’s worth it.

Other reading aloud tips to maintain interest

  • Invite your partner to guess what will happen next.
  • Provide a repeated word or phrase
  • Share reading turns if he or she is able and comfortable reading aloud.
  • Vary the length of the story and the type of book.
  • Allow wigglers to move around on the floor while you read (as long as they are quiet and attentive)
  • Invite fidgety preschoolers to draw or solve a puzzle while you read.

Invite children who wish to participate in reading aloud to do so, but do not require them to “speak aloud” or “practice reading silently.” Instead, she’s modeling an enthusiasm for books and reading for her little preschoolers.

Tips for choosing to read aloud

  • When choosing books, find a balance between following children’s preferences and inviting some of them to try new types of books. Some children can never listen to too many dinosaur stories, others may love fairy books. Follow her lead, but also introduce an occasional book of a different kind to expand the kids’ horizons and spark new interests. Say “Sounds like a good story. Let’s try it!” This may be the beginning of exciting new discoveries. However, if children express their disappointment, either verbally or through body language, move on.
  • Try to also read books that talk about different family ethnic backgrounds or family situations. Use the background of your ELLs (English Language Learners) as a guide. It is reassuring to hear about people from one’s own ethnic group. It is also interesting, of course, to hear about other towns and places.
  • Feel free to repeat the children’s favorite stories. By listening to a story over and over again, soon even a small child can “read” it by heart and feel like a reader.
  • From time to time, read stories outside of your child’s range of abilities. Younger children enjoy listening to books beyond their own reading abilities and older preschoolers enjoy reviewing a good book, even if it is well below their ability or age level.
  • Expand your choices beyond the common views of “boy” and “girl” books. Interesting, well-written stories will capture children’s attention, whatever the theme or genre of the central character.

Tips for teaching reading aloud: what to avoid

  • Be careful reading scary stories until you know the child well enough to gauge whether he or she would enjoy them. Many five-year-olds and older children like the macabre, but others are really traumatized by certain stories. Be especially careful with scary illustrations. Adults often remember being really scared in childhood by a picture in a book.
  • Watch for TV or movie versions of good children’s books. Some media versions may be too violent and not engaging for a young reader.

Remember, good read alouds should encourage early literacy, so you’ll want to model your enthusiasm for books and reading for children. Continue to create engaging and engaging literacy experiences that nurture a child’s growth as a reader and writer.

Hiking 101: 3 Essential Tips for Beginners

If you have a lot of friends who love to travel or go camping, they’ve probably invited you hiking once or twice. It’s a fun activity for everyone, whether you’re the outdoor type or not. Hiking allows you to see beautiful sights first hand and experience nature like no other. Above all, it helps you to disconnect from devices like your phone or laptop and connect with friends in an amazing way.

If you’re planning your first hiking trip, here are 3 essential tips for beginners:

Pick an easy trail

Like any other sport or outdoor activity, hiking can be done in various difficulties. It all depends on the trail you choose which should be appropriate for your level. As a beginner, choose one that is appropriate for your fitness level. As you get the hang of it, you can opt for more difficult trails in the future. You should also do your part to condition yourself and prepare yourself mentally and physically for the trip. Practice on a nearby trail, going as far as you can each time and resting when you get tired. If you don’t have a trail to practice on, the gym would suffice – try exercises like the elliptical and stair climber.

Get the basic equipment

Since hiking is an outdoor activity, you need to be prepared for the great outdoors in terms of clothing and equipment. The most important is the footwear that you are going to use. A good quality pair of rubber shoes would do (depending on the trail), but it is recommended that you invest in a good pair of walking shoes/boots that offer ankle support and preferably one that is waterproof. It’s crucial that you break in these shoes before your hike to avoid blisters. But just in case, bring a couple of blister bandages.

Eat well and stay hydrated

You are going to need a lot of energy on your trip. Make sure you eat a good, solid meal before you go and take snacks with you (preferably light ones that contain lots of natural sugars and healthy fats). Dried fruits and nuts are highly recommended. Stay hydrated too, so don’t forget your water bottle!

Keep in mind that hiking is as much a mental activity as it is a physical one, so work out these two aspects before your trip. When it seems difficult, remember that everything you see at the end of your walk will be worth it.

