Study Spanish in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is a great place to study Spanish, with a potential drawback, which I’ll talk about in a moment.

The capital and largest city of this US Commonwealth territory, San Juan has several excellent Spanish schools. When you’re not studying, you’ll enjoy strolling the quaint streets of Old San Juan or visiting the famous strip of beach lined with casinos and nightclubs.

There is also a good language school in Bayomon, another city on the north coast of the island, and it is actually not very far from San Juan.

If the environment is important to you when deciding where to study Spanish, Puerto Rico has it all: excellent weather all year round, beautiful beaches, fascinating jungles, exciting cities and, above all, very friendly people who are proud of their island and rightly so. will go out of their way to make you feel welcome. And, if you’re a US citizen, you don’t even need a passport to go there.

But there is a possible negative, as I mentioned.

If you decide to study in Puerto Rico, you will have to be constantly on guard not to communicate in English most of the time. That’s because many Puerto Ricans are bilingual, and some can speak English just as well as they can Spanish.

Really learning the language means taking what you have studied in the classroom and using it every day with the people you meet in the streets, shops, restaurants, etc. Puerto Ricans tend to be so comfortable in two languages ​​that they can easily be seduced into not even trying their Spanish.

But if you have the willpower to avoid the trap of falling into English, you should definitely study Spanish in Puerto Rico. It will be a very rewarding experience.