Exploring erotic yoga and nude yoga: the forerunners of autofellatio and autocunnilingus

There are various forms of Yoga that have developed and evolved over time. Many of them deal with sexuality (for example, tantric yoga), spiritualism, and better health.

It is not surprising that there are versions of Yoga that are practiced naked and that have an “erotic” content in their positions and stretches.

Naked yoga is used as a form of acceptance and intentional release from our naked (physical) bodies, while performing certain yoga poses and stretches. These types of programs are generally held for a fairly large audience; They are not done alone, although they can be.

The idea is to help us get rid of any “masks” or complexes that may be restricting us through our physical appearance, and gain a better understanding of the non-consequence of our physical body in relation to true and higher spirituality. A good example of this is the tantric expression that “age does not matter.” Which means that a tantrist does not look at a male figure and see a child, a teenager, a middle-aged man, or an older individual. Instead, the Tantrist sees man simply as a man. Which means that age, appearance, size and any other physical attributes do not influence the importance of the “spirit” of man. The man is not his physical appearance, his appearance or his age; man is simply himself.

Clearly, “Naked Yoga” is a form of Yoga that will be more comfortable for some people, than others, due to the lack of clothing; since nude yoga is typically performed in complete nudity.

Then we have “Erotic Yoga”, which also has many variations. Yoga, itself, can be extremely erotic when done very smoothly and naturally. Seeing the human form move, almost like a river flowing gently, easily from one pose to the next, is truly a beautiful sight to behold. Erotic by nature, yes; however, “erotic” does not necessarily mean sexual “eroticism”, in the “conventional” definition. To understand this, keep in mind that music, paintings, the smell of a flower, a person’s voice, a tasty plate of food, and so many other things can trigger “erotic” responses, while still being erotic in nature. Eroticization is a feeling that is intertwined with many other feelings and sensory impulses to generate a special general and dynamic feeling or a unique state of mind. Such feelings overlap and allow the “erotic” to unknowingly contribute to the pleasure we receive from so many things, even though we do not consciously consider them to be “erotic” in nature.

Most erotic forms of Yoga focus on developing the choreography of our inner sexuality and releasing and sharing this energy with the world (and the universe) around us as a gesture of physical “gratitude” through Yogic realization. ; or, of course, even as an introduction to a sexual partner (who may or may not be present). Developing such techniques and postures lends itself well to the sexual act, as it opens up a whole new world of creative and expansive sexual positions to enjoy. The Kama Sutra is a great manual to test what Erotic Yoga can offer to those who are interested in trying its delights.

This brings us to the inevitability of Autofellatio and Autocunnilingus. The reason for this is that such yogic postural expressions and stretching techniques can help men and women achieve such amazing autosexual abilities. The very concept and understanding that such forms of oral self-stimulation have been acquired (through yogic training) typically fills a person with a sense of power and specialty; in, wonderfully, a beautiful and not arrogant way. They understand what they can do; they just have to explore it. It is the package that awaits the child at the foot of the Christmas tree on Christmas morning: one is eager to open his gift, but fears what it might be. My experience shows that the dilution of such fears increases with our continued growth of personal acceptance. Meaning: We are no longer afraid of our gift, we understand the need to unwrap it ourselves and we do it without apprehension.

So, through Yoga, we have increased our ability to perform self-abuse and self-cunnilingus. Add to this the innate erotic nature of Naked and Erotic Yoga and you have created a complete vehicle that is ready to take you on an incredible journey of untapped sexual potential. Sexual potential that is hidden from the majority, understood by only a few, and sexually rewarding beyond any imaginable means or methodology related to “conventional” sex.

“Who does not risk anything, has nothing.” – “He who risks nothing, has nothing.”