Truck Accident Lawyer – Truck Accident Victims Deserve Good Legal Help

When the average driver hits the road, they don’t expect to have any problems with their commute. Although it is always a good idea to pay close attention to the road and drivers, in some cases it is not possible to avoid possible incidents. If you end up in a car accident involving a large vehicle, you should be sure to hire a truck accident lawyer. Accidents involving trucks and other large vehicles require a certain level of skill and experience that you may not get if you go to an attorney who only handles auto cases.

It is important that you realize the importance and seriousness of your situation. It is very rare for a victim to emerge from this type of situation with very few injuries and losses. To make sure he doesn’t get stuck with a bunch of bills and other obligations he didn’t have before, you need to make sure you have someone looking out for him.

Don’t assume you can handle things on your own. This is something you need to hire a credible truck accident lawyer for. If you are unable to move due to your injuries, contact several different attorneys and inform them of your situation. Many lawyers recognize that their clients cannot always turn to them for guidance. That is why many of them will be more than happy to join you if you are immobile. Don’t let your injuries stop you from finding the best legal counsel.

When you discuss your situation with your attorney, try to be as detailed as possible. Try to remember all the aspects related to the incident that put him in the situation he is in now. Your truck accident attorney will be able to obtain witness statements, police reports, and any other documents necessary to build a strong case for you. Keep in mind that sometimes these cases take time, so you should not expect everything to be fully resolved overnight. Although the proceedings do not go as fast as you would like, keep in mind that they will be resolved much faster than if you handled your case on your own.

Once you have allowed a qualified truck accident attorney to take over your case and begin the process of obtaining fair compensation, worry no more. Sit back and let them do their job. They can overcome any red tape, delays, and obstacles that get in the way of determining it. Experience what it’s like to have a qualified professional take charge and figure things out for you to benefit the most. With the right attorney on your side, there is no reason why you should feel lost after being involved in any type of car accident.

How To Succeed With Medifast – My Top 3 Tips To Help You Get The Results You Want

Nobody wants to waste your time and money. And no one wants to put their faith in another diet program that will disappoint them and leave them more frustrated and skeptical than when they started. And yet, this is what many of us secretly suspect will happen every time we prepare to start a new diet program. I know that, at least in the end, I failed many diets before turning things around with medifast. Some were better and lasted longer than others, but in the end my body always seemed to return to where it felt comfortable. (This weight was where my body seemed comfortable but not where I personally felt comfortable.)

Honestly, when I came to Medifast, I had no illusions that it was going to be the solution. I was just looking to meet a short-term goal: lose weight for a wedding. And maybe that’s why it was so much better than the others. Somehow it caught my attention because I didn’t resist, question or overanalyze myself. My goal was to just take it one day at a time, do well enough to hit my weekly goals, and keep going if I wanted to. This “one day at a time” approach took the pressure off and made the whole process that much more desirable. And, once the results kept coming, that was the motivation I needed to keep going.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that dieting is really about overcoming short-term obstacles and then just continuing. You should continue to lose weight gradually for as long as you can continue. When you stop, the weight either goes back up or progress stops. That’s why it’s so vital to choose a diet you can actually live with. In the next article, I’m going to offer more tips that I’ve learned along the way that I think have contributed to the success I’ve had with this diet.

Tip #1: Define short-term success – Don’t allow yourself to feel pressured or stressed – here’s a basic truth of all human nature. People will generally avoid things that feel undesirable. If you’re not getting a positive reward, then you’ll start making excuses, not giving it your all, and eventually you may just give up.

Look at it this way. Let’s say you want to lose 100 or even 50 pounds. Both seem like life-changing yet daunting goals. But, if you were to lose just 2 ½ pounds each week (which really isn’t that hard), then you would lose 50 pounds in about five months and 100 pounds in less than a year. And along the way, because you weren’t stressed about it and you took a somewhat sensible approach, you probably would have enjoyed the process more and maybe adopted a new lifestyle that has a lot to do with whether the weight will stick.

