The 7 most attractive neighborhoods in Bogotá, Colombia for foreign real estate investors

The real estate boom in Colombia is definitely attracting more foreign real estate investors every day. Growth in the Colombian capital, Bogotá DC, has been extraordinary. However, as in all markets, some locations within the city have performed better than others. In addition, foreign investment in Bogotá Real Estate has focused mainly on 7 high-profile Bogotá neighborhoods that are yielding the best results.

Next, we list the 7 most attractive neighborhoods in Bogotá for real estate investors. But first let’s review how the city of Bogotá is really divided. Bogotá has 2 types of divisions: Towns and Neighborhoods. The towns are large sectors that have many neighborhoods within them. Kind of like Burrows in New York City, but a little smaller.

Bogotá Colombia is divided into 20 Localities (Localities), each with many neighborhoods:

  • Antonio nariño
  • United Neighborhoods
  • Bosa
  • Candelaria
  • Chapinero
  • Bolivar City
  • Engative
  • Fontibon
  • Kennedy
  • Martyrs
  • Aranda Bridge
  • Rafael Uribe
  • San Cristobal
  • Santa Fe
  • Go up
  • Sumapaz
  • Teusaquillo
  • Tunjuelito
  • Usaquen
  • Usme

Where should I invest in Bogotá?

Actually, there is no best answer. However, based on current growth and demand, the neighborhoods below appear to be excellent candidates. For foreign real estate investors, mainly from the US and Europe, the 7 most attractive and profitable neighborhoods in Bogotá Colombia at the moment seem to be:

  1. Chico, (Chapinero)
  2. Cabrera (Chapinero)
  3. Rosales (Chapinero)
  4. Santa Barbara (Usaquén)
  5. Santa Lucia (Usaquen)
  6. Santa Ana (Usaquen)
  7. Chapinero Alto, (Chapinero)

It is interesting to note that these 7 neighborhoods only come from 2 locations in Bogotá; Chapinero and Usaquen. Both towns are in the northeast part of the city where most of the country’s wealthy citizens live. Profitable Bogota real estate opportunities abound in these neighborhoods and construction is very prolific.

One possible explanation for why investments in these locations are in higher demand

They are exclusive neighborhoods where housing is a little more expensive than in the rest of Bogotá but the value of properties tends to increase more quickly. Rental costs are also higher and therefore will generate better passive income streams for those who decide to go that route.

What about real estate in other localities and neighborhoods?

Of course, there are also many other opportunities in different neighborhoods, such as Cabrera and Candelaria (these are 2 very popular tourist spots in Bogotá), however these places mainly attract the younger and more adventurous type of crowd. Home prices have risen in these areas as well, but not as fast as in more elite neighborhoods, like the 7 mentioned above.

Commercial real estate opportunities in the 7 neighborhoods mentioned above are also plentiful. Foreign and multinational companies are rapidly migrating to these neighborhoods in the northeast of Bogotá.

“It used to be that downtown Bogotá was the place to find international firms and multinational companies, but that has changed,” says Fabio Rodríguez, a social media strategist at the office in Bogotá, Colombia, who helps manage many of the real estate inventory firms in Bogotá and affirms that “… more and more companies think of the North as the best place to have offices.”