Tip #2: Understand Ketosis and Glycemic Load: (and how Medifast helps you achieve this:) There probably aren’t many people who equate medifast with high-protein, carb-controlled diets like Atkins or the belly cure. But, in a sense, it works on the same principle. Medifast foods are low in sugar and carbohydrates and are high in protein. Before you sigh or groan (as I did), understand that the food has been modified to make this happen. You’re not eating eggs and bacon. You’re eating pudding, oatmeal, shakes, chili, candy bars, and chips, and not always foods you’d associate with being “low carb.”

By combining low calories and low carbs, you are inching your body into ketosis, which is where your body finally gives in and starts burning fat stores instead of carbs with which to eat. which has been feeding. This truly is your promised land and where you will want to stay as often as you can. And that’s why you want to reasonably follow the directions for your big “lean and green meal” each day. If all goes well with your five medifast meals but you then carb-load at dinner (if that’s when you’re lean and green), then you risk slipping out of your hard-earned ketosis. And then your progress could slow down.

Of course, it is completely unrealistic to expect that you will never cheat or come up a little short and this is perfectly fine. It really is a marathon rather than a sprint. It is the cumulative effect of all your efforts. Don’t beat yourself up or stress. Just get back up and keep going.

Tip #3 Find your unique step Where things are clicking and keep going: After a few weeks, many people find the combination of foods and preparation methods that will make this process the most comfortable and desirable. For me, it was making the shakes very cold and adding a little more liquid to them. It also took me a while to find a good rotation of lean and green foods. I also learned that adding fat-free cheese to chili and chips or sugar-free syrup to oatmeal, pudding, and shakes didn’t negatively affect me. These things made me like food more and I was still losing weight. Don’t feel guilty or bad about making things work for you. As long as you are getting results, all is well.

Some people will make charts and rewards for themselves and others don’t like the pressure this creates. Whatever works for you as an individual is absolutely fine. I think there are really only a few keys to this. Make it as enjoyable and stress-free as possible. Find what works. And then repeat the process so that you get the results you want and make these things habitual.

Keep your dog healthy with routine medical care

As a dog owner, you are responsible for keeping your dog healthy with routine medical care. This involves much more than just regular eating and exercise. Much of a dog’s care can depend on her age and general health. It can also be driven by your work or social schedule. Anyway, you should keep the following in mind to help

make sure your dog lives a happy, healthy and long life. So, in no particular order:

  • Be aware– Dogs are actually great communicators, if you pay attention. This is true from “puppy” to old age. You will get to know their behavior at various times of the day. Changes in this may indicate a change in health. Watch for reduced energy, a dull coat, excessive weight gain or loss, unusual growths, restlessness/anxiety, or even loss of the usual sparkle in the eye. If you already have a dog, you’ll know what I mean. In all cases, seek the advice of your dog’s health professional.
  • Establish a daily routine– Dog love routine. It is through this routine that they come to understand his role in their family (read Pack). Create a series of morning, daytime, and evening events that your dog will respect and look forward to, such as:
    • Morning walks and light games.
    • Feeding: Depending on the age and health of your pet, the hours and daily amounts of food will vary. In all cases, ensure that feeds are gained with a simple hold command for a brief moment before allowing the feed to begin. Some animal behavior specialists argue that your pet should never be fed before you and your family, which reinforces the herd process in the wild.
    • Times to go to the bathroom. Again, this will depend on the age and health of your pet. Generally, our experience is that a puppy will need a one hour break for his monthly age. For example, a two-month-old puppy will need a break about every two hours; a three-month-old will require a break every three hours, and so on. Adult dogs will generally need approximately 2-3 breaks per day depending on time of year, food and water intake, etc.
    • Nighttime playtime – Your dog will want to play with you, especially if you’ve been away for the day. Establish a playtime/routine that conveys to your dog that this is a time to look forward to happily. Also, to help him understand that downtime is also required for him to continue his other obligations or interests in the home.
    • Bedtime on time: Just like humans, bedtime is preferred to a regular time at night. Have your pet crated or directed to his “lying” space at about the same time each night. Make sure they’ve done their job and haven’t been too excited before this point.
  • dog pound– This is becoming the preferred way for your pet to be trained and housed in doors. Our experience has been that a dog, if properly presented with a kennel, will wholeheartedly accept it as a safe and comfortable place to occupy. Allow his pet to run the house, especially when a puppy or younger dog will make house training more difficult. The kennel represents a positive place for you to place your dog between eating and potty early on and also a place for an older dog to rest, sleep or just relax. The size of the cage is very important and depends on the size of your pet. Seek the advice of your seller before buying.
  • Choose healthy, age-appropriate dog foods– This is very important for your dog. The adage that we are what we eat also applies to your pet. Take time to read the label on various bags of dog food at your place of purchase. You will be surprised by the ingredients found in the ofrendas. The price is also not an indicator of healthy food. Obviously, natural ingredients are the best. The better the food intake, the better your dog will look, feel and act. This is very important people!
  • Exercise your dog – Exercise yourself– Your pet will need exercise. It is true that some breeds require less exercise, but in general all dogs need some level of exercise. Beyond the physical benefits of the routine, don’t underestimate the psychological benefits as well. A dog without exercise will become frustrated, anxious, or even aggressive at times. Also, every time you walk or play with your pet you are increasing the bond between you. This is emotionally beneficial for both of you. Ultimately, every step you take during this routine is one more step toward good health for you. Vary the routine if you can. It will be more enjoyable and interesting for your dog.
  • Toys must be age appropriate.– Toys that are not age appropriate can be dangerous for your dog. Certain types of rawhide bones could, after being chewed by a pup, lodge in the pup’s throat and pose a major threat. Dogs at each age plateau have unique needs and abilities when it comes to toys. They can help stimulate, educate, structurally develop and amuse your pet. The use of toys is also important. It has been suggested, for example, that playing tug of war with your pup and letting him tug at the toy may be sending the wrong message. You may learn that you can beat or master that particular exercise. Consult with your vet for advice in this area.
  • Prevention saves money and extends life– Regular checkups with your vet are absolutely essential to your dog’s quality of life. Beyond the physical evaluation that will be performed, this is a good opportunity to:
    • Update vaccinations and apply boosters if necessary
    • Treatments for ticks, heartworms and fleas can be applied.
    • Tests for blood worms and fecal evaluation may be done.

If there is a problem, it will most likely be quickly diagnosed, treated, and resolved, preventing unnecessary discomfort, trauma, or a more serious outcome down the road.

  • Fixing is more than just looking good– Regular grooming is important on several levels. You want your dog to look good and this will do the trick. If you decide to do it yourself, it’s another opportunity to increase the bond you have with him. Additionally, the groomer can spot any unusual skin ailments that your vet can bring to your attention and evaluate. Grooming for your pet can be as much awaited as a long-awaited massage for you. Most dogs will love the attention. This is also a time to cut your nails. This is important for your dog’s health. Not trimming properly or infrequently can injure your pet or affect his ability to run, walk, or remain stable on certain types of flooring. Regular clipping alleviates this.

Just a few ideas to help keep your dog healthy with routine health care. It takes some work and attention, but the benefits to your dog are immense. This is your partner after all. Do all you can to provide him with a long, healthy, and happy life.

Great strategies to create abundant wealth through real estate investment

Wealth Creation Can Be Easy

I am more sure than ever that investing in real estate is the easiest and most accessible plan to fulfill financial goals and dreams; in fact, investing in real estate is the simplest and most available way to build a true wealth creation system.

So what do I mean by “Wealth Building System”. Quite simply, it’s an easy, repeatable process that produces long-term passive income to give you all the money and time you want and need in life.

True wealth is not having money in abundance; You are controlling a system that produces a constant flow of abundant money! As I often say in my seminars and forums, “The key to wealth is not cash, it’s cash flow!” In other words, the key to wealth is to control a system that produces a constant and consistent supply of money. The key to acquiring wealth really lies in acquiring assets that produce wealth.

There are three essential, non-negotiable components for a wealth creation system to work. These three essential components are:

1. A step-by-step plan for acquiring capital (in other words, cash).

2. The development of inflexible and vigorous financial habits.

3. An easy-to-follow plan on how to acquire income-producing assets (in other words, cash flow).

Let me explain how real estate investing can work as your personal wealth building system.

One method is: “Fast Cash Investment”

This is where a regular house is bought at wholesale price and then resold at retail price. You can earn a lot of money with this method and be able to get started on the path to wealth creation. Quick Cash gives you the inflow of money you may need to pay off old debt and raise capital to invest in Cash Flow.

Another method is: “Cashflow Investing

After developing healthy money habits and securing capital, you should start investing in Cashflow. This is where you use your capital to purchase cash flow producing real estate assets to develop a healthy form of passive income.

Dont wait. Learn about the techniques and strategies you can use to become a successful and active real estate investor, and start building your personal wealth building system today.

The power of beliefs

You must have a firm grip on the issues that will affect your success in today’s world. Since that is the case, I have decided to expose a great myth about money that has been passed down from generation to generation.

This myth about money has influenced the way millions of people view money and has prevented countless people from achieving their personal financial freedom.

I learned many years ago that acquiring wealth and enjoying wealth are actually two different things. Earning money is really not that difficult. It’s simply a matter of determining your niche and purchasing your investments correctly.

Now, you would think that this is the end of the story, but it is not. Because people believe certain things about money, their personal psychology drives them to practice certain behaviors once they get that money.

Some people achieve wealth and then feel guilty about having it. They end up undermining their financial habits to the point where they lose their wealth quickly so they don’t have to deal with the internal stress of having it. This subconscious practice of self-destruction prevents them from truly reaching their full financial potential. The truth is that what we believe about money drastically influences not only our ability to acquire it, but also our ability to keep it.

The real difference between the rich and the poor is not how much money they make; is how much of your money they get!

I want you to be able to acquire wealth and keep it to use for your personal enjoyment. Since that is the case, I want to expose some myths about money with you. Let’s take a quick look at a money myth now!

There’s just so much money to go around.

Most of the financial practices of the largest corporations are influenced by the idea that in today’s world there is a limit to how much wealth can be acquired. The idea behind this belief is the notion that when all the world’s wealth is seized, those without wealth will be unable to acquire more. This is a hackneyed and untrue myth.

Many people believe that money is a scarce thing, but money is not a stuff absolutely. Money is really just an idea: it’s an abstract tool used to measure the value of something.

people believe the ideathat a hundred dollar bill is worth more than a fifty dollar bill, even though the actual value of the paper, ink, and printing costs behind them are about the same! Money is not a thing, it is an idea and there is plenty for everyone who wants to take the time to develop solid strategies to acquire it. Money is NOT a scarce or finite resource. Money is an abundant idea.

It is important to know that there is plenty of money for everyone because it eliminates the anxiety that people who are trying to build a financial fortune experience when they see other people trying to make money too.

Video games for children – The best titles for Wii and PlayStation 3

There are some really great video games out there for kids these days! Some of these are based on characters you probably grew up with. Others are new and fresh on the market and are sure to please. The best thing to do is to read the descriptions and determine what will appeal to your child the most.

You really can’t go wrong with Mario! Mario Kart for Wii is a popular title and it even comes with a Wii wheel that makes it even more interactive and fun. This title was a lot of fun on the Nintendo 64 and Gamecube, but it’s even better for the Wii. Nintendo has really outdone itself with the new features that come with this title.

Another popular game this year is New Super Mario Brothers. If you’re a fan of the old Super Nintendo side-scrolling Mario games, you’ll love this one too. The difference here is that the graphics are spectacular, new gameplay features have been added, and there is a multiplayer component. Whereas in the past you could only switch who was playing one at a time (usually with Mario and Luigi), now you can play cooperatively at the same time. If you own a Nintendo Wii or are planning to get one, this is definitely a title you’ll want to pick up.

If you have a PlayStation 3, you’ll want to check out Little Big Planet. This game is great for both adults and kids and definitely expands your child’s creativity. You traverse and solve puzzle worlds with a “sock man”, and you can even create your own worlds to solve. This really is the gift that keeps on giving, as there is an entire online community with different worlds for you to solve, created by players from all over the world. There are many thousands of these out there!

Your child may also love games based on their favorite movie or TV character. These are popular with kids because they often take aspects of the movie or show and put them into the game. It can be a lot of fun to play as a favorite character!

There are also learning games out there. If you can find a fun game that has an educational twist, you’ll probably be excited, and so will your child. Know that it is possible to find games that teach your child and allow them to have fun at the same time. Reading online reviews can help point you in the right direction when it comes to choosing which video games to buy for kids.